Chapter 5

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Bela and Cassandra get to meet regressed Freya for the first time.

*Freya's P.O.V*

I opened my eyes, staring up at the ceiling tiredly. The only noises being made were the soft click of my pacifier hitting my lips. Dani must have replaced my thumb with my paci since I fell asleep and then brought me back to my room. I sat up, looking around my room.

It was very dark in here, I didn't like it at all. I crawled to the edge of my bed, looking over the side to see if any monster would try and grab my feet when I got out of bed. I carefully stepped out of bed, swinging my feet over the edge. I walked away from the edge of the bed quickly, turning around to make sure nothing had crawled out from under the bed. I should go get Daniela to make sure there wasn't one, just in case it was really good at hiding.

I padded barefoot out of the room, still clad in my uniform from earlier today. I made my way up the stairs, reveling in the warmth that radiated from the entire upstairs area. I made my way towards the library since Dani was usually there. She read a lot of books, usually the romance ones with a lot of adult stuff in them.

I was stopped by a mass of black flies, Cassandra forming in front of me. "It's past curfew maid, you're breaking the rules," she said as she backed me against the wall. Tears pricked my eyes as I burst into sobs, crying harder when she tried to grab my arm.

"Cassandra stop it," Bela appeared from out of nowhere which caused Cassandra to pause. "That's Daniela's favorite maid right now, you'll upset her if you take the maid to the cellar," Bela said as I ducked behind her.

"She's breaking curfew though," Cassandra said with a frown. "I'm allowed to take her to the cellar for that even if she's Daniela's little friend," she stated.

"Mother wouldn't be happy with you if you upset Daniela," Bela said, which made Cassandra pause with a frown. Bela turned to face me and I saw the confusion in her eyes when she saw the pacifier in my mouth. "Why are you out of bed?" she questioned.

"I wan' Dani," I whimpered as I clung to Bela out of instinct. She tensed on instinct before slowly nodding her head, letting me cling to her arm.

"I will take you to her, perhaps she can explain to me what is going on," Bela said as she guided me past Cassandra who tucked her sickle away with a small frown. I stayed as far away from Cassandra as I could, keeping my face tucked against Bela's arm. I smiled around my pacifier when I saw the library and let go of Bela's arm, running to the library. The door was already open so I immediately looked for Daniela when I entered.

"Little fairy what are you doing out of bed?" Daniela asked as she stood up from the couch, hurrying over to me. She lifted me effortlessly, letting me rest on her hip as she looked me over, her thumb gently wiping away the tears.

"I scared a monster is under my bed," I whispered as I clung to her. "You said you always would check for monsters," I informed her as I played with a piece of her red hair.

"I did promise that huh?" Daniela asked as she kissed the top of my head. Her eyes traveled from me to the doorway and she stared for a long moment. "Looks like we have some explaining to do little bug," she said as I looked at the doorway to see Bela and Cassandra.

"Cassand'a said she gonna take me to the cellar for being up past cu'few," I whispered to Daniela around my pacifier which gave me a slight lisp.

"I won't let her do that buggaboo, don't worry," Daniela said to me as she invited her sisters to sit down on the other couch. "So I guess I have some explaining to do about what's going on between Faye and I," she said as she rubbed the back of her neck awkwardly.

"Yes, an explanation would be nice," Bela said as she stared at me sitting on Daniela's lap with a confused expression. "Her name is Freya, that is what her files say," she stated simply.

"Faye is a nickname that most people call her," Daniela explained as she rocked back and forth, letting me lean against her as she did so. "Faye is an age regressor, she mentally regresses to that of a small child at times," she stated as she tapped my pacifier with her free hand. "Hence the pacifier that she has," she said.

"Why does she regress? And why does that mean that she gets to roam the halls at nights?" Cassandra asked as she leaned against the couch, studying me.

"I don't know why she regresses, I just know that she can't help it. And she doesn't get a free pass to roam the halls at nights, she was simply looking for me so that I could scare away the monsters that could be hiding in her room," Daniela said simply.

"How young does she regress? How often does she regress? Does Mother know about this? Is this why you are so close to the human?" Bela asked as she leaned forward, her eyes shining with curiosity as she studied me.

"It depends but usually about 2 to 3 years old and she regresses a couple times of week when she has the free time," Daniela said as she bounced me on her leg, waking me back up before I could fall asleep. "You can't tell Mother, what if she gets rid of Freya?" Daniela questioned as she tightened her grip on me. I whined softly which made her let me go, sitting me on the couch next to her.

I crawled to the edge of the couch and stared up at Cassandra who stared into my eyes. I sat up on my knees and touched the sickle she had secured in place. "Don't touch that," Cassandra said as she pushed my hand away. I tilted my head as I climbed onto the arm of the couch, sitting on it as I held my arms out to her. She reluctantly picked me up, holding me by having her hands under my armpits.

She wasn't that scary since she was no longer threatening to lock me in the dark I decided. I squirmed in midair as Cassandra dropped me onto Bela's lap. "Cassandra," Bela hissed as I looked up at her, patting her face with my palm. "Hello," she whispered as I snuggled into her.

"I've become Faye's caretaker, her family if you will," Daniela said. "I think I'm more suited for the big sister role but I've done pretty good with caring for her. I even got books so that I knew how to properly care for her," she stated proudly. Bela stared me in the eyes as I played with long, blonde hair before looking at Daniela.

"I would like to read those books you got," Bela said as she cradled me, rocking me back and forth. "So when she regresses, you care for her like an actual 2 to 3 year old?" she questioned quietly.

"Mhmm, Faye's pretty good at saying what she wants when she's regressed but she's kind of sleepy right now which is why she is so quiet," Daniela said. "Also the fact Cassandra threatened her but that's beside the point right now. So will you two promise not to tell Mother?" she asked.

"Tell us more about it and show us the books after Freya- er Faye is back in bed, we'll go more into depth then since your human is on the verge of passing out on Bela," Cassandra said. "But for now, since you both seem happy with whatever this whole age regressor thing is, I will say nothing to Mother," she stated.

"I won't say anything to Mother either," Bela whispered as she let my head rest on her shoulder, her nails gently scratching my back as she hummed a lullaby. She knew how to make someone sleepy, that was for sure. My eyes fluttered close as I sucked on my pacifier, copying Bela's breathing pattern which made me fall asleep.

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