Chapter 49

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*Freya's P.O.V*

I was quite excited when Uncle Heisenberg arrived, swarming to greet him at the front door. I shivered at the cold that blew in but didn't move back even when I felt ice crystals start to form on my finger tips.

"I can not believe I have been blackmailed into watching you," Heisenberg grumbled. I launched myself at him, making him catch me so that I didn't fall back onto the floor. "Stupid child," he muttered.

"That's not nice to say," I huffed as I leaned back to look at his face. He sat me down, groaning when I reached to hold his hand.

"I don't do the whole hand holding thing child," Heisenberg informed me. My lower lip trembled at his words as I gave him puppy dog eyes. "Why are you doing that? Stop it," he said as he frowned at me.

"Don't make her cry Uncle Karl, Mother would kill you if you upset her," Daniela called as she launched herself over the banister, swarming to the ground and reforming.

"I don't care, that big bitch doesn't scare me," Heisenberg grunted. My eyes widened at his words as I looked at him with a small frown, tilting my head. He stared back at me, looking over the brim of his sunglasses.

"Big bitch," I repeated, a small smile on my lips as I clapped my hands together.

"God fucking damn it, don't repeat that," Heisenberg groaned as he shook his head. "Alcina is going to kill me," he muttered more to himself than anyone else.

"Fucking damn it, big bitch," I repeated as I nodded my head. I grinned when he groaned, slamming his head into his giant hammer.

"Oh did Mother not tell you? Freya's going through a phrase of repeating things right now," Daniela informed him. "Cass already got her mouth washed out with soap for teaching Freya to call people whorish bastards," she stated.

"Whorish bastards," I said with a small nod of my head. "Mama said no say that," I stated after a moment, putting a finger to my lips to show that they needed to be silent.

"So don't say that," Heisenberg said, making me frown.

"Not my boss," I huffed.

"She's also in the you're not my boss phase. She told Mother Miranda that when she was here yesterday like a lot," Daniela said. "Anyways have fun with the babysitting, she bites by the way," she informed him before she swarmed out of the room.

"How does one entertain you?" Heisenberg said as he looked down at me.

"Leave 'lone, I don't like boys here," I said as I crossed my arms over my chest, a frown on my lips.

"You just jumped on me and now you don't want me around?" Heisenberg questioned.

"Changed my mind," I shrugged as I turned my back to him. It wasn't my fault that he was so boring and that I didn't like him now. I started my way up the stairs, my wings flexing slightly to show them off. I was a dragon, I didn't need anyone bossy telling me what to do.

"Where are you going?" Heisenberg asked as he followed me up the stairs.

"I'm going to play with Mommy's makeup, she said that I could do that," I told him.

"I doubt that she said that," Heisenberg said. I shrugged at his words as I headed down the hall to Mommy's room, frowning when he picked me up. He threw me over his shoulder, heading back to where we came from.

"Let me go, evil glasses man," I said as I kicked my legs, hitting him in the back repeatedly. I squealed loudly, kicking and hitting him the whole way back down the stairs.

"Stop hitting me, I've got a surprise for you," Heisenberg said. He sat me down once we reached the bottom of the stairs, grabbing my sleeve to pull me along with him.

"Gift?" I asked as my eyes widened, looking at him in excitement.

"Yes, now sit," he said as he held his hand out, pointing to the floor. I dropped to the floor, sitting crisscross applesauce. I looked at him impatiently as he inched towards the door. "Stay, stay," he ordered as he opened the door, slipping out of the crack and shutting it before the cold air could really get in.

I struggled internally on whether or not to obey his orders but eventually decided a gift was well worth listening to a bossy old man. My legs bounced slightly as I tried to peer out the windows while staying in place.

The door opened again and Heisenberg stepped back inside, something under his coat. It took all of my willpower to not get up and go see what he had.

"Give," I said as I held my hands out. His coat moved slightly and suddenly a little head was staring at me. I squealed when I saw the puppy, getting up immediately to head over to him. He held the puppy out to me and I took it, squealing when I saw that the puppy had dragon wings like I did.

"I was experimenting with mutating some stronger lycans with some canines and got this thing. I thought about cutting it open to examine it but I realized that this would annoy Alcina way more than me just letting my lycans on her lands," Heisenberg told me. I cuddled the puppy close as I kissed the top of its head gently.

"My puppy," I whispered as I cradled it like a baby, letting it nibble on my finger. "Name you Cina like Mommy," I informed the puppy.

"It's a boy," Heisenberg corrected. I glared at him, a small frown on my lips as I looked at him. "Cina's a good name," he held his hands up in defeat.

"Good Unca Papa, now help Cina and I create chaos," I ordered him as I marched to Mommy's study. It was the perfect place to plan out chaos, it's always where I created the most. Plus Mommy was on the opposite side of the castle so she was less likely to try and listen in.

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