Chapter 36

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Mother Miranda's a snitch

*Freya's P.O.V*

My eyes opened as I stretched out, a small yawn escaping my lips. I frowned when my arms touched mesh netting and I looked around to try and orient myself. I was still in the same room from when I fell asleep but I was now stuck in a playpen. That wasn't fair, I didn't need to be in a stupid playpen. I carefully stood up, resting my head on the side of the playpen to look over it.

"It's awake," Uncle Heisenberg said, glancing at me from his seat across the room. I stuck my tongue out at him, too sleepy to actually respond. I looked at Mommy, a small smile on my face when I saw her.

"She has a name, you could use it," Mother Miranda said as her eyes landed on me. I didn't really care about her at the moment, I wanted my mommy. I whined as I flopped back down into my playpen, kicking the side of it with a huff. I had been awake for two whole minutes and Mommy hadn't come to pick me up. "Don't go pick her up now Alcina, you're reinforcing bad behavior. Wait until she calms down," Mother Miranda said. I kicked the side of the playpen even harder as I sat there.

"I always hold her when she's upset," Mommy said, sounding distraught at the fact. She should be upset, I shouldn't be in this stupid playpen. I should be with her already.

"When she is genuinely upset you can do that. When she is throwing a fit to get her way, you are teaching her that all she has to do is throw that fit to get what she wants," Mother Miranda said. I didn't like this lady anymore, she was keeping my mommy from coming to pick me up. Tears pricked my eyes out of frustration as I stared at the ceiling. I laid there for a couple of moments before I heard the familiar click of Mommy's heels. I sat up, smiling happily when she crossed the room to my playpen. She lifted me up, resting me on her hip as she cooed over me.

"My little baby," she said as I snuggled into her, clinging to her tightly as she returned to her seat. I curled into her when she sat me on her lap, pushing my face against her side as she ran her fingers through my hair.

"Not a baby," I muttered as I looked up at her with a small pout. I whined softly when Mother Miranda laughed and looked at her.

"Oh you most certainly are a baby," Mother Miranda said, making me huff. How dare she call me a baby, I was not a baby.

"Am not," I stuck my tongue out, making her eyes narrow slightly as she stood up. I shrank back as she crossed the room, squeaking when she reached down and tilted my head up so I had to look in her in the eyes.

"Yes you are, every little thing you've done proves that to me," she said simply, a small smirk on her lips. "You may think your little tricks work with your mommy but they don't work with me," she stated simply.

"What little tricks?" Mommy questioned as she rested her hand on my back. I relaxed slightly at her touch as Mother Miranda released my chin, looking at Mommy.

"Alcina, that child has played you like a fiddle," Mother Miranda said simply. I buried my face into Mommy's side as Mommy started to run her fingers through my hair.

"What do you mean?" Mommy asked as she rested her hand on the back of my head.

"She's learned that misbehaving gets her exactly what she wants from you," Mother Miranda said.

"How does she get what she wants when she misbehaves?" Mommy questioned, sounding confused. My heart pounded in my chest as I pushed further into her side.

"Every punishment you've given her has put her in a better position to be babied. Oh if she's grounded, she gets to spend all her time with you. If you spank her then you cuddle with her until she decides she doesn't want to be cuddled anymore," Mother Miranda said. "Don't you see? She's been getting you to baby her because she can't admit to you that she wants to be treated like one," Mother Miranda smirked.

Was that true? Yeah, maybe a little bit...okay a lot. It wasn't my fault that I found out how to get what I wanted from Mommy. Now stupid Mother Miranda was going to ruin all the hard work I had put in to getting what I wanted.

"Is what she says true little fairy?" Mommy questioned as she pulled my head out of its hiding spot. I looked up at her with wide eyes as my lower lip trembled slightly. "Oh darling," she sighed as she lifted me up, letting me bury my face into her neck to hide.

"I think that should answer your question," Mother Miranda said as I whined softly. Mommy rubbed my back as she kissed the top of my head.

"Oh darling, it would have been so much easier if you just asked for me to baby you," Mommy cooed as she adjusted her hold so that I was being cradled. I pouted at the fact that she had removed me from my hiding spot, looking up at her quietly. "Was being bratty really the only way you could get what you wanted?" she questioned.

"'es," I muttered as I put my thumb into my mouth. Mommy sighed softly as she ran her fingers through my hair.

"Well now I know what you want, so being bratty won't be the way to get it anymore," Mommy said as she kissed the top of my head. "That means you have to actually behave," she stated. I whined as I tilted my head back. Mother Miranda had ruined everything, now I had to behave and wasn't fair. I would have my revenge on her, one day. Maybe when she wasn't so scary. Yeah, that day would definitely come. I just had to wait patiently.

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