Chapter 25

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*Freya's P.O.V*

Mommy let me nurse two more times after lunch. One time was about mid-day when she said I was being fussy, and I wasn't being fussy at all actually, I was being whiny. There's a big difference between the two. It wasn't my fault Mommy didn't know that.

The other time was after my bath when I was supposed to be getting ready for bed. Mommy had let me nurse until my eyes felt heavy and I ended up falling asleep while she held me. I think that was her evil plan all along. It was quite mean of her to trick me into going to bed when I wasn't even tired.

Right at the moment I was even more thirsty than I had ever been. It was sometime in the middle of the night, the clock had the little hand pointing at two and there was no sun coming into the room. Mommy was asleep and that meant I couldn't nurse at all. Her hand was wrapped around my waist to keep me close. I managed to slide out of her grip after a little bit of wiggling and I tucked the blanket into my place.

I crawled to the edge of the bed and tried to carefully climb down. I ended up falling slightly and landed on my bottom, biting back a whine from the pain of the harsh landing. I used the edge of the bed to pull me up as I looked to make sure Mommy didn't wake up. She had shifted in her sleep slightly, her hand still resting on the blanket where I had been laying.

"Stay 'sleep mommy," I whispered as I carefully padded out of the room, feeling my nightgown swirl around my legs as I walked. It was my favorite nightgown, Mommy had gotten it for me and it had little bats all over it. I liked bats, they were my second favorite animal next to cats. I liked them both cause they rhymed together.

I made my way to the kitchen, shivering slightly as I walked past the dark windows. There wasn't a sound except for my quiet breathing but I was still scared. I opened the kitchen door quietly, letting it shut behind me with a soft click as I made my way to the sink. I had to get on my tippy toes to reach the cabinets, making me pout as I got the glass down. I turned on the sink as I let my glass fill up, some water spilling over the sides of it as I turned the sink off.

I took a big gulp of my water as I stood in front of the sink, stepping back slightly as I drank carefully. I went to set my glass down, my hand slipping slightly as I tried to fix my grip. The glass slipped out of my hand and I winced when the glass hit the floor, shattering at my feet. My lower lip trembled as I stared down at the glass on the floor. Oh no, Mommy wasn't going to be happy about that.

"Freya," Cassandra's voice was soft as I felt her hand on my shoulder. "You are okay?" she questioned as she looked down at the glass surrounding my feet.

"Mommy is going to be upset with me," I whispered as I pouted slightly, tears falling down my face. Cassandra sighed as she lifted me up, moving me away from the glass as she sat me on the counter.

"Mother will be happy that you didn't get hurt," Cassandra said as she patted my leg reassuringly, looking at the glass on the floor with a frown. She moved quickly and before I knew it all the glass was cleaned up. "Now why are you up ladybug?" she questioned.

"Was thirsty, Mommy's 'sleep so couldn't nurse," I pouted as she carefully sat me down on the floor, her hand resting on my arm.

"You could have woken her up," Cassandra said, not phased at all that I mentioned nursing. "Now come on, let's get you into bed Ladybug," she said as she held my hand, leading me out of the room.

"'sandra," I whispered about half-way back to the room, tugging on her hand which made her look at me. She looked at me as I squirmed slightly, my free hand resting on my tummy.

"What is it?" Cassandra asked softly as she looked down at me with concern.

"Potty," I whimpered as I pressed my legs together, feeling the very sudden urge to go to the restroom.

"Can you hold it until we get to the bathroom?" Cassandra asked. I bit my lip as I felt my pull-up grow warm and wet. Tears pricked my eyes as I shook my head.

"Had accident," I whispered as Cassandra patted my head to try and calm me down.

"It is okay, how about we get to Mother?" she questioned to which I nodded. She guided me back to Mommy's room, pushing the door open. I stood beside Mommy's bed as Cassandra turned into her swarm, swarm around Mommy until her eyes opened.

"Can I help you?" Mommy questioned, sounding tired as Cassandra formed next to me. Mommy turned her attention to us. Her eyes widened as she looked down at us as she looked at where I was supposed to be sleeping.

"Freya was thirsty so she went to get a glass of water and she had an accident on the way back," Cassandra said simply, a part of me was thankful that she didn't mention I broke a glass but I was also embarrassed that she told Mommy about my accident.

"Thank you for keeping an eye on your little sister Cassandra, you know how mischievous she can be," Mommy said as she sat up, pushing the blanket off of her. Cassnadra nodded before she buzzed out of the room. Mommy said nothing as she picked me up, carrying me to the bathroom as she looked down at me with a small frown.

"Why you lookin' at me like that?" I questioned with a pout, my eyes narrowing slightly as she sat me down. She helped me out of my dirty pull-up, wiping me clean before she slid my pull-up into place.

"I think we might need to be considering getting you some diapers," Mommy said as she carried me back to bed. I whined at the thought, about to object before she pulled her top down as she guided my lips to her nipple. I latched on and started to nurse, planning on objecting once I was done nursing.

By the time I was done nursing, I felt sleepy. I huffed, promising that I would object to wearing diapers in the morning. I was a big girl, I would never wear a diaper. No one could make me wear one ever.

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