Chapter 15

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*Freya's P.O.V*

Apparently trying to outrun a 9 foot vampire lady was impossible. She had caught me rather quickly, I blamed Bela for that, and had taken me back to her study. Lord Heisenberg was nowhere to be seen, I assumed he had other things to deal with. Probably trying to fix the dent his hammer left in the floor.

I felt Lady Dimitrescu's golden gaze burning into me as I squirmed slightly in place. She reminded me of a cat stalking a mouse. That did make sense after all since she was Kitty Cat but I wasn't a mouse! I was more like a puppy if anything. Speaking of puppy's I wonder if I could convince Lady Dimitrescu to get me one.

"Freya," her voice snapped me out of my thoughts and I looked into her eyes with a small frown. "You deliberately disobeyed me, I told you to remain in the greenhouse and to stay away from Heisenberg," she said.

"I didn't mean to run into him, I was going to tattle on Cassandra for leaving me alone," I whined softly. "Was I just supposed to stay alone the whole time?" I questioned with a pout.

"You and I both know that Bela and Daniela would have heard if you called for them to come stay with you," Lady Dimitrescu pointed out. That was true, they could hear me from anywhere in the house but I wanted to tattle on Cassandra to her by myself. "Now, since this is your first time getting in trouble, I will allow you to choose your punishment from two options," she said.

"Punishment?" I asked, my voice bleeding into a whine at the end of my question. I didn't want a punishment, they weren't fun at all. We had talked a little about punishments a few days ago but I hadn't ever thought she would actually punish me.

"You did not think you could get away with disobeying me did you sweet girl?" Lady Dimitrescu and I melted at the pet name from her before remembering she was going to punish me. I shook my head quickly, my hair hitting me in the face from the fast movement. "You have the option to take a 10 minute timeout or you can receive a spanking," she said.

Timeouts weren't fun at all, she was a meanie for even suggesting I take a timeout. A 10 minute timeout was like the rest of my life, I couldn't stand in the corner for that long. I had never had a spanking before but I had heard they weren't that bad from someone who had. They had said it was more a tingly feeling for them rather than pain.

"Spanking," I said reluctantly after a moment, noticing the slight surprise in her eyes. She gestured for me to come to her and I walked around her desk slowly, squeaking when she picked me up. She draped me over her lap, her hand gently lifting up the sundress I was wearing. I flushed slightly when I realized that she now knew I was wearing a pullup, I hadn't let her know that I wore them ever since I had the accident.

"Let me know if it gets to be too painful for you to handle," she instructed me as she tugged my pullup down slightly, the first smack hitting my bare bottom seconds later. I sucked in a deep breath at the pain it brought, tears pricking my eyes as I grabbed the loose fabric of her dress tightly.

I pushed my head against her leg as the next few smacks landed in quick succession. She paused long enough between each smack to give me a chance to speak. The last few smacks landed with even more force, leaving me crying quietly. My pullup was pulled back into place and Lady Dimitrescu sat me up, wiping my tears away with her thumbs.

I felt my pacifier being pushed into my mouth and I sucked on it, clinging to Lady Dimitrescu tightly as she lifted me up. Her hand rested on my bottom lightly as she gently rocked me back and forth.

"I no disobey you again," I whined as Lady Dimitrescu kissed my forehead lightly. I would never pick a spanking over a timeout again unless the timeout was like 20 minutes long because I think a spanking would still be preferable over a 20 minute timeout. At least spankings didn't last as long as a timeout did.

"I am glad to hear that," Lady Dimitrescu said. "You're okay right darling? It wasn't too much for you?" she asked softly.

"It hurt but wasn't too much," I said as I tried to ignore the stinging feeling that remained in my bottom. "Taylor lied about spankings," I sulked slightly as I sniffled softly.

"What did Taylor tell you about spankings darling?" Lady Dimitrescu said as she lifted my head up, kissing the tip of my nose which earned a giggle from me.

"She said spankings didn't hurt, she said they made you tingly," I said, a pout across my lips. Lady Dimitrescu's eyes did the funny thing were they widened, making me giggle softly as I reached up and touched her hat.

"What else has Taylor said?" Lady Dimitrescu said as she smiled softly, gently running her long fingers through my hair. I leaned into her touch as I stared at her with a small grin. The pain in my bottom faded from my mind as I basked in her affection.

"She's said a lot of things. Things like words I'm not supposed to say and the fact she thinks you're a Milf but she wouldn't say what that word meant either," I informed her proudly. "I learn lots from Taylor," I said.

"I can tell," Lady Dimitrescu murmured as she gently scratched my scalp. I cooed happily as I leaned into her nails, a dopey grin on my face as I turned my head slightly while sinking into her embrace.

There was a knock on the door before it was knocked open, the person entered the room rather loudly. Didn't they know they were supposed to wait until Mommy said to come in before they just entered her study.

"So Alcina, care to explain what I've run into," Heisenberg's voice told me that he wouldn't be leaving until he got an answer, even if that took days.

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