Chapter 23

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TW: Mentions of blood, some torture, and Freya has a panic attack.

*Freya's P.O.V*

I tried to behave, honestly I did. I knew I wasn't supposed to be anywhere near the cellar and yet I was still going there. I couldn't help it though, I needed Lady Dimitrescu to not kill Mary. I was positive that if all else failed I could always free Mary and take her place for the punishment.

I pulled open the door to the cellar and stared into the dizzying blackness. I silently padded down the stairs, leaning against the wall for some extra support. The steps were covered in blood, I knew that because of the smell almost instantly. My shoes stuck to the ground in some places but I managed to free them every time. I reached the bottom of the steps and peered around the corner, moving to duck behind some barrels quickly.

I covered my mouth with my free hand to muffle the sound of my breathing as I looked over one of the barrels. My eyes caught the edge of the barrel and I frowned at the bone that was poking out over the edge. I tore my gaze from the view to look at the cell across the room. Lady Dimitrescu was standing in front of Mary, her claws extended.

I flinched internally as her nails dragged along Mary's face, barely drawing blood as the woman struggled to get away from them. Daniela, Cassandra, and Bela were all watching with conflicting looks on their faces. Cassandra had a small smile on her face, Daniela had a small frown on her lips, and Bela was staring at Daniela with some concern.

"Mother, perhaps she learned her lesson already," Daniela suggested, looking down at the floor when Lady Dimitrescu turned to look at her. "Freya did a number on her already is all I am saying," she stated.

"After what she called us you want to just let her go?" Cassandra said with a frown as she narrowed her eyes. Cassandra was definitely in a bad mood at the moment, I could understand that though after what Mary said.

"What example would we be setting if we allowed someone to insult our family so grievously?" Lady Dimitrescu asked, staring at Daniela.

"We didn't allow it, Freya already punished her for what she said," Daniela stated simply.

"Daniela, she has not been properly punished for her words," Lady Dimitrescu said as she turned to look at Mary, her back to me now. "Not yet," she said as she slashed her claws down Mary's side, ignoring the scream that escaped Mary.

I sucked in a deep breath from surprise, immediately regretting it when the overwhelming smell of decay filled my nose. I cursed silently when Bela turned her head, her eyes widening when she spotted the top of my head. I shook my head to try and convince her to not say anything but it was too late.

"Mother," Bela said, clearly planning on telling Lady Dimitrescu. It didn't make a difference because she seemed to have heard me as well. I shrank down when she turned to look at me, pulling my knees to my chest.

"Freya, come out," Lady Dimitrescu said, her tone holding no room for arguments. I hesitantly slid out of my hiding place, my hand still covering my mouth. Daniela's eyes widened when she saw me, a small frown on her lips. "What are you doing down here?" Lady Dimitrescu said.

"You should let Mary go, I think she learned her lesson," I said as I moved my hand from my face to speak clearly, gagging at the smell that filled my nose.

"No she hasn't, she called us monsters," Cassandra said as she twirled her sickle in her hand.

"Killing her isn't going to change anything," I pointed out, feeling a bit frustrated that Cassandra just wanted to kill Mary. She couldn't change her mind if she was dead after all.

"It makes me feel better," Cassandra said as she stared at Mary, a small smirk on her lips as she dragged the sickle down the edge of her face.

"Stop it Cassie," I demanded, tears of frustration pricking my eyes. I was angry with Cassandra and the smell of the blood and decay made my stomach churn.

"Why do you care so much? She called us monsters. She deserves to suffer...unless you agree with her?" Cassandra suggested, narrowing her eyes.

"I don't agree with her but killing her won't give her a chance to change her mind, she'll die thinking she was right," I said as the hot tears spilled from my eyes.

"Why do you care so much about what she dies thinking?" Cassandra snapped.

"Because you're not monsters and I don't want anyone to think my family are monsters," I said as heavy sobs escaped me as I stomped my foot, turning and running out of the room.

"Freya," Lady Dimitrescu called after me, her tone soft. I didn't listen as I ran blinding up the stairs, taking them two at a time as tears blurred my eyes. I ran through the house until I pushed a door open and stumbled into the snow. Hot sobs escaped me as I gagged, feeling my breakfast come up. I stumbled away from the throw up as I sank into the snow, feeling the cold, biting air swirl around.

Why didn't Cassandra understand that Mary deserved a second chance? I was still angry with the woman for saying the things that she said but she didn't need to die for it. Ragged gasps escaped my mouth as I pulled at my hair, feeling the frustration bubble over. I couldn't even feel the cold that bit into my skin anymore as I sat there, sobs escaping my lips.

The sky had darkened some, I knew that for sure. My eyes burned from crying and I was exhausted but I couldn't seem to get my breathing under control. I felt a hand on my back as I was lifted up, feeling my vision darken as I was cradled carefully. "Oh mica zana," Lady Dimitrescu whispered as her hand gently cupped my face, my vision swimming before it went black.

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