Chapter 11

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We get to see protective Mama Dimitrescu in this chapter.

*Freya's P.O.V*

I woke up in the middle of the night with a dry mouth, something that I could usually ignore. For some reason though, no matter how many times I tossed and turned to get comfortable I could not go back to sleep. I finally decided to just go get a drink when I was still awake an hour later.

I stumbled out of bed, kicking the package of pullups accidentally. I may have put one on before I went to bed but that didn't mean that I liked the idea of wearing a pullup. The pullup was pretty comfortable to wear I had to admit but I wasn't going to tell anyone that.

I padded quietly on the stone floor to go to the kitchen, trying to be as quiet as a mouse to avoid being caught by anyone. I knew I wasn't supposed to be out of bed but I was hoping that me being adorable would keep me out of trouble. I managed to get a cup of juice, downing it quickly and washing the cup after I was done.

I carefully closed the kitchen door when I left, not wanting to leave any evidence of me being up. My attention was drawn to the foyer when I heard the sound of glass breaking. I moved toward the sound, peering through the open door to see what was going on. My eyes landed on a man who had obviously broken the window and entered through it.

I ducked away, hiding in the shadows as I backed away. It wasn't uncommon for people to break in to try and kill Lady Dimitrescu or daughters. I had never actually seen someone break in, only heard the murmurs of what happened the day after. That was actually why we were supposed to stay in our rooms at night, for our own safety.

I bumped into someone when I was backing up and spun around, whimpering when I felt a hand on my throat. "Well looks like we have a personal tour guide," the voice was rough and sent shivers down my spine. There were two men apparently, one who had been down the hallway scouting apparently.

I was exhausted and now in pain from the tight grip the man had, something that was not a good combination. "Let me go," I said as the grip tightened around my throat. I was on the verge of slipping which would be disastrous in this situation.

"Tell us where those bitches are," the other man demanded. I shook my head, I wasn't going to tell them anything. I let out a cry of pain as one of the men shoved me against the wall, the sudden pain causing me to lose the very thin hold I had on my adult mindset.

A sob escaped my lips and there was the sudden sound of flesh being cut. The man who had been holding me by the throat suddenly found his hand severed from his arm. The men found themselves suddenly launched through the air, away from the foyer room. The door was shut suddenly which stopped the cold air from getting through allowing a swarm of flies to descend on the men.

"How dare you touch a daughter of the House of Dimitrescu," Lady Dimitrescu's voice said, holding a dangerous edge to it. I stared at the silver claws that jutted from her hands that were now covered in blood. The silver claws retracted back into her hand as I launched myself at her, clinging to her leg. "My baby," she said quietly as she picked me up, looking me over as she held me in front of her. "Have they hurt you?" she questioned as she lifted my head up, frowning over the marks on my neck.

"Can we kill them Mother?" Cassandra asked, drawing my attention to the men who had obviously had chunks of skin and meat ripped off of them. Her sickle was sunk into the shoulder blade of one of them and she twisted it which earned a scream from the man. "Shhh, save the screaming for later man-thing," she said with a sadistic giggle.

"Keep them alive, for now," Lady Dimitrescu said as she held me close, turning my head away from the gruesome sight. "They have harmed your littlest sister, make them suffer before you kill them," she said as she tucked my head into her shoulder. There was the sound of buzzing and the noises of the men slowly disappeared as they got farther away.

"Mommy, it hurts," I sobbed as I clung to her, whimpering softly. Her hand cupped the back of my head as she kissed the top of my head. "Mean men," I whispered as she started walking, growing distracted by the way her hair glistened in the light. I had never seen her hair down, it was very pretty.

"I know angel, I know. Those horrible man-things shall be punished for hurting you, your big sisters will make sure of that," Lady Dimitrescu said as she moved up the stairs. "What were you doing out of bed, little one?" she questioned quietly.

"I was thirsty then I heard a noise," I admitted as I snuggled into Lady Dimitrescu. "You have claws like a kitty cat," I whispered as I touched her hand, inspecting it slightly. "Is cool," I said as I smiled up at her.

"You don't find me terrifying now?" she questioned to which I shook my head. "Why is that?" she asked as she opened a door, walking through it. I looked around curiously and realized that this must be her bedroom, it was very pretty.

"Cause you protected me Mommy," I said as I grabbed tightly onto her nightgown. The material was soft and felt nice between my fingers. "I wearing a pullup," I informed her quietly, my face darkening slightly.

"I know, I could feel it when I picked you up," she said as she sat down on her bed, cradling me slightly. "You're making it a habit to wander around the house at night, Mommy is going to have to babyproof your room," she murmured as she laid back, letting me lay on her as I closed my eyes.

"Not going work, I a magician," I murmured sleepily as I slipped my thumb into my mouth, sighing contently. "I escape everything," I said quietly as I listened to her heartbeat,

"Mmm I doubt that," she said as she patted my bottom. "I guess we'll just have to see whether or not you're as big as you think you are, little girl," she murmured. I hummed in agreement as I drifted off to sleep, my hands gripping the neckline of her nightgown tightly.

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