Chapter 44

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*Freya's P.O.V*

When I woke up, I was resting in my crib. I huffed softly as I closed my eyes, focusing on my body turning into individual flies. I flew through the bars of the crib, slowly reforming into myself. I was greatly relieved that it happened so easily because I could only imagine how nerve-wracking it would be to be stuck in my fly form.

I smoothed out my nightgown as I thought about what I needed to do. I was still kind of tired but if I was going to sleep then I was going to do it in Lady Dimitrescu's bed and not a stupid crib. I also considered taking a bath or changing out of my nightgown.

I decided not to do those things though, I decided that I would rather go see Taylor first. I made my way out of my nursery, huffing when one of my wings smacked against the doorframe. I rubbed my wing gently to try and ease the ache in my wing.

I ended up searching the kitchen for Taylor in the kitchen first since I figured she might be there getting a snack. I tried to ignore the stares of the other maids, knowing that I looked much different from how I had looked before.

My hearing was a lot better than it was before so I could hear all their snide comments once I left the kitchen. I bit my bottom lip, my teeth piercing the skin slightly and drawing blood. I licked the blood off of my lip quickly.

I ended up running into Taylor, quite literally in a sense. I had just turned the corner and bumped into her, sending both of us falling to the ground.

"Freya?" Taylor asked quietly as she looked at me. I nodded my head, squeaking when she lunged at me and hugged me tightly. We had both fallen back onto the ground as Taylor tried to squeeze the life out of me. I returned the hug, trying to ignore the feeling of my wings being trapped by her hug.

"What happened to you?" Her question hung in the air for a moment as she studied my face.

"I died...twice," I said simply as I shrugged my shoulders. "I'm alive now though, I'm like Daniela and them but cooler," I stated.

"What the hell?" Taylor muttered as she stopped hugging me. My wings stretched out slightly which seemed to catch her attention. She reached out to touch them, her nose wrinkling up slightly at the scaly feeling. "We'll circle back to the whole you died thing later by the way," she muttered.

"Good. I need you to help me blackmail your girlfriend," I said as I rested my hands on her shoulders.

"Why would I do that?" Taylor asked.

"Because she got me in trouble with the Lady," I whined softly. A small pout covered my face which made Taylor giggle.

"What do you want to know? Miranda's a very secretive person and she wouldn't be happy if I revealed anything too important," Taylor informed me.

"First name basis already?" The question was accompanied with me raising my eyebrows in surprise. "Besides you act like you don't enjoy punishments," I waved my hand dismissively as I scooted back slightly to avoid Taylor hitting me.

"I will kill you," Taylor hissed under her breath. "Now what do you need to know?"

"Anything that can be used against her," I stated simply. Taylor sighed as she seemed to think for a moment. She was silent for a few moments and I got impatient with waiting so I shook her.

"She has a worshiping kink," Taylor said blurted out. My eyes widened as I stared at her for a moment. Taylor slapped her hand over her mouth.

"I mean makes sense, she does like being treated like a goddess by the villagers," I said as I nodded my head.

"It's the other way around," Taylor muttered, making me look at her in confusion. "She likes worshiping me," she said as her cheeks turned dark red. "You can't tell her I told you though," she said.

"Oh yes I can," I said as I scrambled off, taking off running down the hall. Taylor squealed as I heard her chase after me.

"Freya, don't you dare," Taylor said. I laughed as I turned into the main hall, heading up the stairs. I ended up running into Mother Miranda which kind of worked out for my plans.

"Taylor told me one of your secrets, I'm now blackmailing you," I informed her as I collapsed against the banister of the stairs. Taylor had stopped at the bottom of them and was trying to be very casual.

"It slipped out," Taylor whined when Mother Miranda looked past me to look at her. She was trying to desperately avoid making eye contact with the woman

"What secret did she tell you?" Mother Miranda asked as she looked down at me. I shivered at the steely look in her eyes, the shiver traveling down my spine.

"The worshiping one," I said simply as I crossed my arms over my chest.

"I don't think you'll be telling anyone anything," Mother Miranda said simply. Her words had a sense of finality in them which I didn't appreciate at all.

"Why is that?" I asked curiously, finally breaking away from staring into her eyes. She grabbed my chin, tilting my head back as she smirked.

"Because I could tell Alcina every little secret about you, I see everything," she whispered. Her voice sounded absolutely terrifying if I was being honest but I truthfully wanted to see what she knew.

"I don't think you actually know anything." My words hung in the air for a moment before she chuckled softly.

"Oh really? So you wouldn't mind if I told Alcina that a few months ago you were having your little girlfriend sneak up here so you could meet in the stables?" Mother Miranda asked. My eyes widened as I looked at her. Not even Taylor had known about that.

I winced when I heard glass shatter from Alcina's office. It was probably another wine glass but at least she hadn't thrown her desk.

I had apparently spoken too soon as the sound of something heavy hitting the wall echoed through the house. A small squeak escaped me as I hurried down the stairs, grabbing Taylor to hide behind.

"Your girlfriend's a bitch," I said as I dragged Taylor with me, using her as a shield.

This chapter is just kind of a filler because my least favorite character shows up soon.

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