Chapter 16

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*Freya's P.O.V*

"Not a word of this gets out to anyone, am I clear?" Mommy said as she glared at Heisenberg, a frown pulling on her lips. I reached up and touched her cheek, smiling when her larger hand gently rested over it.

"We'll see about that after you explain to me what is going on and why this girl said I would be her Papa," Heisenberg said. I turned to look at him, smiling at him slightly. He looked like a wizard with his hat and his beard. He could be wizard man just like Mommy was Kitty Cat.

"This girl is Freya and she is my newest daughter," Mommy said as she wrapped her arms around me tightly. I leaned into her touch as she gently cupped my face with her free hand.

"I hadn't realized Miranda had experimented on anyone with the Cadou lately," Heisenberg said as he leaned back in his seat, his hammer resting against his arm slightly. I wondered how heavy it was and if I could lift it up? I also wondered what Cadou was but feeling Mommy tense at the mention of it told me that she didn't like that word.

"Mother Miranda hasn't experimented on anyone with the Cadou lately, she certainly won't be experimenting on Freya ever," Mommy said as she tried to soothe her agitation by playing with my hair. "Freya is a mortal human, she is still my daughter regardless of that," she stated. I had heard of Mother Miranda but I had never thought of her as an actual person, she was just like a figment of most people's imagination.

"How does Miranda feel about that? Is she okay with you having a little human taking all your attention from the Ceremony?" Heisenberg questioned. I scooted to the edge of her lap, smiling when she helped me down. I sat down at her feet until she turned her attention to Heisenberg, allowing me to be sneaky.

"Mother Miranda does not know about Freya yet," Mommy said as she sighed softly, pouring herself a glass of wine from the bottle that sat on her desk. She liked her wine a lot, she had a glass everyday while doing her paperwork.

"Tell me more about Freya, why does she cling to you like that and why does she have a pacifier at her age?" Heisenberg questioned, there was no judgment in his voice. He sounded genuinely curious, like someone trying to figure out a math equation.

"Freya is an age regressor, she mentally regresses to the age of a 2 or 3 year old. I am her caregiver, her Mommy as she calls me, it is my job to care for her," Mommy said as I sneakily started to crawl around her desk, whining when her foot pressed down on the edge of my dress to keep me from crawling all the way around it. She always picked long dresses just so she could do that, saying that she had to keep me close so I didn't get in trouble. I never got in trouble, trouble always just found me.

"So you basically have a toddler on your hands when she is regressed? How often does she regress?" Heisenberg asked as I worked at freeing my dress from under Mommy's shoe. I clapped when I managed to free myself and crawled away before she could stop me.

"She regresses often, some days she is regressed all day or sometimes it's just for an hour or so. There are also days when she doesn't regress but those only happen once or twice a week," Mommy said. I crawled all the way around the desk, crawling to Heisenberg. I wasn't really interested in Wizard Man, I was interested in his giant hammer. I reached up and touched his hammer, sulking when he picked it up and moved it away from me.

"Alcina, it's way too close to me, come get your child," he said as he pulled his legs away from me when I tried to crawl around him. I sulked when he pushed me away with his foot, pulling away when I swatted his foot. "It's trying to attack me now, I don't know how to handle small children Alcina. Take it back," he said as I glared at him, crossing my arms over my chest.

"I tried to keep her away, it didn't work," Mommy said as I crawled up to Heisenberg while he was distracted. She hadn't really tried to stop me but I wasn't going to call her a liar.

"What do you want from me?" Heisenberg asked as he looked down at me. I held my arms out to him, whining when he didn't understand what I wanted.

"Pick her up Heisenberg," Mommy said, making him grimace as he hesitantly picked me up. He held me with his hands under my armpits, trying to keep me from falling but not wanting me too close to him.

"Is this how Mother Miranda feels about us? That we're her children but she doesn't want anything to do with us?" Heisenberg asked as I stared at him curiously. "Also don't call me Papa, I will accept being called Uncle Heisenberg," he stated.

"Unca Hi'berg," I repeated, giggling when he let go of me just to facepalm with one of his hands. I sat on the edge of his lap, pondering what he said about Mother Miranda. "I have question Unca," I said.

"What is your question?" he asked as he looked at me. I reached up and touched his beard, squealing at the scraggly feeling of hair under my hand.

"Mother Miranda your mommy?" I questioned. He shook his head with a small frown on his lips.

"Sort of," he stated as he looked at Mommy over my shoulder.

"I call her Nana?" I asked, hearing a choked noise come from Mommy. I turned to look at saw wine splattered on her paperwork, watching as she rapidly cleared her throat before turning to look at Heisenberg.

"I think she would resent the accusation that she's old enough to be a Nana," Heisenberg muttered with a small smirk. "I like you kid, I am going to teach you how to give your Mommy hell," he whispered to me.

"I call her Mama then if she no like Nana," I informed him, hearing glass shatter behind me and Heisenberg dropped his hammer.

"This child is chaos reincarnated," Heisenberg said simply as I slid off of his lap, skipping out of the room. Mommy was going to have to stop breaking her wine glasses, it wasn't healthy to break two wine glasses in a week after all. Plus how was I supposed to steal sips from her wine glasses if she didn't have any left? I hadn't done that yet but I was planning on it.

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