Chapter 38

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*Freya's P.O.V*

I looked up when Taylor sat down in front of me. She winced slightly as she sat down, taking my plate of food. I glared at her with a small frown before I went to get another plate of food. I decided that instead of my scrambled eggs and biscuits with gravy that I was eating, I would just take some pancakes and eat them plain.

"Why do you look so tired?" I asked as I folded up a pancake and took a bite of it. She glared at me as she took a bite of the scrambled eggs she was eating.

"Mother Miranda," she said simply. I blinked in surprise as I raised an eyebrow slightly. I had only just met Mother Miranda yesterday and now Taylor had apparently met her too. I smirked slightly as I looked down at my plate of pancakes. "This is all your fault," she said.

"My fault? What did I do?" I asked as I frowned slightly. I had helped her out, she just didn't want to admit that.

"You told her I liked her, that sparked her interest in me. We talked for a bit and now I can barely walk after spending the night with her," Taylor said as she glared at me.

"I helped you get a girlfriend, why are you so angry at me? Is it because I mentioned your dead mom? I won't do it again...for like a month this time," I said as I pouted, resting my head on my hands as I gave her puppy dog eyes.

"We never agreed to date, what if she doesn't like me and only wanted sex?" Taylor asked and I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion.

"That's what you're worried about? Not that I blabbed my mouth?" I asked, groaning when she nodded. "If she had sex with you then I'm sure she's willing to commit, something tells me that woman doesn't do things without committing to something," I stated.

"Are you sure?" Taylor asked to which I nodded.

"If she wasn't interested in you in a serious way then I doubt she would have had sex with you," I stated with a soft sigh. "Can't say the same for most people," I stated as I took a bite of one of my pancakes.

"Do you want me to get you a one night stand? I can find one for you when I go to the Village," Taylor said, seeming glad to be off the subject of her and Mother Miranda.

"You really think Lady Dimitrescu will let me go down to the Village to have a one night stand?" I asked as I arched an eyebrow. Damn, I had really picked up the Lady's mannerisms in the last few weeks.

"I could probably sneak someone in," Taylor muttered as she rolled her eyes.

"Ah yes, it's so easy to sneak someone past the woman who can hear everything," I snorted as I took a sip of my juice.

"Mmm I stand by the fact I could do it but it's fine that your lame," Taylor shrugged. "Anyways the Duke is visiting today and I need to buy chocolate from him. Want to come with?" she questioned. I thought about it for a moment before I nodded my head. It wasn't the same as going to the Village to purchase things but I was getting dangerously low on my candy stash.

"I never understood how that man manages to get everything set up whenever he visits," I muttered as I finished eating.

"He's the Duke, no one knows how he operates," Taylor shrugged as she shoved a last bite of food into her mouth before getting up. "Now come on, I need chocolate," she said as I followed her to the kitchen.

"You're really struggling with walking for Mother Miranda's sake," I giggled when she turned to glare at me. I brushed past her to wash my plate off, scrubbing it with some soap and hot water.

"Stop saying stuff like that. The other maids already don't hang out with us because they're scared you'll tattle on them to the Lady. If they find out about Mother Miranda and I then we'll never have any friends here," Taylor said as she handed me her plate. I rolled my eyes and washed it for her, only because I did owe her.

"Let's go," I said after I had dried the dishes off and left the kitchen. "I just remembered I have to go get my money," I sighed after a moment as I facepalmed.

"I already grabbed it for you," Taylor said as she walked past me, tossing me my bag of Lei. "You should really get a lock for your door by the way," she said as I followed after her.

"Why did you go in my room?" I asked as I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion.

"One way or another you were coming with me to see the Duke," Taylor shrugged as we entered the merchant's room. She immediately went to the chocolate, looking through all the types of chocolate that he had. I rolled my eyes as I approached the Duke, trying to think of what I wanted to buy.

"Freya, you think Lady Dimitrescu will let me buy a bunch of alcohol to keep in my room?" Taylor called over to me and I rolled my eyes.

"I doubt it," I said as I looked at the knives that the Duke had available.

"Are you Freya Pierce?" the Duke asked to which I nodded hesitantly. He pulled a letter out of his pocket and handed it to me. I frowned in confusion but accepted it, tucking it into my apron.

"Thank you," I said simply as I tried to ignore the feeling of dread in my stomach. I ended up buying a pocket knife and a bottle of wine, ignoring the look on the Duke's face. I let Taylor take my purchases to my room. I think she only did it because I rarely got letters and when I did they were never anything good. I pulled the letter out of my pocket, biting back a yell of surprise when a hand suddenly snatched it from me. I looked up to see Daniela inspecting the letter, a small pout on my lips.

"Give me back my letter Dani," I said as I reached for it, whining when she held it above my head. I leaped up to try and grab it, glaring at her when she looked down at me.

"What is this? A love letter?" Daniela asked, my cheeks turning red at her obvious teasing. I continued to try and grab it, even trying to climb onto her back to get it from her.

"What are you two doing?" Lady Dimitrescu's voice boomed from down the hall. I squeaked in surprise and immediately dropped down, looking at the floor. How did she always manage to sneak up on me?

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