Chapter 4

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*Freya's P.O.V*

I studied the floor in front of me with great interest, a small frown marring my lips. I hadn't known what to expect when serving Lady Dimitrescu but it certainly hadn't been to stand still for most of the time and wait for orders on what to do. I had cleaned her study rather quickly, it was barely dirty which allowed me to finish in record time.

Besides that all I had to do was top up her drink, feeling her golden eyes burning holes into me whenever I was around her. I kept my head bowed down at all times, afraid of accidentally making eye contact with her.

"Why has my youngest taken such an interest in you?" Lady Dimitrescu questioned, the sudden sound of her voice startling me. Both Bela and now Lady Dimitrescu had asked the same question of me, it was like they expected me to know what went on in Daniela's brain.

"I do not know Lady Dimitrescu," I answered simply, keeping my gaze locked firmly on the ground. I picked at a piece of loose skin around my nails idly, trying to focus on something other than the absolute terror that was running through me.

"Really? You have absolutely no clue why Daniela has become so taken with you?" Lady Dimitrescu asked, her voice holding a warning to it. I knew exactly why Daniela was so interested in me but I wasn't going to tell her that, that information was supposed to be between me and Daniela only.

"I have no idea why Miss Daniela is so interested in me," I answered as I took a shaky breath, my legs trembling slightly. I didn't want to be in this room anymore, Lady Dimitrescu was scary and I wanted Dani right now.

"Let me make this very clear, if you do anything to harm my daughter your life will be forfeit," Lady Dimitrescu said simply, her gaze burning holes into me. I nodded as I gulped softly, feeling my legs shake even more. I wanted Dani even more now, I wanted her to read me more stories. "You are dismissed," Lady Dimitrescu said, much to my relief.

My legs shook as I made my way out of the room, shutting the door softly. I made my way down the hall, focusing on my breathing as I put my hand on my heart. My heart was beating erratically as I slid down to the floor, resting my head on my knees. There was a soft buzzing noise and I heard someone form in front of me.

"What's wrong my little fairy?" I heard Daniela question as her arms wrapped around me. "Did my mother upset you?" she questioned me, pulling me close to her.

"Mhmm, she seems to think I'm going to hurt you 'cause she said that if I did anything to hurt you that my life would be forfeit," I answered quietly. "And her and Miss Bela also seem to think I know why you have an interest in me, I don't know what goes on in your mind," I stated.

"No one knows what goes on in my mind," Daniela chuckled softly as she tilted my head up to look her in the eyes. "And you do know why you have an interest in you, it's because you're adorable," she said as she kissed the tip of my nose, making my nose crinkle slightly.

"I'm not adorable Dani," I muttered as my cheeks heated up slightly. I stuck my tongue out at her as I crossed my arms over my chest.

"You are so adorable," Daniela said as she stood up, pulling me along with her. "Come on, let's go to the library now that my mother doesn't need you for the rest of the day. I'll read you one of my favorite stories," she promised as she pulled me along after her.

"Dani, stop pulling me," I whined as I twisted my hand out of her grip. "You hurt my wrist," I murmured as I held my wrist close to my chest. It was accidental, she didn't realize how strong she was sometimes.

"I'm sorry Faye," Daniela paused as she kissed the top of my head gently. "I'll read you two stories to make up for it," she stated.

"Is okay Dani, I know you didn't mean to," I said as I offered her a small smile. I followed her to the library, holding her hand the whole time so she knew that I had forgiven her. As soon as she sat down with the books I sat on her lap, leaning my head against her chest.

"Are you by chance regressing right now? You seem to be at times in our conversation and in others you are not," Daniela said as she looked down at me.

"'ve been trying not to slip, it's hard not to, though," I admitted quietly. I didn't want to lie to Dani, she really did care about me especially when I was regressed. The only problem is that she treated me like a child almost all the time since she had found out I regressed. She didn't seem to know how else to treat me because she was so afraid that I would regress when doing something that my regressed side shouldn't do.

"Is there anything I can do? Do you want me to help you regress fully or do you want me to leave you alone?" Daniela asked as she turned me towards her.

"Shh Dani," I muttered as I nuzzled my head into her chest, curling up close to her. "Just cuddle while you read to me," I murmured as I stared at her through half-lidded eyes. I'd slip if she just let me relax while she held me, I think it was because I was touch starved and regressed me really loved cuddles.

"Okay, I got some fairy tales to read to you," Dani informed me, making me smile softly up at her. She opened the book she had in her free hand as I closed my eyes. "Once upon a time..." she started to read, her voice soothing me. I smiled happily as my thumb slipped into my mouth, feeling my mind go all fuzzy the more she read to me. Her other hand gently running through my hair the entire time she spoke to me.

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