The Awakening

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(Izuku POV)

I opened my eyes to see a white ceiling. I groaned as I sat up. A sharp pain shot through my body as I looked around. A tube was connected to my arm so I tried to take it out.

"Woah there young one!" I heard as an arm gently removed my hand from the tube. I winced. There was a pain in my back, and it felt like something was busting through my skin. I looked up to see the face of a nurse. A very surprised nurse. The nurse grabbed a clip board and flipped through the pages.

"It says here that you don't have a quirk..?" She said in a questionable tone.

"Bu-t I-I don't?"

She looked shocked, but re-collected herself. "Err.. Then what are those?" She asked pointing behind me.

"What are-" I turned my head to see two beautiful white wings. "I-I don't r-remember h-having those!?" I stammered in complete shock.

"I-I'll be right back.. Okay? Don't do anything!!" With that the nurse ran out of the room.

As I sat there in complete shock everything started becoming blurry.  I blinked my eyes, and in front of me was an angel..

"Hello dear.. You're probably very confused right now as to how you have wings.. I'm here to explain. When you died, the Heavens could not take you, because you still have much more living to do. Although, we couldn't send you back just the same." The angel said in a soft, comforting voice. 

"S-so I'm dead!?"

The angel chuckled. "No dear, you are very much alive. But to make it so you lived, a soul of an angel was put into you. You are one of the only few lucky people in this world who have had this happen to them."

"Err, not to sound rude or anything, but how exactly do I use these..?" I said, gesturing at my wings.

"Over the next two weeks an angel will come to you every night while you sleep and help you use your wings and halo." The angel said politely.

"Halo?" I said looking all around me. "I don't see a halo?"

The angel smiled sweetly. "Think of it as a game.. Your wings are just the first bit. Soon you will have more powers then an average human, but first you need to level up to the halo. There are- of course some downsides to having wings on earth.. Your wings are extra sensitive, so it is useful to learn how to make them go back into your body."

A light started flashing.

"Oh dear, looks like it's time for you to wake up.. Goodbye dear!" 

And with that I shot up straight.

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