Chapter 33

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*Freya's P.O.V*

I had waited the last few days with great anticipation. I couldn't wait to see Uncle Heisenberg, he would help me get past my trouble with the doors. No one had given me the code yet and I had tried everything to get it. I tried to charm it out of Daniela by being cute, but that didn't work. I tried to trick Cassandra into telling me, but that also did not work.

I even searched Taylor's room for it and couldn't find it. I got ultra super grounded for the last one, I wasn't even allowed out of the same room Mommy was in now. She even got a playpen in her study since she didn't trust me not to run off. I was now sitting in said playpen as Angie taunted me by dangling my paci just within my reach before pulling it away. I felt like a cat trying to catch a toy.

"Give her her pacifier," Mommy said, making Angie sigh as she dropped my pacifier onto my face. I squealed in surprise as I grabbed it, popping it into my mouth as I glared at Angie. She was mean to me sometimes although she also helped me with getting in trouble. The door to the study banged open and I stood up to look over the edge of the playpen.

"You still have the child," Uncle Hesienberg said as he stared at me. "Surprising," he muttered as he sat in a chair next to Auntie Donna's. I had debated on what to call him the past couple days because I called Auntie Donna by her first name but him by his last name. I decided that his last name was much better than calling him Uncle Karl.

"What else would I have done to her?" Mommy asked as she lit a cigarette, putting the end of the cigarette holder to her lips. I liked watching her smoke, she just looked so elegant with it. It really added to the whole classy noble lady look she had.

"Eaten her," Uncle Heisenberg said as he put his hammer down. My eyes lit up at the sight of it and I looked at Angie who was sitting on the top of the playpen to look at them. I tapped her shoulder and she looked at me intrigued. I nodded towards the hammer and she looked over. We had learned to communicate without words since Mommy could hear everything.

Angie nodded her head as she dropped off the edge of the playpen. Auntie Donna turned her head towards us, snapping her fingers. Angie groaned before making her way over to Auntie Donna. Angie climbed onto her lap, Auntie Donna patting her head. It was a lot harder to do anything naughty with Auntie Donna around. Even though I couldn't see her face nor did she speak, she had this way of just exuding this disapproving mom energy.

"Why would I eat one of the only sources of happiness that I have?" Mommy said as she glanced at me. I smiled at her around my pacifier, a small grin on my lips. She cooed softly as she got up, putting her cigarette out before she came over and picked me up. I rested my head on her shoulder as I snuggled into her, a small coo escaping my lips.

"Because you're a bitch," Uncle Heisenberg said as Mommy sat down in her chair. I glared at him as I picked up one of Mommy's pens, throwing it at his face. Mommy grabbed my hand and forced it down, turning me so that I was facing her completely.

"Don't throw things, your uncle is just an insolent child who feels the need to call names," Mommy said as she tilted my head up so that I was looking at her. "He just lacks manners huh baby?" she asked. I nodded my head as settled down, playing with the top of her dress.

"I lack manners, that is rich coming from you," Uncle Heisenberg said. "You're just mad because you would do anything to earn that old crow's favor and I have it by having faithful lycans," he stated. I frowned slightly as Mommy tickled me to try and distract me from the conversation. It worked slightly since I turned into a giggling, squirmy mess.

"Do not disrespect Mother Miranda like that," Mommy said to Uncle Heisenberg. "Do not forget from whence you came," she stated.

"You're starting to sound like her," Uncle Heisenberg said, making me pout slightly. I didn't like how he was talking to her. "Be thankful for the Cadou, the most excruciating times of all of our lives," he snorted.

"Don't speak to my mommy like that bitch," I told Uncle Heisenberg, turning to look at him. Mommy hushed me as she turned me back towards her.

"Do not use such language again little miss. Your Uncle Heisenberg is a bad influence," she murmured. I shrugged as I turned back around to face him as Mommy's phone rang. She answered it with a small sigh. "Mother Miranda, to what do I owe the pleasure?" Mommy asked as she glared at Heisenberg.

"Old crow," I said as I looked at the phone curiously. Uncle Heisenberg snorted as Mommy covered my mouth, pushing my pacifier into place firmly. I whined but accepted it, sucking on my pacifier with a small pout.

"That was nothing, Mother Miranda," Mommy said as she leaned back in her seat slightly, her leg shifting as she tapped her foot. "You wish to have a meeting? How soon?" Mommy asked. Uncle Heisenberg glanced at Auntie Donna.

"What could she possibly want now?" Uncle Heisenberg whispered to Auntie Donna. Angie had inched off of Auntie Donna's lap and had made her way over to his hammer, slowly pulling it away from his chair.

"The meeting will be at the regular spot?" Mommy asked. "You wish to have it here? May I ask why?" Mommy questioned, sounding slightly annoyed with the idea. "Of course I am not questioning you, it's just so soon and I don't think my home will be suitable for you within three days," she stated. That was pretty soon, I couldn't wait to have a new best friend. "Of course, all my daughters will be on their best behavior," she said as she looked down at me. Oh that definitely wasn't going to happen. I was baby, they couldn't make me behave even if they tried and they tried.

Did I write two more chapters after this one already within a three hour timespan? Yes, yes I did.

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