Summer Pt. 3

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(Shoto POV)

Izu passed out. I pressed my hand against his forehead to feel it burning up. I slightly activated my ice quirk on my hand and held it on his forehead for a few minutes while uncle Hizashi ran around panicked, trying to figure out what to do. Hitoshi stayed by Izu and I, which I appreciated. He knew less then me about Izuku, but more then me about medical things. 

Hitoshi was feeling Izu's pulse as he asked me, "Has this ever happened before?"

I shook my head, "Sometimes.. But I've never seen him pass out because of food.."

"Okay... Here- can you carry him up to your guy's bed? We need him to be in a comfortable place when he wakes up."

We carried Izu upstairs, and he was shaking in my arms. It was scary.. seeing him like this. It had never happed before, so I didn't know what I should do. I set Izu down on our bed and sat next to him. Hitoshi went back downstairs to get some water when I felt some movement next to me. I looked down and Izu was awake. He sat up, looking around confused.

"What happened...?"

I sighed as I began to tell him what happened, "You were having a panic attack and you passed out. Hitoshi and I brought you up here so you wouldn't freak out when you woke up."


"Izu- be honest.. Has this ever happened before..?"

(Izuku POV)

"Izu- be honest.. Has this ever happened before..?"

I panicked. He already worried about me enough- I didn't want to make him more worried! I looked down, trying to come up with something to say. I then felt a warm hand on my shoulder. 

"Take as much time as you need.."

I could hear the sympathetic smile in his voice. I slowly nodded my head, to worried that if I spoke, he might think the situation was worse than it really is. I could feel as he pulled me into a hug. I turned around and buried my head into the crook of his neck. I always felt safer when Sho was around. Even with a quirk now, Sho made me feel like nothing could go wrong. 

I few minutes later I heard someone coming up the stairs. 

"Shoto?" The voice called out, "Is he awake?" 

I now recalled the voice as the voice of my brother. I looked up, "H-hey Toshi!"

The relief flooded into his face, "Oh thank All Might you're okay!"

He rushed over to me with a glass of water in his hand, "Drink this- it'll help you feel better!"

I gladly accepted the cup and drank it down to the last drop. 

"Uh- Izuku?" Toshi asked. I looked up confused. "Do you know why you had a panic attack..?"

He was quick to add, "Only if you're comfortable of course!"

I smiled and began to explain how my mom used to make the same food and how it tasted the same. 

"I-I'm sorry I worried y-you guys.." I said, looking down at my feet. I felt a gentle hand on my chin, bringing it up to face them. 

"You didn't do any thing wrong, okay Izu? I mean anything." Shoto reassured me.

(Narrator POV)

They sat on the bed for a while, with Hitoshi and Shoto taking turns reassuring Izuku that he had done nothing wrong. Hitoshi soon left to explain to Hizashi why Izuku had freaked out, and needless to say, Hizashi was feeling much less guilty after hearing the explanation. 

When Shota got home, Izuku and Shoto were cuddling on the couch watching a movie, Hitoshi was upstairs taking a nap, and Hizashi was in the kitchen making soba for dinner. Shota walked into the kitchen and gave his husband a kiss on the cheek.

"I'm gonna go take a shower and a nap- alright? Wake me up when the food's ready."

Hizashi chuckled at his husband before turning back to what he had been doing before. He remembered what had happened earlier that day and wondered if he should tell Shota. He decided he would, as Shota had a much deeper relationship with the boy, and would worry if something bad happened and he didn't know. He also wanted to let Shota know about the new trigger he had found. 

With that, he decided, in the morning he would tell Shota. Soon everyone was downstairs eating dinner, and Shota was talking about his day at work. After dinner, everyone went to bed and slept. Izuku was having lot's of trouble falling asleep. His mind kept flashing back to his Mother every time he closed his eyes. He was tossing and turning and he just couldn't fall asleep. 

Apparently Shoto noticed, and carefully wrapped his arms around Izuku.


"Shhhhhh, sleep..."

And Izuku slept. Actually better then he had for quite some time. When he woke up, he was laying on Shoto's- surprisingly very muscular- chest. He sat up, blushing a bright color of red and scooted back over to his side of the bed. He looked at the alarm clock, which read: 10:32AM

"Gosh dang it.." Izuku muttered as he hopped out of bed and quickly walked to the bathroom. Izuku splashed his face with water then went down stairs to find Hizashi reading a book on the couch. 

"Good morning sleepy-head!" Hizashi said glancing up from his book. "Breakfast's on the table." 

Izuku went over to the table and grabbed a bowl of leftover soba before going through his plan for the day in his head. He would go on a run then combat train with Shoto. Then he would help Hizashi make dinner and then he would be done for the day. He slurped down the rest of his soba and placed the bowl in the sink.  

Izuku headed back up the stairs, to his room and grabbed some jogging clothes. He went into the bathroom and pulled on his clothes, then headed out for his run. He told Hizashi what he was doing, and Hizashi told him to "Just be back by twelve..."

So, Izuku did just that. He started jogging along the beach, careful to not lose his way back. Then, while running, Izuku saw a small kid in the water. When he looked closer, he saw that the kid was struggling to stay above the surface. 

Izuku immediately took off his jacket, and wiggling his now expanding wings, he ran towards the kid. As he got closer, he heard the kids muffled screams for help. Using his wings to propel himself, he reached the kid. He had the kid grab onto his arm so he could pull them safely ashore. When they got to solid land, Izuku used his halo to grab his coat, and proceeded to wrap the coat around the kid. They were crying and shivering out of fear- and Izuku was terrified for the young child. 

Izuku checked for any injuries and kept reassuring the kid that they would be alright. If he had learned anything from his parents, always tell people it's going to be alright when they're scared. Even if you don't know if it's true or not, always say it'll be fine. 

"I'm going to need you to take a few deep breaths- okay sweetie?" Izuku said in a calming voice. The kid was trying to breath, and the breaths started becoming more controlled and slow.

"Good job, good job.." Izuku said while holding the kids hand, "What's your name sweetie, where are your parents?"

"M-my n-name is N-naoki a-and my p-parents a-are at h-home..." Naoki choked out, obviously stressed.

"Shh- shh, it's gonna be okay. Just breath for me alright?" Izuku said, barely above a whisper. "Are you here alone..?"

"M-mhm..! M-mom said no-ot to th-though..!"

"Alright sweetie, let's get you home..." Izuku said with a soft smile, and with that the two started walking in the direction of Naoki's house.

Thanks for reading this! I've been semi-working on this for about a year, so I hope you've liked it so far! Have a good day!

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