Chapter 59

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*Freya's P.O.V*

My body shook as I took a deep breath, managing to snap out of the hallucination. I had built kind of a resistance to them over time since the flower's pollen was always in the air. Most of my hallucinations I had managed to keep light and happy.

It usually worked because Donna could basically control the hallucinations. Since she didn't want to cause me pain since I wasn't an intruder, I could basically control the hallucinations however I wanted. I'm not saying that I did sometimes steal some of the flowers from her medicine room and let myself go on a little hallucination trip but I did do that. Usually at night when I was lonely.

I took another step towards Ethan Winters and the scent of the flowers invaded my nose again. Most people didn't know this since Donna was the only one who knew how the flowers worked but the more you fought the hallucination, the longer it would last. So I welcomed the hallucination, letting it take over my mind.

It was freezing. The cold wind whipped around me as I walked through the halls of the house. The windows of the house were all cracked. It felt like my very body itself was turning to ice, weakening at every second that I spent in the cold house.

I found myself in the kitchen, against my will since every hallway seemed to lead to the kitchen. I stood in the doorway as I watched Ethan Winters stumble into the kitchen, Bela walking after him. Bela was like a fine tuned killing machine when she hunted. Everything about her was elegant and graceful even when she was going a little mad with bloodlust.

I was in awe of her hunting prowess. While she was like a fast predator with sharp claws, Ethan was like a vicious poacher. It was sickening to watch but I couldn't move. My feet were stuck in place and I cried out as Ethan shot the glass, watching the cold air rush inside.

The cold air rushed inside and despite that, Bela continued to fight. Her limbs started to freeze and her body slowly turned to ice, crystalizing into a statue. I cried out again as Ethan Winters struck the statue and it crumbled.

I snapped out of the hallucination, tears falling down my cheek. I took another step forward, noticing that Ethan Winters was still standing in place. He was muttering about someone named Mia. I tried to block out the scent of the flowers but it was of no use since I was already fading into another hallucination.

I knew this room well. It was the armory. Cassandra loved it there. She hoarded the sharp weapons, sharpened them until they could cut through the hardest of objects. It was amazing what she could do with a weapon.

I liked to sit and watch her sometimes. She was quite quick with the sharp weapons and could cut through bone like butter. It was quite astonishing how quickly she could move. As fast as a leopard with her strikes. Most people never even saw her coming.

I loved watching her practice those careful moves. She was a sadistic killer in her methods since she liked to drain bodies of their blood before killing people. I had grown used to hearing the sound of the cries of people she tortured. It was quite horrifying to listen to at first but they faded to the background over time.

I watched with a frown as Ethan moved through the armory, always quick on his feet. Cassandra was playing with him. It worried me that she was just playing, I had seen what he had done to Bela. No matter how much I cried out for her to stop and to just kill him however she couldn't hear me.

Ethan threw something and it exploded against the wall. I watched as the wall crumbled away and the cold air rushed in. Watching Cassandra go from predator to prey was quite a horrifying thing. It sent chills down my spine to watch her body freeze until she was a statuette. It made my entire body shake with fear.

Tears ran down my face as I moved towards the statue. Only for Ethan to break it as well. My heart stuttered to a stop as I watched her body crumble. My body shook slightly as I collapsed to the ground, a scream escaping me.

I snapped out of the hallucination, moving forward again. I was almost in arm's reach of Ethan Winters who had fallen to his knees. He was crying, I knew that much. He was muttering about Rose. He clearly was a family man but he didn't seem to care much about the fact that he was killing mine. I was sucked into another hallucination but my hand was already raised to strike.

The library door opened slowly, smacking into the wall. I stood there, still feeling like I couldn't move. It was like my breath was frozen in my lungs. Daniela had no grace when it came to hunting, she hunted for the fun of the blood that she would get. She was like a rabid animal in that way.

Ethan Winters was definitely a killer too though. He wasn't graceful however and so that cost him. Daniela managed to trip him up in her fly form. Her flies nipped and ripped at his skin before she reformed. She tried to cut through him with her sickle but he managed to open the skylight to the library.

It was almost worse to watch Daniela turn into a crystalized statue. She was always so feisty so it was weird to see her body go still. I couldn't even manage to cry out, I just felt the tears stream down my face as it happened. That part hurt the worse, seeing someone who meant so much to me fall and crumble.

I snapped out of the hallucination. Tears were running full force down my face as I stood directly behind Ethan Winters. He had only just snapped out of the hallucination and he didn't seem to know what was happening. The hallucinations had clearly left him disoriented in some way.

I brought the chisel down into the back of his skull. I sobbed even harder as I continued to bring it down into his skull even once he was down on the floor. I drove the chisel into his skull, feeling the blood and brain matter splatter onto my hands as I continued to drive it into his skull.

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