CHAPTER 17 - coincidence

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"what the fuck?" i whisper, trying to look around. kate moves closer to me, holding my arm. "where's peter?" kate whispers. "i don't know..." i say. "get down." i say, and we both crouch down, hidden behind an arcade machine. kate lets go of my arm, and i peek my head out, squinting my eyes to see if i can see peter. suit on, just in case. my suit comes on, and i turn back to kate. "you okay?" i whisper. "yeah, i'm good." 

"scope this side out, the 3 of you." a man says, and i put my head back down. i slowly put it back up, to see the men. 3 of them, using a gun each, and a flashlight attached. EDITH, scan the room. find peter. a blue holographic line scans the room, and outlines peter, mj and ned, hiding behind another arcade machine. the outline of them shows peter wearing his iron suit, so i call peter. "are you guys okay?" i whisper, once peter accepts the call. "yeah, how 'bout you two?" "we're fine." "there's 3 of them, you got your suit on?" "yeah, i scanned you, ned and m-" BBSST! BSSTT! a phone vibrates a few metres from us, attracting the men's attention. "who was that?! who's here?!" a man says, and i hear kates breathing gets heavy. i turn back to kate, who's leaning against the machine, eyes closed. glove off. "kate, it's okay." i say, holding her hand. she nods her head hesitantly, still breathing heavily. EDITH, put on breathing exercises. "as you wish." the holographic breathing exercise shows on the screen, and i take the glasses off, handing them to kate. "put them on, focus on the video and stay here." kate takes them, putting them on. she starts to breathe slower, and i take a ear piece from one my suit and putting it in my ear, just in case peter wants to talk. "n-no! please don't!" a teenage girl yells, and i peek my head out, one of the men dragging the girl across the floor by the hair. without hesitation,  i stand up, jumping on top of a pool table. i web the man that's holding the girls hair, and pull him up, towards me. i swing him around, throwing him to the wall, repeatedly webbing him to it. "anyone down for a few arcade games?" peter says, while webbing to another man. "i'm down if you are, spider-man." i say, as another 10 more men come in. "of course, silk. i'm guessing these men are too! they're a bit late though, wait in line!"he says, knocking out a man. i web to another man, who starts shooting his gun uncontrollably. i hear screams of others around, and throw his gun up to the roof, webbing it there. i kick him in the private parts, then as he bends down, i knee him in the face, knocking him out. another one comes behind me, and i jump to the wall, boosting myself off there, punching him in the face. a man comes flying in front of me, before landing on the floor with a grunt. "heads up?" peter says with a shrug, and i smile, rolling my eyes. 

i feel a familiar tingle on my spine, and i roundhouse the man behind me, before another comes and puts his arm around my neck, choking me. i put my hand up, shooting a web on his face, he lets go, trying to get it off, and an arrow goes through him. i turn around quickly, seeing kate with the glasses on, her suit on, bow in hand. she smiles at me, and i can't help but smile back. "a little help here, silk!" peter says, sound struggled. i turn around, seeing a guy choking peter. i web to him, punching him on the side of the face, and he lets go of peter. he puts his hand to his cheek, and looks at me. i web his face, and jump onto him, wrapping my legs around his neck. i lean back, holding my hands out, flipping us over. he lands with a groan, and i jump back up from my hands, brushing them. i look over at kate, who's fighting another man. honestly, she's kicking his ass. i smile, before feeling a peter tingle. "heads up!" peter says, and i move to the left, before seeing another man getting flung at me. i web him multiple times to the wall, making show he sticks. "do you have a death wish on me?" i ask, putting my hands on my hips. peter laughs, and i turn around to kate, who does one last kick to the face to another man. "and that's the last of them." kate says, panting. eventually, peter and i wrap the men in a big webbed ball, hanging from the ceiling. "the police are almost here. thank you." a worker says, and i nod my head towards them.

"how did you guys do that?" "are you silk?" "who're you?" multiple questions are asked by people, and i smile. "that's a lot of questions guys!" peter says. a few people laugh, and the lights turn back on. after a few minutes of taking photos, everyone starts to go back to their games. i smile at peter, who moves his eye lenses around. i laugh, before i get a tap on the shoulder. "hey, excuse me?" someone says, and i turn around. it's the same girl that was getting her hair pulled. "thank you for getting that guy off me. i'm really grateful." she says, and i smile. "yeah of course, that's what i do." i say, and she nods, before giving a wave goodbye. i wave back, and she walks away. i walk up to kate, who's standing around. she wraps her arms around my neck, giving me a tight hug. i smile back, hugging her waist. she pulls away, smile on her face. i keep my hands on her waist, looking her up and down for any cuts. "are you okay? any cuts or bruises?" i ask, and she shakes her head. "i'm okay, no cuts or bruises. are you okay?" she asks, and i nod. i turn around, seeing spider-man talk to ned and mj. "we should go over to them." kate nods, and i let go of her waist, and we walk over there. 

"you guys okay?" i ask, and mj and ned nod their heads. "that was so badass y/- silk!" ned says, and i smile. "thanks, we should probably head home now." i half whisper to make sure no one can hear me. "yeah, let's go. kate and i will go first, you guys come after in a few minutes. just in case." i say, looking around to see if there's anything suspicious. "alright, let's go. i'll bring the car in the alleyway, meet you there." i say, and peter gives a thumbs up. kate walks beside me, out of the arcade place. "quite the adventure, wasn't it?" i say, unlocking the car and taking the ear piece out, putting it back in my suit. "yeah, funny it happened when we were there though. what a coincidence." kate says, laughing. i smile, and open the passenger for kate. she wraps her hands around my waist, hugging me again. i hug her back, and then she lets go. "thanks for helping me with my breathing. i don't know what happened... it just got so hard to breathe." she says, and i lean against the car. "i get it, you get used to it. happened to me years ago, a small part of why tony gave me EDITH." i say, and kate smiles. she takes off the glasses, handing them to me. "surprised you didn't break it, you were pretty good out there." i say, taking the glasses with one hand and slowly going for a mocking punch to kate's face with the other. she smiles, getting her hand and bringing mine down. "that's what black belt in karate gets you." she says, and i nod. "guess we'll test that in the ring?" i suggest, and she nods. "you bet." she says, getting in the car and taking her suit off. i close the door, heading to the other side. i get in, turning the hot air con on full. i start up the car, driving into the alleyway. 

eventually, peter comes out, still in suit. "where's everyone else?" i say, while he gets in the car. "they'll come out in a bit, just in case y'know." she says, buckling his seatbelt. i nod, kate leaning her chair back a bit, taking a sigh. "you okay?" i ask, and she nods, putting on a reassuring smile. i rest my hand on her thigh, waiting for ned and mj. she smiles, putting her hand on top of mine. "how's aunt may?" i ask peter, turning the air con off. "she's doing good, she's happy." i smile, realising i haven't seen her in a while. "you should bring her down someday." i say, and i see ned and mj walk to the car. "yeah, soon. she's pretty busy at F.E.A.S.T." he says, and the car door opens. "hey guys." mj says, getting in the middle seat. "hey mj, hey ned." kate says, and ned sits next to mj. they buckle their seatbelts, and i put a hand on the steering wheel, leaving one hand on kate's thigh. i press on the acceleration, starting the car. i take a left out of the alleyway, then taking a right to get out of the carpark.

a few minutes later, i take my hand off kate's and she looks at me. suit off. i take a left, putting my hand back on kate's thigh, slightly higher. she looks at me from the corner of my eye, and i keep my eye on the road, smiling. she places her hand back on top of mine, and pulls out her phone, scrolling on instagram.

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