Back to Class

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(Narrator POV)

Izuku was back in school a week after internships ended and being sent to the hospital for third degree burns on the majority of his right side. He had also used up most of his energy fighting Stain so he took extra long to heal, even with the help of outside quirks. 

When Izuku got back, he arrived with Tenya as his suspension had lasted until Izuku was out of the hospital. When they arrived, they were asked many questions about how their "extended internships" were, and they had already made a story to stick to for this exact reason. 

"It was great- thanks for asking! Hawks and I just got caught up with some hunters. They were trying to hunt some rare birds by using their quirks.." Izuku chuckled nervously. 

Koji perked up in the corner, "I heard about that!" He chirped quietly, "It only said Hawks on the news report, but it makes sense that they would want to protect your security."

Izuku nodded. That's what they had done with Stain after all. Just then Shoto came over and gave Izuku a hug. 

"Sho- what are you doing? Are you okay?" Izuku worried.

Shoto just nodded and said, "I missed you.."

"Ooooh~" Mina joked while Izuku turned red, shortly followed by Shoto. 

The rest of the week went by fairly quickly, and with finals just around the corner, everyone was stressed out. The class had multiple study sessions with each other, and smaller groups. Shota had threatened the class that if someone failed they wouldn't be able to go to the summer camp that year. Of course, Izuku saw it to be one of his logical ruses, but he said nothing of it. His classmates were studying and attempting to get a good grade and that's all that mattered.

When finals finally came around, you could practically cut the air with a knife. Most of the class was on the verge of tears when they were done with their physical test. Clearly they had only been thinking about the studious elements to finals and had completely forgotten about the physical elements. It was no worry however as it didn't count as any part of their overall grade except for it you didn't finish it, but having Shota as their teacher they were fairly well prepared. 

Mina groaned while sitting down at the table, "That was sure a.. well... interesting way of putting us through our physical.."

"No kidding.." Hanta nodded in agreement. 

Izuku chuckled as he walked over to the class 1B table with Shoto.

"Hey Midoriya! Did you and Todoroki have your physical this morning? Ours is after lunch!" Kosei exclaimed, "How was it!?"

Izuku pointed over to his "barely alive classmates" and almost immediately the entirety of class 1B groaned.

"It was really bad- wasn't it..." Itsuka sighed in defeat.

Shoto piped in, "Mine wasn't all that bad.. I was with Yaoyorozu-san and she practically did all of it." 

Izuku play punched him and said, "Hey! You were supposed to help!"

Shoto rolled his eyes and smiled while he slurped up his soba. 

The rest of lunch was spent laughing and recovering from the torture they had been through earlier that day. Of course, Hitoshi told a story about Izuku and Shoto making everyone at the table laugh and the two the story was about, blush profusely. 

When it was class time again the two headed back to the 1A classroom to see a GIANT stack of papers on Shota's desk. When Denki asked what it was for, Shota just let out a sinister laugh and started placing the papers face-down on people's desks. Yep. Nothing like a good old fashion finals day! 

When school finally got out, Izuku practically fell into his seat on the train. Shoto and Izuku had decided that they would go get some boba with Endeavor's credit card. They may or may not have splurged a little and also gotten frozen yogurt and a family meal at their local deli. Then they decided to go shopping because they wanted to ruin Endeavor's career. They used an ATM and took out like a million dollars in cash. Then they used a lot of the money still on the card to buy video games and All Might plushies. 

Keep in mind that Endeavor makes a shit ton of money. He probably has like a quadrillion dollars if that's even a thing. Shoto and Izuku took that to their advantage by transferring like seven million dollars into each of their accounts. Yeah. Endeavor gonna be wondering who the hell spent like ten million dollars of his hard earned money. The two of them decided that once the school year was over they would treat the class to a shopping spree. Maybe they would even include 1B- I mean, the more the merrier right? 

The next day everyone got back their test scores and immediately Denki fell over crying. He had gotten a D+ and he was crying both for happiness and sadness. Izuku was pretty sure he hadn't ever gotten a score that high on an exam. He had also seen Denki go into "yay mode" about halfway through the exam. He would have to talk to his dad about that and figure out if Denki could get any medication or specialized training technique to help him control his brain from frying. 

A few of his other classmates had failed the test and you could tell they were upset about it. He looked down at his paper again and smiled, he had gotten an A. Of course it wasn't an A+, this was finals, but he was content with an A. 

Izuku's thoughts were snapped out of the way when Shota cleared his thought. 

"Alright, now some of you may be upset with your grade, but don't worry. You'll still be able to participate in the summer training camp as usual. The people who did not pass their finals will have classes at night while the rest of the class has game night or decide to do something else. You all are hero students which means you need to be prepared for anything- and that starts with properly studying for an exam." Shota explained in a mono-tone voice. 

The class started a loud chatter and Shota just sighed and zipped himself up into his sleeping bag. Nemuri would be coming soon anyway..

Later that week Shota handed out permission slips for the camp that were to be signed by Monday. That Monday would be the start to the last week of school, so everyone was ecstatic. 

When everyone got their packing lists they decided to go to the mall as a class- Shoto treated. They were shocked that he had enough money and he just brushed it aside saying that his dad had "given" him his credit card. Yeah. Enji was still looking for it. At the end of the day, everyone was ready to get packing so they headed home, only to meet each other the next day.

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