Chapter 52

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*Freya's P.O.V*

Lady Dimitrescu was mean. She had held true to her promise of a spanking and even though it had a week, I still couldn't sit down comfortably. Next time I pranked someone I was definitely not owning up to it if this is what it got me.

The good news is that the paint had stained Mother Miranda's hair pink. Only that top part of her hair but I thought she pulled off the pink to blonde hair really nice. I called and told her that but she had simply hung up when I spoke. Kind of rude if you ask me.

Lady Dimitrescu had also tried to take Cina away. That didn't happen though for several reasons. One, the girls helped me hide him from her. Two, I bit her when she tried to get me to talk. In hindsight that may have also been the reason the spanking had hurt so much. The third reason was that Daniela and I both begged to keep him.

When I was big he got to sleep in my room with me on my bed. When I was regressed though, Cina had to sleep somewhere else. He wasn't allowed in my crib because Lady Dimitrescu said and he certainly wasn't allowed in her bedroom when I laid with her.

On the nights that he didn't sleep with me, I sent him to go lay with Dani since she helped me get to keep him. Cassandra liked him even more than Dani did though. Oftentimes he would go missing during the day and that was because she had lured him away to pet him.

Bela was the only one who didn't seem to like him. She said he slobbered too much and that dogs were dirty. Even though she said that, I could see that she wanted to pet him. It took Lady Dimitrescu reassuring her that it was okay to pet the dog before she would even be near him.

Lady Dimitrescu said that Bela didn't like dogs because the last one she had had died in a tragic accident. I felt bad after that so I tried to keep Cina away from her for the past week. I could tell she was warming up to him though.

When I got called to her study the week after the prank, I assumed it was because Mother Miranda wanted to chew me out some more. I was pleasantly surprised to find out that was not the case though when I walked in and only saw Lady Dimitrescu.

"Am I in trouble?" I asked, my relief turning into anxiety. She looked quite serious. She always looked serious but this was a different type of serious.

"Sit down darling," Lady Dimitrescu said. I hesitantly took a seat in front of her desk, sitting on my knees to not have to put pressure on my bottom.

"I haven't done nothing," I said simply. She smiled softly at that.

"I'm sure you have and I just haven't found out about it yet," she said simply. "Freya, how would you feel about going to stay with Donna for a bit?" she asked.

"I can't. It's still snowy out," I said as my eyebrows furrowed as I looked out the window to watch the snow fall. "Besides, why would I go there?" I asked.

"There is a man named Ethan Winters coming here. I'm sure you've heard that name, little miss eavesdropper," Lady Dimitrescu said with a slightly teasing tone. I nodded my head after a moment. "I think it would be better that if when he came, you weren't here," she stated.

"Why?" I asked with a small frown on my lips. Why did she want me to leave? This was my home. I liked Donna but she wasn't the person I wanted to see every day. Lady Dimitrescu was my mommy, why did she want me to leave? My lower lip trembled slightly and I could see that Lady Dimitrescu recognized that I was getting upset.

"He's not a nice man darling, I want you to be safe," Lady Dimitrescu said.

"What about you? And Bela? And Cass? And Dani?" I asked with a frown on my lips, shifting in my seat as I looked at her with narrowed eyes.

"We can defend ourselves darling. You are not even 6 months into having the Cadou in you. You've only had it for about 2 months," she stated.

"I want to help you though," I said with a frown. She got up and made her way around her desk, kneeling down to be at eye level with me.

"The best way you can help is by being hidden away so we don't have to worry about you," she said simply as she took my hands into hers.

"But the snow," I whispered as I looked out the window.

"There's an insulated horse carriage we'll use to get you from here to Donnas. I wouldn't do this if I didn't think you would be safe on the way there," she said simply.

"I don't want to leave you though Mommy," I whispered, tears falling down my face.

"Oh darling, I know. It's only for a little bit," Mommy said as she wrapped her arms around me, pulling me close. I buried my face into her shoulder, sobbing softly.

"I don't like Ethan Winters," I sniffled softly.

"I don't like him either," Mommy reassured me as she lifted me up, standing up as she rested me on her hip.

"Will he go after Auntie Donna? And Uncle Papa Heisenberg? And Uncle Sal? And Nana Miranda?" I asked worriedly, adding all the people that I could think of.

"Maybe. We think he'll come here or go to Heisenberg's first since those are the closest and most obvious. Auntie Donna is a bit more hidden away and so is Sal's. Mother Miranda can move around a lot faster than him," Mommy said. I sniffled as I buried my face into her chest, listening to her heartbeat.

"I get to come home as soon as he's gone?" I whispered.

"As soon as he is gone, I will come get you," Mommy reassured me.

"Pinky promise?" I asked as I lifted up my hand and stuck out my pinky.

"Pinky promise," Mommy said as she hooked our pinkies together. Mine looked so small compared to hers and I just rested my head on her chest, sniffling softly as she rocked me gently.

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