Chapter 34

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*Freya's P.O.V*

It had been a mad scramble for the last three days to get the house ready for Mother Miranda's visit. The maids had been in a mad scramble since they found out and I hadn't gotten to see Taylor very much. Uncle Heisenberg and Auntie Donna had left almost immediately to return home so that when Mother Miranda called, they could answer.

That meant I had been very bored since I no longer had Angie to speak with. Now I was stuck with boring old mommy and her boring old self. She didn't even read good stories like she was supposed to, she didn't do the voices like Daniela did. I know it was a small thing but it was still greatly upsetting to me.

Now the girls were in charge of babysitting me for the day, that sounded fun but they seemed very nervous about it. I think that had to do more with Mother Miranda being here than actually being nervous about caring for me. Bela was obviously the one in charge since she was the most responsible out of them all.

Bela was in charge of getting me dressed and making sure I ate breakfast, which I didn't do. I wanted to nurse and if I couldn't do that then I wouldn't be eating at all. Bela had eventually just dropped it since she knew I wouldn't give in. She kept bringing snacks to whatever room I was in at the time, usually the library since Daniela had promised to read to me for the entire day. I was not going to give up that amazing opportunity for anything.

Cassandra seemed to be on edge for some reason, she kept getting annoyed really easily and Bela made her take breaks from being in the same room as me since she was being so snappy. Daniela said it was because Cassandra hadn't gotten to hunt for the past couple weeks since those men broke, she was just grumpy. It also didn't help that the house was being invaded by people she didn't particularly like that much, she would be in an even worse mood.

Daniela slipped some candy to me, knowing that it was the only thing I would eat right now since I was rebelling against the fact I didn't get to nurse. It was supposed to be Mommy and I's special thing and she hadn't done it just because she was busy this morning. I don't think she even loves me at this point because she didn't even give me a good morning kiss and those were the most important.

"Freya, it's time to get ready to nap," Daniela said, drawing my attention away from my thoughts. I whined slightly, knowing what that meant. I still didn't like wearing diapers but I wasn't going to give them a hard time about getting me in one. Daniela turned into her swarm of flies and swarming around me as she flew me to my nursery.

"I still not like diapers," I informed her with a soft yawn as she reformed back into her human form and lifted me up onto the changing table. She chuckled softly as she undid the buttons on my onesie, taking off my pull-up. She was a lot clumsier than Mommy was when she diapered me but I could forgive that since it was her first time putting one on me. Daniela didn't bother putting the onesie with mittens on it, mainly because she trusted me to behave and plus it wasn't as fun to annoy her as it was to annoy Mommy.

Daniela took me back to the library once she was done, I think she was more invested in the story than I was to be honest. That was okay though, I liked watching her face as she read. The way it lit up every single time she found a favorite character or connected to one. However before she could continue reading, I had to give a few token protests about not being a baby and not needing diapers. They weren't serious protests but I couldn't be an angel for them, Mommy might get suspicious.

"Can you just shut up," Cassandra yelled from her spot on top of the bookshelves. Tears pricked my eyes, she had never yelled at me before. None of them had ever even raised their voices in the slightest. "Shit, Faye I'm sorry," she said as she dropped down. I didn't like her anymore, she was mean. She had yelled at me and I wanted my Mommy more than anything now.

I scrambled up from my spot on the couch and ran out of the room, tears running down my face as I tried to find the room Mommy was in. I eventually stopped as I wiped my tears away angrily, a frown on my lips. I hated it here, I wanted my mommy and I couldn't find her and it wasn't fair. I sniffled as I wandered the halls, peeking into rooms to try and find her. I eventually wandered to a room close to the cellars, pulling the door open slightly to peek inside.

My eyes landed on Mommy and my bracelet jingled slightly, making her glance at the door. Her eyes widened slightly as she shook her head just a bit. I pouted slightly as I looked at her pleadingly, wiping my tears away. She bit her bottom lip as she looked at the lady who was talking before nodding her head. I slipped into the room quietly, shutting the door before I darted to Mommy's side. She lifted me up as she held me close.

"Oh my little baby," she murmured as she wiped my tears away, a small frown on her lips.

"Well who do we have here?" the voice was familiar, I had heard it on the phone talking to Mommy all the time. I glanced at the woman who was sitting towards the very front, shrinking into Mommy's side. "Well Alcina, aren't you going to introduce me to your little fairy?" she questioned, making Mommy tense slightly as she wrapped her arms around me protectively. 

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