Chapter 2

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*Freya's P.O.V*

I woke up to cold water being thrown on me and spluttered as my eyes opened. I shivered as I stared at Daniela with a small frown on my lips. "What was that for?" I questioned as I glared at her.

"It was time for you to get up so I woke you up," Daniela shrugged as she smiled softly. "Now go take a shower and then get dressed for the day," she said as she pulled my blanket off of me.

"Dani, you're mean," I huffed as I sat up, crawling out of bed. Daniela laughed as she turned into a swarm of flies and flew out of my room. I gathered my uniform for the day before heading to the restroom, shutting the door behind me tightly.

I turned on the shower and let it heat up for a moment as I stripped down, carefully getting into the shower. I sighed as the hot water hit my back, sinking into warmth. You would think that being blasted with water would make me wake up but it actually just made me more sleepy. I just stood under the hot water for a while until it started to get cold before I finally got around to do anything.

I poured shampoo into my hands before lathering my thick, wavy hair with the shampoo. I worked my fingers through my hair, having to really scrub in some areas to get rid of the built up oil. I let the shampoo sit for a moment once I was done as I scrubbed myself clean with a washrag.

I leaned my head back into the water and let the shampoo run out of my hair before I started to scrub it out. As soon as it was out I turned the water off, hurrying to get out of the shower to get a towel to dry myself off. Taking hot showers sucked sometimes because it was always freezing when I got out of the shower.

I dried my hair quickly, pulling it back into a ponytail so that I didn't have to brush it. I didn't really like brushing my hair because of all the tangles I got so I skipped brushing my hair most days. I dressed in my uniform, smoothing my skirt out as I hurried to put my shoes on. I put them on as I walked which was a stupid decision but I was committed to not stopping to put them on.

I made it to the dining hall, quickly getting a plate and making my plate of food before sitting at the edge of the table. I smiled when my friend Taylor sat across from me, wiggling her eyebrows as she smirked at me.

"I heard Miss Daniela was in your room last night, again," Taylor said. I spluttered as my face turned dark red from the insinuation that she was making.

"She was just tellin' me a story," I muttered as I started to eat, using the fact that I had food in my mouth to avoid speaking.

"Mhmm, sure she was," Taylor said as she suddenly straightened up, turning her head down slightly. "Hello Natalie," she greeted quietly, making me turn my head quickly. I quickly swallowed as I saw the head maid behind me and muttered my own greeting.

"Here's your schedule for the day," Natalie said as she handed me my schedule, making me frown in confusion.

"But I already got my schedule for the week," I murmured confused, furrowing my eyebrows as I looked over the schedule. My heart rate picked up when I realized that I had been scheduled to clean Lady Dimitrescu's study. That was something that was usually Natalie's job or one of the more experienced maids.

"Imagine my confusion when Miss Bela brought this schedule to me and insisted that this be your schedule from now on," Natalie said as she frowned slightly. "What have you done for the Dimitrescu family to take such interest in you?" she questioned as she rested a hand on my shoulder.

"I..I don't know," I whispered as I frowned while studying the schedule. I was supposed to spend most of my afternoons in the gardens but now I was scheduled to clean the Lady's study every day and be on call for her for the afternoons most days. "Am I in trouble?" I questioned as I looked up at Natalie.

"I doubt it, you would have ended up being punished and this is not a punishment that I have ever seen or heard being used on a maid," Natalie said as she gently patted my shoulder. "Good luck Faye and remember to be on your best behavior," she stated before she left me to deal with Taylor's questions of what was going on.

"I don't know Tay, I've never even spoken to Miss Bela or Lady Dimitrescu so I don't know why this is my schedule," I said quietly. "I hate this schedule, I won't get to be in the garden most days like I used to be," I frowned as I handed my schedule to Taylor for her to look after.

"Yeah but she may not need you every day which is why you would be on call so you could probably spend most days in the garden still," Taylor pointed out. I shrugged while I picked my fork back up, going back to eating. I finished eating rather quickly before getting up, grabbing my schedule as I did so.

"I have to go do something," I said before I rushed out of the dining room, going down one of the hallways that went to some obscure guest room. "Daniela," I called softly, waiting a couple minutes until I heard the soft buzzing sound. Daniela formed in front of me with a smile, blood dripping down her face.

"You're lucky I'm in a good mood, you interrupted breakfast," she said before noticing the look on my face. "What's wrong little fairy?" she questioned with a frown.

"Why is this my schedule?" I asked as I thrust the schedule into her hands, watching as she read over it. Her eyes widened as she looked from the schedule to me back to the schedule.

"I have no clue, who issued the schedule?" Daniela inquired.

"Natalie said that Miss Bela gave it to her," I muttered bitterly. "I've never even spoken to your sister so I don't know why and now I won't be able to spend most of my days in the gardens anymore," I stomped my foot, tears pricking my eyes.

"Hey, hey, hey," Daniela cooed as she pulled me close, holding me in a hug. "I've never liked you working in the gardens, too much of a chance for the lycans to get to you, however I'll see about your schedule changing back so that you can have your days in the garden back," she said as she gently rubbed my back to calm me down.

"Why'd my schedule change in the first place though?" I questioned as I wiped my eyes with the back of my palm.

"I have no clue but I will be investigating it, for now though just stick with your new schedule," Daniela said. "I'll hopefully have an answer at the end of the day," she promised as I nodded my head. "Your family to me now Faye, I will not allow anything to hurt or upset you for as long as I am around," she murmured.

I nodded my head in acceptance, still a bit upset that I was stuck with this new schedule. My blood ran cold when I realized that I would be stuck alone with Lady Dimitrescu for most of the day.

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