CHAPTER 27 - forget

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"so... how did you get your powers?" i ask gwen, sitting on the couch. yelena lays down on the couch, listening. "bitten by a radioactive spider. my best friend peter parker died... and that's when i decided to go all superhero, ya know?" gwen replies, and she groans as there's this weird glitch on her. "what was that?" i ask, and she shrugs. "i don't know, hurts a lot though." she replies, and i furrow my eyebrows. the door opens, and kate comes in, taking her beanie off. "hi kate, where'd you go?" i ask as she sits next to me. "hey, i just went to my mom's work to well, work." "you got a job there?" "more like... training. my mom said she'll see." kate says, with a smile. "what're you two up to?" kate asks. "just getting to know gwen a little better." i say, and kate nods. kate and gwen talk for a little, and my phone vibrates. i pick it up, dr strange calling. "hello?" i say, waiting for a response. "y/n, i figured out a way to get gwen back to her universe." "what? how?" i say, standing up. "you need to come here." he says. "on my way." i say, hanging up. "i need to go." i say, walking to the door. "what? where?" kate asks, and i open the front door. "strange's house." i say. suit on. i start swinging to his house, arriving 10 minutes later.

i knock on the door, and the door opens by itself. "y/n." strange says, as he gets down the stairs. "morning, dr strange." "call me stephen." he says, and i follow him downstairs. "you aren't gonna like this idea, but it's the only way gwen will get back to her universe." he says, sighing. "talking about that, gwen had this weird glitch while we were talking, she said it hurt." i say, and doctor strange turns around. "she's not going to survive this universe. that glitch is basically your hourglass. the more it hurts, the closer you're getting to the deadline." he says, turning back around. "so, how can you bring her back to her universe?" i say, standing in front of strange in the middle of the room we were in yesterday. he takes a deep sigh before talking. "the whole world has to forget y/n silk. i wish i could make it me, but you knew her in this world before introducing her to your friends and family. i'm sorry, y/n."

"w-what? why can't you just use the other magic spell?" "it doesn't work like that, y/n. you can only use it once in a while, and by the time i can use it again, gwen won't make it." he says, and i pace back and forth. "so like, everyone's gonna forget who i am?" i mumble, and dr strange nods. "we'll still remember silk, just not y/n." he says, and i sigh. "how long will the spell take?" i stop pacing, facing stephen. "15 minutes." he says. "then do it. i can't lose another gwen."

he stands in the middle of the platform, and i look at him. "it was a pleasure meeting you, y/n." he says, and my heart starts to ache. "thank you, stephen." i say, and he nods sadly. "you should say goodbye to your friends and family." he says, and i walk out.

i swing as fast as i can home, not daring to waste a minute. i open the door, and start jogging to the couch. everyone's there, looking at me. "you're gonna forget who i am." i say, and they stiffen up. "what? what do you mean y/n?" peter says, standing up to walk to me. "strange said this was the only way. he's starting the spell now, so i'll only have ten minutes before all of you forget who i am." i say, holding back tears. "no, there has to be another way, right?" kate yells, walking up to us, the others joining. "i wish i was. i need to do this. that glitch that happened to you, gwen? that's our hourglass until you won't survive in this universe."

"god y/n, i'm so sorry." peter says, hugging me tight. i hug him back, tears falling, mascara running. "it's okay, peter." i say, letting go of the hug. i look at yelena, who starts to cry. "lena." i say, hugging her. "take care, okay?" i say, and she hugs me back. "yeah, you too." she says, and we let go of the hug. i feel someone hugging me from the side, and see kate. i hug her back as hard as i can, before we let go. "i'm sorry, kate. this shouldn't have ended like this." i say, wiping a tear off her face. "you're right, y/n. it shouldn't have." she mumbles, taking a sigh. "i'll come find you. i'll make you remember me." i reassure, and she nods, another tear falling down her face. "if not, i'll track you down using my mom's security brand." kate says, and i smile, nodding. "i love you." she says, and i smile. "i l-" i get cut off, kate talking. "say it when you come back to me, okay?" she says, and i nod. i stare into her eyes, realising she won't remember any of this in a few minutes. i hold her cheeks, and lean in, kissing her. she kisses back, and we pull apart.

"gwen..." i say, turning my gaze to her. "you don't have to do this, y/n." she says, and i shake my head. "i want to. you don't deserve this. you deserve to be in your universe." i say, taking a deep, shaky sigh. "promise me you'll be okay? back in your universe?" i say, and she nods. "i promise." she says, and i hug her. she's taken aback, but hugs back.

"thank you guys. for everything." i say, and they all run up to hug me. i smile, attempting to hug them all at once. i look at the time, realising i have to go now. "we need to go, gwen. look after each other, yeah?" i say, and they nod. gwen and i start walking to the door, and she opens it for me. i turn around, seeing peter, yelena and kate in tears. "i'll find you guys soon. i promise." i say, turning back around.

i land on the rooftop we met, gwen following shortly after. "thank you for doing this." she says, and i give a little smile. "be careful." i say, and she nods. after a few seconds, she starts to fade away, giving a wave. i wave back, and she disappears.

1 year and 7 months later

i open the door to my apartment, getting changed into outerwear. "this is the day, y/n. stop holding back." i mumble to myself, grabbing the letter i wrote. i take a deep sigh, before walking out the door when i'm ready. suit on. "thank god you're still here, JARVIS." i say, swinging to a building. glasses on. "you two, EDITH." i say, taking a left. "GPS to bishop security, please." i say, and the blue, holographic line shows up. i make my way to bishop security, taking a sigh.

i go into the elevator after taking my suit off, one other person with me. "sorry, which floor is the receptionist level?" i ask the man. "4th floor." he says, and i nod, clicking the 4th level. moments later, the elevator door dings, and i see the big "BISHOP SECURITY" logo, and the receptionist table in front of it. i take a deep sigh, pulling out the letter. "hi, my name's y/n silk, and i love you..." i trail off, reading the rest in my head. a few metres from the desk, i walk up to it slowly, a face i haven't seen in almost 2 years pops up over it, looking around. kate's wearing a rather formal outfit, making me smile. i guess she got the job, i think. getting to the receptionist table, standing inf front of kate's side, i look down at the letter in my shaky hands, suddenly forgetting what i'm supposed to say. "hi... my names y/-" i start, but get cut off. "...y/n?"

a/n - please remember to vote! helps me out sm

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