Chapter 58

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*Freya's P.O.V*

"Where is she? Where is Rose?" The man asked.

"Who the fuck is Rose?" I asked as I glanced at his gun. His hands were shaky, he seemed to be quite upset.

"My daughter, that bird bitch took her," the man stated. "You must know her? The bird woman," he stated.

"I'm going to guess that you're Ethan Winters," I said slowly, making him nod. "Okay well I'm Freya and I do know Miranda," I stated.

"Well then where is my daughter?" Ethan asked, raising the gun. It was supposed to be a threat I supposed but I was clearly much stronger than him, his neck looked very weak. I shook my head to get rid of that thought before meeting his gaze.

"I have no clue, Miranda does whatever she pleases with no regard to others. She's kind of the local cult leader around here," I stated slowly. His hands shook slightly as his finger twitched on the trigger.

"Liar," he said and I heard the crack of the gun as it fired. There was a sudden burning pain in my shoulder and I hissed as I fell against the wall, feeling the blood pulsing from the wound. I glared at him as he looked down at me. I launched myself from the wall, managing to get past him.

I was next to the foot of the bed when I heard the crack of the gun being fired again. I felt a sharp pain in the back of my skull as I collapsed to the ground. I could feel the pulsing blood trickle down my back. My body collapsed to the ground and I moved my hand to touch the back of my skull.

My vision went black after a moment and I felt my hand go limp. I could hear Ethan moving around behind me and I heard him leave. That was the last thing I heard before I passed out, my breathing coming to a halt. The feeling of the floor underneath faded underneath me.

When my eyes opened again, I felt the cold floor underneath me. I could still feel the blood running down my back. My head felt sticky and I turned my head to see blood coating it. I moved my hand and touched the back of my head, feeling the blood but no wound. I sat up slowly, using my injured arm to push myself up.

I looked over to my other shoulder, noticing that there was a hole through my dress but my shoulder seemed to be fine now. I moved my shoulder and noticed that the pain seemed to be gone. I looked around my room and noticed that it seemed to have been trashed. I noticed the chisel had rolled closer and I scooted closer to pick it up.

My hands wrapped around it and I stood up slowly. My breathing was shallow as I used the wall to keep myself up. I walked slowly out of the room, looking around the hall and noticing that the hall was a mess. I leaned against the banister as I made my way down the steps. The entire bottom of the stairs was a mess.

My breath caught in my throat as I reached the bottom of the steps, noticing Angie laying there. I crouched down next to her, poking her in the face. She didn't move, her eyes just staring off into the distance.

"Angie," I whispered as I tried to get her to react. She didn't move, seeming to not even be alive. My mind flashed back to earlier where she told me that her and Donna's minds were connected and I felt true fear race through my body. I picked up Angie with my free hand, holding her close.

I frowned as I looked around, my hand tightening on the chisel that was in my hand. I slowly entered the living room which was a mess as well. The dolls that had been sitting up on the tables lay cracked on the floor. I frowned at that.

Donna would be so upset if she saw her dolls on the floor. I would have to pick them up after I found her. I walked into her workshop and my heart stopped. Donna was laying on the floor, her body still and in a prone position. I walked over to her slowly, crouching down next to her.

"Auntie Donna?" I whispered as I sat Angie down next to her. I gently touched her back where blood was pooling up around her spine. She was family now, she was my aunt even when I wasn't regressed. Hot tears burned my eyes as I moved my hand up to her face, moving her veil out of the way. I could only see the whites of her eyes and there was blood bubbling around the corner of her lips.

I wiped it away gently before looking around, steeling my resolve. Ethan Winters would pay for this, he had to pay for this. I moved over to the passageway that led out of the doll workshop, looking into the medicine room. The flowers that laid on the tables had been knocked to the floor and I saw Ethan Winters standing there.

I knew they could make you see hallucinations, that's why Donna kept them around the outside of the house. It kept everyone away which made her happy. I slowly entered the room, the scent of the flowers entering my nose. My eyes closed as I tried to avoid breathing in the flowers but it was already too late.

It was dark. So dark. Where was Alcina? I needed her. I needed my Mommy. The darkness slowly cleared away.

I was back home and in my room. It was safe there, so nice and so quiet. I left my room, looking for Mommy. I needed to see her was the only thing I could think as I instinctively went to her study.

The door to it was open and I stopped in the doorway as Mommy was working on me. She lifted up her head and I stopped short as blood started pouring from her mouth and eyes.

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