Chapter 61

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*Freya's P.O.V*

I was actually quite happy to be in the carriage this time. I was cuddled up next to Mother Miranda to keep warm. My head rested on her shoulder as she ran a hand through my hair. It was so gentle, so unlike her.

"Is Taylor okay?" I whispered softly, looking up at her. My hands had been wiped clean of Ethan Winter's blood. Being wrapped in Mother Miranda's cloak meant I couldn't see the blood that stained my clothes. I was quite content to not be able to see the blood.

"She'll be fine. Ethan Winters managed to injure her and she bled a lot so she has to heal. She took the Cadou a lot better than you did," Mother Miranda said quietly. She was being a lot more gentle with me than usual. I quite liked it to be honest.

"Will she be like me?" I asked softly.

"Hopefully she doesn't become as mischievous as you," Mother Miranda smiled. She wasn't wearing her mask like usual so I reached up to touch her face. My thumb ran over her cheek slightly.

"I'm not mischievous," I pouted slightly which made her smile.

"Sure you aren't darling," Mother Miranda stated as she rested her hand on the back of my head and held me close. "Alcina will be so glad you are safe," she whispered softly.

"I miss her," I said quietly. It didn't feel right to call her Mommy when I wasn't regressed but Alcina didn't feel right either. I would have to sort through my feelings later, maybe when I wasn't focusing on the fact that I had murdered a man.

"She misses you very much too," Mother Miranda said softly. "Which is why I didn't tell her that Ethan Winters had showed up to Donna's," she stated. My eyes widened at that as I looked up at her.

"Why?" I asked with a frown.

"Because you would have been irate and worried and she would have been no use to you when she was like that," Mother Miranda stated.

"All I'm hearing is that she's going to be with you and not me," I muttered. Mother Miranda nodded her head slightly.

"That is why I will let her see you first and let her hold you before I tell her," Mother Miranda said. "That way I have a chance to leave," she stated. I giggled softly at her words, nodding my head in understanding.

The carriage ride home seemed much quicker than the ride to Donna's. Mother Miranda wrapped her cloak tightly around me as she left the carriage and carried me inside. She sat me down once the door was closed and my eyes immediately locked with Alcina's.

I ran to her quickly, feeling arms wrap around me as she lifted me up. My head rested on her chest as I hugged her tightly. Her hand rested on my back as she rubbed it lightly.

"My darling girl," she muttered softly as her chin rested on top of my head. I heard her inhale softly before she pulled back. "You smell of a manthing," she said, disgust coloring her tone as she looked down at me.

"About that..." Mother Miranda said slowly, trailing off as Alcina looked at her. "She may have killed Ethan Winters," she stated as she stepped back. It was kind of funny to see how scared she was of Alcina.

"And you forgot to tell me that earlier?" Alcina asked slowly, her tone showing that she was quite angry. I had never heard her so angry in my life.

"Well forgot and purposefully didn't mention it are the same thing if you really think about it," Mother Miranda said. "You would have been no use to her worrying about her. Besides I didn't know she was killing him at the time. Karl was the closest so I sent him and figured he would kill the man," she stated.

"You killed Ethan Winters?" Alcina asked as she looked down at me. I nodded my head, my hands shaking slightly at the memory. "Oh my darling," she whispered softly as she pressed a kiss to my forehead.

"She killed the manthing?" Cassandra's voice said, making me peek over Alcina's shoulder to see Cassandra standing there. Bela and Daniela were with her and I felt a breath of relief escape me. "That's not fair, I wanted to kill him," she huffed.

I squirmed to get down and Alcina sat me down. I ran over to them, crashing into Daniela and hugging her. She fell to the floor and I laid on top of her, still hugging her closely. She wrapped her arms around me.

"I missed you too little fairy," Daniela said as she hugged me close. I heard Cassandra sigh from above me before she dropped on top of me. I giggled as her arms wrapped around me.

"I supposed I missed you two," Cassandra said. "Tell me, how did you kill the manthing? Did you slit his throat?" she asked. I shivered at her words as the memory hit me and I shook my head.

"I bashed his skull in with a chisel," I said quietly.

"I'm going to start bringing you down to the cellar with me," Cassandra muttered.

"Oh shush Cassandra," Bela said as she kneeled next to the cuddle pile and wrapped her arms around me. It was like an awkward sandwich. Daniela was under me and Cassandra was directly on top of me. Bela was just kind of reaching into the middle to hug me.

"I'm glad you three are okay," I whispered, making Daniela hum slightly.

"Course we are Freya, why wouldn't we be?" Daniela asked. I shook my head, not wanting to answer. I managed to turn my head to look back at Alcina who was talking with Mother Miranda very quietly and angrily.

"I think Mother Miranda is in trouble," I whispered.

"No really you think so?" Cassandra asked as she poked me in the side. I giggled slightly at the touch and she smirked. I knew that look well and tried to squirm away. Being pinned down by three people meant there was no escape.

"Don't you dare," I hissed as Cassandra started to tickle me. I giggled as Daniela held me down. It was nice to be home.

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