Chapter 51

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*Freya's P.O.V*

It was very easy to find the paint cans I wanted and set them. It almost felt too easy before I remembered that no one in this house except me was an evil genius who could get away with such things. Being the baby of this family paid off quite well when you were going to get in trouble.

Angie helped me set up the paint cans above the doors. Pink, blue, red, and green were just a few of the colors that we used. Cina seemed to be happy to follow her around and part of me wondered whether he preferred her to me. He seemed just happy to try and eat the flour that Angie set up and I wondered what a dog like Cina actually ate.

"Do you think we can feed him children?" Angie asked, making me frown at her.

"No," I said simply.

"Why not?" Angie seemed upset by the idea of not being able to feed children to the dog.

"Because I don't want him used to the taste of human flesh," I said simply.

"You drink human flood, I'm pretty sure that you have eaten some flesh at some point," Angie informed me.

"No I haven't, my mommy strains the flesh out of my blood before I get my bottles," I retorted, feeling a bit childish when I said it like that.

"Aww, the poor baby," Angie said. "Disturbed by the thought of consuming human flesh even though she drinks human blood," she taunted. I responded by doing the mature thing and kicking her across the room. She landed on her feet and screeched at me like the little demon that she was.

"You're a stupid doll, I hope your paint washes off," I retorted as I stuck my tongue out at her.

"Real mature," Angie said as she huffed, climbing up the curtains. She was my worst enemy but also the only one that would help me prank Mommy and Mother Miranda. Speaking of the two women, I assumed they would be done soon.

Uncle Heisenberg still hadn't come back but I assumed that was because he was old and got lost. Maybe he needs a guide nowadays. Auntie Donna would probably help him but I didn't think she should since he had called her flowers stupid once. It may have only been once but I held grudges and so did Angie.

My prediction of Mommy being done soon was proven right because she had apparently walked into my first trap. I only knew that because I had set it up down just down the hall from the room she was in and she had just screamed my name.

"Showtime," I said as I dispersed into a swarm of flies. I flew through the vents until I located the room, landing and forming at a decent distance away from Mommy. That was a smart decision on my part since Mommy and Mother Miranda seemed very mad. It seemed that they had gotten the pink paint and it covered both of them. It was a good thing that Mommy wore her hat or else it would have been in her hair, much like Mother Miranda had pink paint stuck in her hair.

"Alcina, how attached are you to this child?" Mother Miranda asked. I pouted at her, saddened that she would even ask that.

"At the moment, I'm debating on locking her in the cellar," Mommy said, making me look at her with a frown.

"I don't like you either Alcina," I said as I put my hands on my hips. "Uncle Papa Heisenberg got me a dog and I named it Cina and it's nicer then you," I retorted as I looked at her.

"Is that so?" Mommy asked as she looked at me.

"Yeah, you need me Alcina. I don't needs you," I said as I stuck my tongue out.

"Freya darling, where do you expect to get milky if not for me?" Mommy asked. I frowned at that question as I didn't really know where I would get milky if not from her.

"I don't know but then I wouldn't get stupid timeouts or spankings," I retorted with a huff escaping me.

"You wouldn't last a day without me angel," Mommy said simply.

"You wouldn't last a day without me Alcina," I said, saying Mommy's name was fun.

"I'm still going to strangle her either way," Mother Miranda said.

"Shut up Miranda," I retorted, squealing when she moved towards me. I dispersed into a swarm of flies, flying across the room to appear next to Auntie Donna. "You have paint in your hair," I told Mother Miranda, clinging to Auntie Donna's dress. Auntie Donna wouldn't ever let me get punished by the mean ladies, she loved me too much.

Auntie Donna gently smoothed my hair back, humming softly as I taunted Mother Miranda by sticking my tongue out at her.

"I live with Auntie Donna, she never spanks me," I said as I rested my head on her shoulder, peeking out to look at Mommy.

"You're definitely getting a spanking after this," Mommy said simply.

"That's not fair," I whined softly. "No one else ever gets spankings," I pouted, muttering to myself.

"Does anyone else dump paint on people?" Mommy asked as she raised an eyebrow. It was hard to take her seriously when Mommy had pink paint dripping off her hat.

"Angie helped," I sulked, deciding to throw Angie under the bus with me. If one of us was getting in trouble then both of us were. Auntie Donna seemed to stiffen in that and I imagined Angie was going to get a talking to.

"Angie is a wooden doll, she can't be spanked," Mommy retorted. "She wouldn't even feel it," she stated.

"So you spank me to hurt me?" I asked, acting aghast. "I knew you were a meanie but I didn't know you wanted to hurt me," I pretended to wail, bursting into a swarm of flies and swarming out of the room. I formed down the hall and looked down to the room with Mommy. "I forgot how many traps I set up, have fun you meanies," I called to her before running off.

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