Chapter 14

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Freya absolutely lives for chaos in this chapter

*Freya's P.O.V*

Lady Dimitrescu did not like the idea of me calling Lord Heisenberg Papa. That was apparent by her breaking her wine glass when I first said it. Her way of trying to convince me not to do that was keeping me with her at almost all times for the next couple days. Whether that was supposed to be a punishment or a bribe I still wasn't sure.

Now she was trying to send me away for the day because Heisenberg was supposed to arrive. She couldn't just let me be clingy for the past couple days and then send me away from her. It was cruel and unusual punishment.

I let myself be coaxed away from her by Daniela who promised to read to me every night for the rest of this month, three stories a night. That was a done deal before she even finished her sentence. I clung to Daniela who decided that holding me was a good way to prevent me from changing my mind.

I made her take me to the greenhouses with my magic ability of using the word please. It worked with me getting my way which I was happy about. Daniela took me to the greenhouses and I went straight to the fort I had set up under the planters. It was just a pillow and a blanket laid underneath a planter but it was my new fort area. I had candy stashed there that no one knew about because apparently eating too many sweets was bad for you. To that I say, who determines what too many sweets is because their judgment is terrible.

"Are you going to stay here this time?" Daniela asked as she kneeled next to my makeshift fort. I nodded my head as I pulled my blanket around me.

"I sleepy, I take nap," I said as I pulled the blanket up around my shoulders tightly. I smiled happily when Daniela gave me a new pacifier, watching her with interest in case there were any other surprises.

"Behave and stay here and I'll show you how to wander around the house at night without being caught by Mother or Bela," she whispered in my ear before she kissed my forehead. Cassandra swarmed into the room and laid next to me, a small smile on her lips.

"Go away Daniela, I am here to watch the child," Cassandra said as she rested her head on my shoulder. I giggled at Dani's offended look as Cassandra wrapped her arms around me, pulling me away from Daniela.

"Why Mother trusts you to watch her is beyond my knowledge," Daniela rolled her eyes before she swarmed out of the room. I turned over to stare at Cassandra who let me cuddle into her. I closed my eyes, faking sleep as she rubbed my back.

"My annoying little sister, why do you sleep so much?" Cassandra questioned as she stroked my cheek gently with the back of her hand. "I wish you were more like us in your ability to go for long periods without sleep," she muttered. I lay silently for a while, actually falling asleep in the time that I spent waiting.

I woke up alone, a small whimper escaping me when I realized that. I crawled out from underneath the planters, stretching out slightly as I stood up. Cassandra had left me alone, I was going to tattle on her to Lady Dimitrescu for that. Cassandra had tattled on me this week for trying to go in the cellar so it was only fair I got my revenge.

I made my way out of the greenhouse, heading to the study. That's where Lady Dimitrescu should be and if she wasn't then I would be sorely disappointed. I made my way up the stairs, trying to be as quiet as possible. I turned the corner to get to the study, squeaking when I bumped into someone.

I looked up and shrank back when I saw the man turn around. I know Bela said he wasn't a bad guy but he was carrying around a giant hammer so clearly he looked like a bad guy. Lord Heisenberg may be intimidating but I wasn't that deterred from my decision of befriending him especially since I got a giant vampire lady as my Mommy.

"Well well, who do we have here?" he questioned as he studied me, a curious expression on his face.

"My name's Freya," I muttered, flushing when I realized that I had my pacifier still in my mouth. I reached up and took it out of my mouth, hiding it behind my back slightly. "I'm not 'upposed to talk to you," I said quietly.

"Oh? And why is that Freya?" he questioned as he smirked slightly.

"Kitty cat said so," I responded simply.

"Kitty cat?" he asked, sounding amused.

"That's her nickname for Mother," Bela said as she appeared behind me, pulling me away from Lord Heisenberg. "Freya, you were supposed to stay in the greenhouse," she muttered.

"'sandra left me there all alone, was going to tattle to kitty cat," I whispered back, looking at her with a pout.

"So Freya, why did kitty cat say you couldn't speak to me?" Lord Heisenberg questioned, drawing my attention back to him.

"She doesn't like you," I responded back, hearing Lady Dimitrescu's study door open. "I do though," I decided after a moment as I saw Lady Dimitrescu exit her study. Her eyes landed on me and they narrowed slightly when she saw me speaking with Lord Heisenberg.

"You don't even know me, how could you possibly like me?" he questioned.

"I know you have a cool hammer and that's a good reason to like you," I said as I hid behind Bela slightly. "I also know that you're my papa now," I stated, giggling when his hammer dropped out of his hands.

"Freya," Lady Dimitrescu said to which I did the smart thing and ignored as I ran back down the stairs, a giggle escaping my lips as I heard Bela swarm after me. I had done my evil deed for the day, I could go back to my greenhouse now.

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