Chapter 57

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*Freya's P.O.V*

Angie and I wrestled for a bit. Apparently I sucked at wrestling because Angie won a lot. She was tiny but mighty and I was pretty sure I now had splinters in my fingers. I did consider cheating and using the chisel I had stolen from Auntie Donna to hit Angie with it but I didn't want to have Auntie Donna take the chisel back.

I looked up when Auntie Donna cleared her throat. She had been talking to Uncle Papa Heisenberg for a little bit. Or should I say he was talking and she was occasionally responding. Auntie Donna offered me her hand and I pulled myself up off the floor, sticking my tongue out at Angie who growled at me.

"I think Angie has gone feral," I stated simply as I nudged the doll away with my foot. I hissed at her when she tried to bite my ankle and I launched her across the room with my foot. "You didn't see that," I said as I turned with a small frown on my lips while looking up at Auntie Donna.

"Freya, I need you to go up to your room and stay there," Auntie Donna said. Her words made me pout.

"Angie tried to bite me, I didn't do anything wrong Auntie," I whined softly. My arms crossed over my chest. Auntie Donna handed me the phone and I put it up to my ear.

"Listen to Donna kid, go to your room and stay there for now," Uncle Papa Heisenberg said. I huffed as I shoved the phone back into Auntie Donna's hands before storming out of the room, stomping up the stairs to my room.

"Where is the other girl?" Angie asked as she tugged on my dress. I turned around, looking down at her and considering the idea of kicking her down the stairs.

"Taylor left, she wanted to go see Mother Miranda," I said simply. "Although why anyone would want to see that cranky bird lady, I don't know," I shrugged. Angie stopped suddenly, frowning as much as she could.

"The other girl, the one that Mother Miranda left in Donna's care, she is gone?" Angie asked, grabbing onto my hand and twisting it to the side. I was pretty sure something snapped but it honestly didn't hurt that much so I didn't mind.

"Yes," I said simply as I jerked my hand away from Angie. I could fell the bone healing itself and I shook my hand out to get rid of the tingles. "Don't touch me again you weird doll," I muttered since the feeling of my bone healing itself was strange.

"I have to go get the girl or else Miranda will kill us," Angie muttered.

"You know you're a doll right? She can't kill you," I stated. Angie groaned as she slammed her head into the wall with a loud thud.

"Donna and I's minds are linked, if she dies then I die," Angie said as if it was the most simple thing in the world.

"Oh I'm so sorry that I didn't assume that your minds were linked," I muttered. Angie growled at me and tried to bite me again so I shoved her down the stairs with my foot.

"You stay in your room stupid baby of the big bitch," Angie screamed up the stairs at me as she ran to Auntie Donna's study.

I huffed at her words as I ran to my room, shutting the door and locking it behind me. Neither of the two said why I had to go in my room and stay there but I was fine with it. I collapsed into the bed, holding the doll of Mommy close. The chisel in my sleeve slid down and I let it lay on the bedside table.

I played with the hair of it, undoing the hair and then redoing it. I liked to braid her hair, it was therapeutic. I missed Mommy and how she did my hair. I reached back, frowning slightly as I ran a hand through my hair. I wanted to go home, I missed Mommy so much.

I missed Daniela, Bela, and Cassandra as well. They were kind of annoying sometimes but I loved them just as much as I loved Mommy. I sniffled softly, a small frown on my lips. I hated Ethan Winters and the fact that he was the reason I couldn't see my Mommy right now.

I held my breath when there was a knock on my bedroom door. I heard the doorknob turn but it stopped because of the lock. "Freya darling," I heard Auntie Donna's voice.

"What? I'm going to take a nap," I whined softly, not wanting to get up. I hated having to get up when I decided to lay down.

"Angie and I have to go look for Taylor since she decided to leave," Auntie Donna said. Despite her soft voice, I could tell that she was a little annoyed with someone. I couldn't tell if she was annoyed with me or Taylor. I hoped that it was Taylor.

"Okay," I said as I wrapped myself up with the blanket. I closed my eyes with a small sigh escaping me.

"The front door will be locked and I would like for you to stay in your room until we get back," Auntie Donna stated.

"Okay, fine. I said I'm going to take a nap," I whined as I buried my face into the pillow. I sighed contentedly. I managed to quickly fall asleep, holding my doll of Mommy close. Her perfume was the only thing that could soothe me into sleep.

I slept for a while I supposed, I just know when I woke up I felt cold. I shivered as I wrapped my blanket tighter around me, my eyes opening as I looked around. Something felt wrong, extremely wrong. My door was open which confused and concerned me.

I sat up slowly, noticing that my window was cracked. I never opened my window especially with how cold it was. My hands shook slightly as I got up, crossing the room quickly and shutting it. It clicked shut but after that I heard another click from behind me, making me turn around.

I hissed softly when I saw a man standing there, a gun in his hands. He looked terrible, looking all beat up. My wings twitched in fear as I stared into his eyes, seeing a desperate hatred.

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