Chapter 55

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*Freya's P.O.V*

When I woke up, I was very disoriented in the moment. I rubbed my eyes with a small whine, looking around in confusion. I frowned when I saw that I wasn't in my room before the memory hit me. I was at Auntie Donna's now.

I sat up slowly, grabbing my doll by the arm and pulling it into my lap. I breathed in the smell of Mommy's perfume with a small frown on my lips. "I didn't want to come here," I muttered with a small pout as I looked down at the doll. I knew it wasn't mommy but I still wanted to speak to it. It brought me a sense of comfort.

"I did not want you here," Angie's voice came out from underneath my bed and she pulled herself up onto the bed. I huffed at her, my wings twitched uncomfortably as they slowly unfurled.

"I don't like you much either, you evil doll," I said simply. I smacked her hand away when she tried to touch my doll but it really only hurt me since she was a wooden doll. Angie seemed highly amused by me trying to smack her hand away and let out a loud cackle.

"Stupid dragon, you can not hurt me," Angie laughed. Her laugh was like rusty metal grinding together. It made me want to rip my ears off.

"I could easily throw you into a fireplace," I said simply as I sat my doll down, grabbing her and throwing her across the room. She thumped against the wall and slid to the floor where she then stood up. She turned around to face me and I could see the evil in her eyes.

Angie ran across the room and climbed up on the bed. She attached herself to my leg and climbed up me, wrapping her arms around my neck. I tried to shake her off but she wouldn't let go. Instead she just tightened her grip.

"I'll tell Auntie Donna that you are being evil," I hissed.

"Tell her and I'll rip out your vocal cords," Angie threatened.

"I do not care," I huffed softly as I glared down at her. "Why do you always wear a wedding dress?" I asked curiously.

"I like it," Angie said simply. "Why do you always have these wings?" she asked.

"Because they're attached to me," I said with confusion.

"I can make them unattached," Angie offered as she let go of my neck and tried to reach for my wings. I managed to pull her off me but her tiny wooden fingers dug into my hands.

"Stay away from my wings," I hissed at her.

"You become more and more like a dragon every day," Angie said as she tried to pull her way up my arm.

"I'm telling Auntie Donna on you," I said as I dispersed into a swarm and then reformed outside the door. I made my way down the stairs, taking them two steps at a time. It was dark in the house because it was in the middle of the night but I didn't care.

Taylor was passed out on the couch, a record playing in the background. She slept with one hand behind her head, looking like she was very uncomfortable. I wondered if she had meant to fall asleep there or if it was an accident.

I walked past her, my wing lightly swatting her cheek. Taylor grumbled as her eyes opened, her hand moving to wipe her face. I giggled slightly as I slid past her, my ears picking up the sounds in the distance. It was the sound of a blade, scraping against wood. I followed the sound and found a door which was shut.

I opened the door slowly, trying to stay quiet. I saw Auntie Donna sitting at a bench, carefully cutting at a piece of wood. She was slowly shaping it into the hand of a doll, carving it slowly.

"Auntie Donna," I said quietly, making her hands shake slightly in surprise at the sound of my voice. I hesitantly walked over to her, my hand resting on her arm.

"You should be in bed Freya," she said quietly as she sat down the carving tool she had in her hand. I bit my bottom lip as my wings drooped slightly.

"I woke up, wanted to tattle on Angie," I said simply. "She said she could make them unattached, I don't want her to do that," I pouted.

"I would not allow her to take off your wings," Auntie Donna said simply. "You can go back to bed," she said as she kept her head turned away from me. I frowned lightly as I tapped her shoulder, reaching up to touch her cheek.

Auntie Donna hesitantly turned her head, looking down at me. This was the first time that I had seen her face. One of her eyes was a dark color and the other was covered with what looked like a growth. It kind of reminded me of the scars that I had, the ones from the Cadou.

"Does it hurt?" I asked quietly, my hand reaching up to touch her face. She gently rested her hand over mine, a small smile on her lips.

"No my darling, it doesn't," she reassured me quietly. She seemed relieved almost although I couldn't figure out why.

"My scars do. It feels like the Cadou doesn't want to be in my body," I stated after a moment.

"It is a very fickle thing, the Cadou is not kind to some people," Auntie Donna stated. I nodded my head in understanding of her words. I turned my attention to the doll she was working on. It looked like she was working on the body and limbs of it.

"Can I sit with you while you make the doll?" I asked quietly. She didn't respond but lifted me up onto her lap. I sat in her lap quietly, my head resting on her shoulder as she went back to work. Her hands were steady as she continued to work on the doll, carving at it slowly.

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