Chapter 27

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*Freya's P.O.V*

I glared at Mommy as she lifted me out of the bath, glaring at her with a pout on my lips. I wasn't happy with her at all. She was a meanie for thinking I needed diapers and she was a meanie for actually checking that I wore a pull-up throughout the last couple days. It was embarrassing to have her just appear when I wasn't expecting it to check my pull-up. I liked it after she did it when she called me a good girl and kissed my forehead.

"What's with the pout, little one?" Mommy asked as she gently dried me off. My pout deepened as I looked away. She knew why I was pouting, there was no reason for her to be asking me why I was pouting. She sighed softly at my silence as she finished drying me off, carrying me over to her bed and sitting me on the edge of it.

"No diapers," I whined softly as I looked at her with my lower lip quivering. I had never ever faked cried before but I really didn't want to wear a diaper. Mommy sighed as she crouched down in front of me, taking my hands gently.

"Freya, darling," Mommy said as I looked into her eyes with a small huff. "You need to wear diapers at night, pull-ups are for in case of accidents and you haven't had a single dry night this week," she stated, making me pull away and flop back onto the bed. She tutted softly as she lifted me back up, ignoring my whines of protest.

Mommy left me for a moment before returning with her hair brush, letting me lean against her as she brushed my hair. She worked the brush through my curls gently, leaving me to sit wrapped in my towel. I knew she was just giving me time to settle down before she tried to diaper me but I was fine with that. Maybe she would change her mind in the time it took her to brush my hair.

The brush gently worked through my hair for a couple minutes before Mommy sat it off to the side. I sat up straight as Mommy picked up a package from next to the bed, sitting it down next to me. I glared at it as I tried to shove it away, turning to look away from it.

"Tonight is going to go so well, I can tell," Mommy muttered to herself as I heard the package be torn open. I looked at it with a pout as she pulled out the diaper, noticing that it had little designs of the house crest on them. She had to have been planning this for a while, they had to be custom made. My own Mommy was working against me, that wasn't fair at all.

"No diaper," I whined as she picked up some baby powder from next to the bed. "It says baby on it, I not a baby," I huffed as I glared at the bottle of powder.

"Aw yes because only babies use this powder," Mommy said, a sigh escaping her lips when I nodded my head. "Sarcasm darling, we'll work on that later," she stated as she shook her head slightly. "Lay back," she instructed. I did as she ordered, very slowly though. It took me five minutes to fully lay back and I could tell she was slightly annoyed with my antics.

She lifted my legs up with ease and slid the diaper under my bottom. I squirmed slightly to express my discomfort as she held me in place, sprinkling the baby powder into the diaper before she set my legs down. I whined as she pulled the front of the diaper up, taping it into place.

I sat up as she put the package of diapers and baby powder off to the side. I looked down at the diaper with a pout on my lips, my hand moving to pull at the tab that kept the diaper in place. I squeaked in surprise when Mommy suddenly grabbed my hand. I looked up at her and she shook her head slightly as she lifted me up, her hand resting on my bottom.

"Naughty girl, already trying to take your diaper off," Mommy sighed as she carried me over to her vanity, picking up an outfit and a bracelet as she sat down in her vanity chair. I looked at the bracelet curiously as she put it around my wrist, the bats that decorated the bracelet hitting each other with each movement to make a noise similar to a bell. "So I can keep track of you better," Mommy answered my unasked question as she unfolded the outfit she had for me.

"No," I whined softly when I saw that it was a onesie, the black and blue fabric mixed to look like the night sky. The onesie would keep me warm but it was the zipper in the back that I knew I would struggle with. I would never be able to get my diaper off if she put that on me.

"Yes," Mommy said simply as she held my legs still so she could work my feet into the onesie. Once my feet were in the onesie she pulled it up my legs, slipping my arms into the sleeves as she pulled the front of the onesie up. My hands slid to the bottom of the sleeve and I expected I would at least have my hands free then but I was wrong. My hands went into fingerless mittens that made it impossible for me to actually grip into anything.

"No fair," I sulked as I tried to free my hands, squirming as Mommy zipped the onesie up. "Don't want mittens," I said as I looked back at her.

"Well you wouldn't have to wear them if Mommy could trust you to keep your diaper on," Mommy said as she lifted me up, cradling me slightly as she carried me to the bed. I sulked as she sat down, pulling the top of her nightdress down to allow me to nurse.

I tried to resist. I really did but I really liked nursing. I liked falling asleep with a full belly of milk as Mommy ran her fingers through my hair, her other hand patting my bottom. So in the end, I gave in to my need to nurse. I would let Mommy know how I felt in the morning though about how I felt about her stupid diapers and her stupid onesie.

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