Chapter 39

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*Freya's P.O.V*

"Faye got a letter Mother," Daniela said as she held the letter out to show Lady Dimitrescu. I snatched it out of her hands, tucking it back into my apron. "Rude," she muttered as she crossed her arms over her chest to sulk.

"You stole it from me first," I said as I stuck my tongue out at her, looking away when Lady Dimitrescu narrowed her eyes while looking down at us. I looked down at the floor with a small huff escaping me.

"Daniela, do not take things from your sister," Lady Dimitrescu scolded. I flushed at being called Daniela's sister. It was still shocking to know that the woman considered me a daughter but I kind of liked it. It was nice to always have a mother figure even if that mother figure was a nine foot vampire lady.

"Yes Mother," Daniela said before dispersing into her swarm, flying away. I knew she was probably sulking over being scolded but she deserved it for stealing my letter.

"Next time Daniela steals something from you, just come and get me darling," Lady Dimitrescu said as she looked down at me.

"Yes ma'am," I said, feeling her hand gently smooth my hair back when she reached out and touched the top of my head.

"Good girl," she said and I flushed at the praise. I liked being praised, I had never gotten much praise from any of the adults in my life. I leaned into her touch, humming happily when her hand moved to cup my face. "Be good darling, I would hate to have to punish you," she said. Chills ran down my spine at her words and I instinctually covered my bottom, looking at the floor in embarrassment when she chuckled.

I waited until she walked away, grabbing the letter out of my pocket. I broke the seal with my fingernails, pulling the letter out quickly and opening it. I took a deep breath when I recognized my brother's handwriting. I made myself sit down against the wall before I actually read it.

Dear Freya,

I know we have had our differences and we haven't talked in a while. For all I know this letter may never reach you because you could be dead. If it has reached you, I just wanted to say I'm sorry. I should have never done what I did, I didn't realize mom and dad would react the way they did. I apologize for what I did and I would love it if you would come attend my wedding on February 2nd. Yeah, it's surprising to me too that I'm getting married but Miriana agreed to marry me when I asked. Anyways, the wedding will be at the old church if you decide to come.

Love Alexandru

I ran my fingers over the edge of the letter, noticing that the scent of cologne clung to it. I frowned as I folded the letter up, holding it close to my chest. It truthfully wasn't his fault even though he clearly blamed himself for it.

I am sure he thought our relationship was forever damaged when he accidentally outed me to our parents. He had been angry with me and thought I was sneaking out to meet with a boy. He had told our parents and they had caught me in a rather compromising position with one of the neighbor's daughters. Our parents had kicked me out after that and I had moved to the Village for a few months before I started to work for Lady Dimitrescu.

It would be good to see Alexandru again after 4 years of no contact. It would be even better to get to tell Miriana all the embarrassing things from our childhood. The only problem with attending their wedding would be that I would have to leave Castle Dimitrescu to attend it. To add onto that problem, my village literally sat right down the hill from Heisenberg's factory.

The way I viewed it was I could either sneak out or ask Lady Dimitrescu if I could go. The first option seemed more viable if I was being honest. There was no way the Lady would allow me to go especially with the number of lycan attacks that happened near or around my home village. I would still ask but if she said no then I would just sneak out.

I got up, heading to Lady Dimitrescu's study. I knocked on the door, waiting until Lady Dimitrescu gave me permission to come in. I entered the room once she had given me permission.

"Do you need something?" Lady Dimitrescu asked when she saw me just standing in front of the doors once I shut them. I hesitantly approached her, climbing into one of the chairs in front of her desk to look at her.

"I got a letter from my brother, he wants me to go to his wedding," I said as I looked at her desk, avoiding eye contact as she stopped writing.

"And where would this wedding be located?" Lady Dimitrescu asked as I looked up to meet her gaze. She hadn't said no yet so that was a good sign.

"It's at an old church in my village," I said, fiddling with the edge of my dress.

"And which village would that be?" Lady Dimitrecu asked. I bit my bottom lip as I looked down at the floor. Every village just called themselves the Village since apparently everyone who lived there was very uncreative.

"The one at the bottom of the hill from Heisenberg's factory," I said. I looked up to gauge her reaction and immediately knew what her answer would be based on the look on her face.

"Absolutely not, it's not safe. That village gets the most lycan attacks out of any of the villages," Lady Dimitrescu said. I huffed as I slid out of the chair I was sitting in, stomping over to the door. I didn't care if I was acting childish, I wanted to go to the wedding. "Don't slam my door Freya," Lady Dimitrescu said when I pulled her door open. I huffed but carefully closed the door behind me when I left. I was going to my brother's wedding, whether she liked it or not.

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