Chapter 43

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*Freya's P.O.V*

I managed to get to speak with everyone, including Mother Miranda even though I was mad at her for telling on me, before Alcina tried to get me to come with her. I really didn't want to go with her, I knew I was definitely going to get a spanking for my previous behavior. However I also knew that running off would only make my punishment worse.

I followed her all the way back to her room, feeling my stomach sink slightly when the door shut behind me. I fiddled with my dress as I looked at the floor, suddenly finding it to be the most interesting thing in the world to look at.

"Come here darling, I want to speak with you," Alcina said. I walked over to her, flushing when she lifted me onto her lap as she sat on the bed. My wings were pressed against her arm as she held me close.

"'m not little," I muttered as I smoothed down my nightgown, refusing to look her in the eyes.

"I know Freya however that does not mean I can not still hold you while I speak to you," Alcina said as her hand cupped my face, making me look up at her. "I have been rather lax with punishing you for your disobedience so far however I will not be so lenient now. If you even try to go outside in the cold now, you will end up dying from the cold. Your body is now just like your sisters'," she stated.

"So no going outside ever?" I asked with a small pout, looking into her golden eyes. There was something so calming about the way she spoke, calling the girls my sisters just added to it.

"There are sometimes days when it is warm enough for the girls to venture out in the summer, however those days have become less and less often as of late," Alcina answered as her thumb gently ran down my cheek. I leaned into her touch of reflex, my eyes closing as I rested my head against her hand. "Now Freya, we need to discuss your punishment," she said, making me whine as I looked up at her.

"Do we have to?" I asked as I stared up at her.

"Yes," Alcina said simply. "Are you okay with me spanking you even though you are not regressed?" she questioned. I thought over it for a moment before nodding. My cheeks had started to turn red from embarrassment.

I whined softly when she moved me, my legs resting between hers as she bent me over her knee. My nightgown was lifted up to expose my bottom before she bared my bottom. I squirmed slightly, squeaking when she swatted my bottom.

It may have just been my imagination but it felt like she was spanking much harder then when I was regressed. I mean it would make sense seeing as she was probably holding back when I was regressed but it still caught me off guard.

Her hand rained down heavy swats and I tried to squirm away. I tried to kick my legs to squirm away but she kept my legs held in place. I noticed that my wings were also reacting to my emotions, they kept flicking out with each movement I made.

Tears trickled down my face and I lost count of the spanks around 20. Eventually they stopped and I whined softly when she pulled my panties back up. Alcina lifted me up, pulling me into a hug. I buried my face into her neck, soft sobs escaping my lips as she rubbed my back. My wings flicked against her hand with each movement and she hummed softly as she laid back.

"I know darling, I know," she whispered softly as I nuzzled into her. I never knew a spanking could hurt so bad, I was never trusting Taylor's judgements on things again. Alcina pulled the blanket over me, a quiet knock on the door. "Come in," she said softly.

"You asked me to bring you this," Daniela's voice was quiet and I turned my head slightly to look at Daniela. She was holding a sippy cup and I whined softly, looking up at Alcina with a small pout on my lips.

"Thank you Daniela," Alcina said as she held out her hand and accepted the sippy cup from Daniela. She brought the sippy cup up to my lips and I hesitantly accepted it, taking a small sip from it. The taste of the drink was sort of savory almost like a tomato juice in a way however there were also copper undertones to it. The taste awakened a hunger in me and I started to drink faster, whining when Alcina pulled it away. "Easy darling," she cooed.

"No," I said simply as I pulled the sippy cup out of her hands, turning away from her as I brought it back to my mouth. I heard Daniela snicker before she swarmed over to me, sitting beside me. I was still laying against Alcina but I had turned in such a way that she couldn't grab the sippy cup again.

"Hello little sister," Daniela said as she smoothed my hair back. I leaned into her touch, feeling myself start to slip. "Mother is so mean huh?" she asked, smiling when I nodded my head. I scooted over to her, whining when I was reminded of the stinging pain in my bottom.

"Mommy's mean," I huffed as I cuddled into Daniela, refusing to look at Mommy. Daniela chuckled at my pouting as I continued to drink from my sippy cup, cuddling into Daniela.

"Yes I know, she's so mean," Daniela whispered to me. I nuzzled into her as I closed my eyes, sighing contentedly as I continued to drink from my sippy cup.

"Oh I am just so terrible," Mommy said, making me nod in agreement. My eyes fluttered close as I leaned into Daniela who hummed softly.

"She's my baby now," Daniela muttered.

"Not your baby," I objected, opening my eyes to glare at her. Mommy reached over and took me from her, cradling me slightly. I nuzzled into her breasts, closing my eyes again as I tried to ignore the pain in my bottom.

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