Chapter 54

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*Freya's P.O.V*

I felt quite clingy, letting Auntie Donna hold me. She didn't seem to mind that she had to hold me, gently rubbing my back. She didn't say anything and for that I was kind of grateful. I couldn't handle being talked to right now. She gently rocked back and forth as she held me.

"Play with me," Angie demanded as she pulled at the bottom of my dress, trying to get Auntie Donna to set me down. I pouted slightly as I buried my face into Auntie Donna's shoulder with a whine.

"Leave Faye alone, you overgrown piece of firewood," Taylor said.

"Mind your manners, Taylor," Mother Miranda sighed.

"Those are my manners," Taylor sounded quite pleased with herself.

"Use your manners or I will make you," Mother Miranda stated.

"In front of people? How terrible of you," Taylor said, abruptly being cut off. I turned my head slightly to peek, seeing Mother Miranda's wings wrapped around something. Oh Taylor was in big trouble.

"Let's go show you your room," Angie said. I looked down at her and she ran underneath Auntie Donna and then out from underneath her. A small giggle escapes me when Auntie Donna just sighs and turns to follow her.

Angie went up a flight of stairs until she stopped in front of the singular door that was at the top of the stairs. The name Faye had been scratched into the door, likely Angie's doing since it was about her arm's length. It looked as if she had scratched the wood away.

Angie had to jump to reach the doorknob as she swatted Auntie Donna's hand away when she tried to help. Angie was clearly very proud of her ability to open the heavy wooden doors and didn't want any help from Donna.

Angie was the first one in, followed by Auntie Donna who was still holding me. She had shifted me onto her hip to allow me to be able to look around. I smiled slightly when I saw the room, feeling a little bit of happiness for the first time today.

The room had been decorated similar to Mommy's. The same color bedding and the walls. Auntie Donna sat me down, her hand gently rubbing my back as I stood in the center of the room.

The cream color of the bedding was the same shade as Mommy's blankets and most of her dresses. I plopped onto the bed, rolling around on the sheets as my wings twitched happily. I found that whenever I felt any strong emotion, my wings tended to react.

"Ugh happiness, I can't stand it," Angie gagged. I huffed as I stopped rolling to glare at her for a minute. I counted down in my head until the full minute was up before I stopped glaring at her. I sat up, looking around the rest of the room. There was a crib tucked into the corner of the room,  clearly for when I was regressed. It had some toys and stuff underneath it. I was probably going to use the regular bed most of the time, since it reminded me so much of Mommy.

"Freya," Auntie Donna's voice made me turn towards her. I scooted towards the edge of the bed, looking at her curiously.

"Yes Auntie Donna?" I asked softly. I was very curious about what she was going to say since Auntie Donna never really talked. I know she didn't talk around anyone except for Angie and sometimes me and Mommy.

"I'll get it," Angie said as she ran out of the room, leaving me very confused.

"Well I was going to say that I had a gift for you but it seems Angie wanted to go get it for you," Auntie Donna said after a moment. I pouted at that, I wanted my gift now. Angie had short legs, she would take forever.

"I'm back," Angie squealed as she came back with a box. She was quite fast for a doll in a wedding dress. She had a box that was almost as tall as she was and she hurried to give it to me. She shoved it into my arms roughly, climbing up on top of the box and hopping onto my lap.

I smiled as she moved off of my lap, letting me open the box. I undid the ribbon, giggling as the box fell open. My breath caught in my throat as I stared at the doll, moving to lift it up. It was a perfect recreation of Mommy. I held the doll close, tucking it under my chin.

"Do you like it?" Auntie Donna asked. I didn't say anything, carefully setting the doll down. I got up, went to her and hugged her tightly. She wrapped her arms around me with a small smile on her lips.

"Thank you so much Auntie Donna," I whispered softly. She smoothed my hair back as she looked down at me. I could just barely see under her veil because of the angle and I saw her lips curve up into a small smile.

"Hopefully it's not as annoying as the big bitch," Angie said, making me turn to face her. She was poking the doll in the face and I grew annoyed with her.

"Stop it," I whined as I stomped over to the bed, pulling the doll away from her and holding it closely.

"Angie enough," Auntie Donna said. I didn't think it was possible for Angie to be upset but she seemed upset that Auntie Donna wasn't letting her poke fun at me.

"Boring bitches," Angie screamed as she hopped off my bed, running out of the room with her arms flailing wildly.

"Angie is often the jealous type. She does not like sharing attention," Auntie Donna stated softly.

"I don't like too either," I whispered simply as I kissed the top of the doll's head.

"I know, Alcina has told me," Auntie Donna said. I smiled as I laid back with the doll, my head hitting the pillow. My eyes closed as I turned over, taking a deep breath. I paused when I realized that it smelled like Mommy's perfume. I sighed contently as I stroked the top of the doll's head.

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