Chapter 60

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*Freya's P.O.V*

I don't know how long I sat over Ethan Winters as I stabbed the chisel down into his skull. The sound of the bone cracking was horrifying to listen to. His blood stained my hands as the chisel went up and down. Brain matter flecked the chisel yet I didn't care.

"I won't let you take them away from me, I won't let you take away my family," I sobbed, tears obscuring my vision. My arms went sore from how much I continued to stab the chisel into his skull. My arms eventually went numb but I couldn't stop. The fear of losing everything I loved kept me going.

I startled as I felt arms wrap around me, hands wrapping around my wrists to stop me from continuing. The palms of the hands were rough, calloused and scarred. I fought against the hold, feeling it only tighten before I heard the words that were being spoken.

"It's okay kiddo, it's okay," Karl whispered behind me. I didn't know when he went from Heisenberg to Karl in my mind but it just felt right. I sobbed harder at his words as my grip on the chisel loosened. He pried it out of my hands and it dropped onto the back of Ethan Winters. His skull was almost completely gone.

"He hurt Donna, Papa. He hurt Donna," I sobbed as I turned around, his hands moving to rest on my back. He rested a hand on the back of my head and gently ran the hand through my hair.

"It's okay little one, Donna will be fine. It just takes us old people a little while to heal," he whispered into my hair. He moved to get up, lifting me into his arms. My head rested on his shoulder as I was carried out of the room. The body of Ethan Winters was still laying there, however it would be gone soon. The lycans that had slunk inside were moving towards it, already tearing him apart into pieces.

My hands shook slightly as Karl sat me down gently. Auntie Donna was propped up against the couch and I could see that her chest was moving very shallowly. She was awake though which was a good sign. Angie was still slumped over though so it wasn't like I had a good companion to keep my mind off what I had just done.

"Freya," Donna's voice caught my attention and I looked at her more closely. She wasn't wearing her veil which made me stop short since she always wore it. Karl sat me down on the couch and I felt Donna's arms wrap around me. I looked down at my hands which were shaking. The blood on them was slick and I hated it.

I had just killed a man. I had just bashed a man's skull in with a chisel. And the worst part was that I had kind of liked it. It was satisfying to think that I was getting revenge for what he was going to do to my family. Now though I just felt sick.

"Little one, look at me," Karl said as he covered my hands with his. His hands were larger than mine and easily blocked my view of the blood. I lifted my head to stare into his eyes and noticed that he took his sunglasses off. He never did that.

"I killed him," I whispered, my voice breaking.

"I know darling, I saw. You did good though kid, you did good," he promised. I shook my head as  I burst into sobs, feeling him hold me close. It was nice to be in both his and Donna's holds at the same time. Sort of soothing which I didn't feel that I deserved.

"I don't think I like Auntie Donna's flowers anymore," I whispered, making Karl chuckle softly. He lifted his hands and wiped away my tears, the blood from my hand now on his. I could feel it mixing with my tears.

"Bad hallucination?" Karl asked, making me nod without a single word.

"Dani, Cass, and Bela. He killed them," I whispered slowly, my voice halting after a moment.

"Well he didn't get to them in reality. He took a path that deviated from anything we had planned," Karl said simply. "He never got near the castle," he stated, making my body shudder with relief.

"So I can go home now?" I whispered, my voice breaking.

"Yes," Mother Miranda's voice made me look up. She was standing in the doorway, looking disheveled which was strange. She never looked disheveled, she was always so prim and proper.

"Where is Taylor?" I asked quietly, making Mother Miranda pause.

"She was injured, that is why it took me so long to get here," Mother Miranda said simply. "Where is Ethan Winters?" she asked.

"My lycans are eating his body," Karl said. "Took you long enough to get here," he grumbled slightly.

"I had to make sure that the Cadou took to Taylor and calm down Alcina," Mother Miranda said.

"I want my momma," I whispered softly. Karl gently squeezed my hand.

"I will take you home in a moment," Mother Miranda said. "Where is his body?" she asked. Karl gestured with his head and she moved to look inside the medicine room. Whatever she saw seemed to please her.

"Can't you bird swarm her home? I know you can travel like that," Karl said.

"I will not bird swarm her home. It has never been tested before and I will not put Alcina's daughter at risk," Mother Miranda said. Her words made me feel happy. It was nice to be thought of as Alcina's daughter. It meant a lot.

"I think you should do it but if you want to play it safe then by all means go ahead," Karl said as he rolled his eyes. It made me giggle, the way he was so quick to mouth off to people.

"I will play it safe," Mother Miranda said. "The carriage will be here soon and then we can go see Alcina," she informed me.

"Oh great, the big bitch will be so pleased to see us," Karl said.

"Don't call my Momma that Papa," I huffed.

"Oh bite me," he rolled his eyes, making me show my fangs and hiss.

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