Chapter 42

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*Freya's P.O.V*

My eyes opened and I stared up at the ceiling. It hit me that the stables had a wooden brown roof and I sat up, the world spinning. It took a moment for it to hit me but I realized that I was in one of the guest rooms of House Dimitrescu. I blinked in shock as I stumbled over to the vanity, wondering how I was still alive.

"Easy kid," Heisenberg's voice was soft and I realized that he had been sitting next to the bed the whole time. He looked different than normal, he seemed more tired. The wrinkles on his face only seemed worse the longer I looked.

"He..isen...berg," my voice was stilted as I tried to speak. My voice sounded different, quieter and now with a velvet undertone. " hap..pened?" I managed to force out as I rested my back against the vanity to remain standing.

"You died," he said simply and I stared at him with wide eyes. "Mother Miranda found you under one of the rogue lycans, your throat had been ripped out," he stated and I turned to stare at myself in the vanity mirror. I paused when I noticed the scarring on my throat and realized that wasn't the only thing different.

My hair was now black and fell down my back in loose waves, reaching to just past my butt. My eyes were now the same golden color of Alcina's. I also had the same mark as the girls, a rose on my forehead. The thing that most stuck out to me though was the wings that sprouted out of my back. They looked like the wings that dragons had in all the books and drawings of them.

"How?" I whispered, still staring at myself in the mirror. Heisenberg moved to steady me as my legs nearly gave out from underneath me. His hand rested on my back and looked at me with concern. I noticed that I was a little taller now, closer to his height than I was before.

"How are you alive?" he asked, to which I nodded. "The Cadou, Mother Miranda implanted it in you with hopes that it would bring you back. It did and then it killed you again," he stated plainly. "Your body quickly decomposed after that and flies started appearing, eating your flesh. They formed together and now you're like the girls, made of those flies," he stated.

"Wings?" I questioned curiously as I flexed my back muscles slightly which caused the wings to move slightly.

"Part of the Cadou. Alcina still had part of her original Cadou and implanted it in you when you died the second time," Heisenberg said softly. "She thought she lost you for good," he muttered.

"Want...Alcina," I whispered softly as I suddenly turned to move. His hand steadied me, moving to catch me when my legs gave out from under me.

"Easy kiddo," he stated as he lifted me up, carrying me bridal style. "This doesn't mean I like you, I just want the Big Bitch to chill out now," he informed me as he carried me out of the room. I rested my head against his shoulder as I felt buzzing underneath my skin. Is this how Daniela and her sisters always felt? I studied my hand and thought of the flies which caused a few flies to burst from my fingertips.

"Woah," I muttered as I could see from the fly's eyes as well as my own. It felt weird to be seeing from several different places at once and the flies morphed back into my skin. Heisenberg sat me down after he carried me a bit, supporting me as he opened the door to Alcina's study.

I was taken aback to see Alcina pinning Mother Miranda against the wall. Her claws were out and she had the woman held by the throat. I could practically feel the anger radiating from her as I shrank back slightly.

I noticed that both Lady Beneviento and Lord Moreau were there as well. Lady Beneviento was sitting at the window with Angie and the girls surrounding her. Heisenberg cleared his throat which caused the girls to look at him. Their eyes lit up when they saw me and they quickly swarmed over, standing in front of me.

"You are okay," Daniela whispered as she hugged me tightly, pinning my wings against my back slightly. I leaned into the hug, pulling away after a moment to allow Bela and Cassandra to hug me. Their arms wrapped around me, Bela a bit more hesitant than Cassandra. I pulled away after a moment and stumbled over to Alcina.

She seemed lost in her own world as her claws dug into Mother Miranda's throat. She was muttering to herself as she stared at Mother Miranda. I tugged on her dress hesitantly which caused her to jerk away from Mother Miranda as her eyes looked down at me. Her golden eyes were wide and her pupils seemed to have narrowed into slits.

"Alcina," I whispered softly, her eyes softening as her claws disappeared into her hand. She lifted me up, hugging me close as she looked over me.

"You're okay, you're alive," she whispered as she inspected me closely, her hand resting on my face. I reached up to touch her face gently, humming happily when she leaned into my hand. "My little baby," she murmured as she kissed the back of my hand gently.

"I am sorry," I said slowly, my voice still soft. She blinked in surprise at my apology before pressing a kiss against my forehead. I leaned into her, my body going lax in her hold as she carefully rubbed my back. She was careful to not touch my wings while doing so.

"I accept your apology," Alcina said softly as she held me close. "However you are still in so much trouble," she muttered.

"Wasn't dying enough of a punishment?" I asked with a small pout, earning a soft chuckle from her.

"Well I have heard I'm a bitch so no, it wasn't," Alcina stated which made me sulk. Mother Miranda was such a snitch.

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