New Friends?

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(Izuku POV)

The day was finished before I even knew it. The rest of our classes were really just entries to the class and learning about what the curriculum was going to be for the rest of the year. Honestly, Papa's class was really fun! We got to listen to songs in English that were top rated and we learned a few words. Papa gave me and Sho different worksheets though because we had already learned the words he was teaching the class. We had to read a passage about quirks that a professor in England wrote when quirks had just begun. I honestly found the reading very interesting, but Papa said that it was really boring when he read it. I suppose it makes sense, he is one of the most playful adults that I know. Well, now Sho, Toshi, and I were headed to a nearby park with the rest of class 1B. 

"So, what games do you guys want to play when we get to the park?" A girl with black hair asked Kendo.

"I dunno.. Maybe Truth or Dare?"

"That sounds like a lot of fun!" Another girl exclaimed, she had blond hair and horns.

"Yeah! We can learn so much about our awesome new classmates!" A boy who seemed to have metal for skin piped up. 

I smiled. These guys seemed nothing like my primary school classmates. They seem so nice! I'm really excited to get to learn about them and their quirks!

"Izu?" Toshi asked, looking at me.

"Yeah?" I responded.

"Are you good if we play Truth or Dare? Everyone else said yes."

"Sure! It'll be fun!" I smiled again. Honestly, how many times was I gonna smile that night? 

We got to the park and sat down on the grassy field in a big circle. I'd say there were about fifteen of us there because some people had sports or other things after school. I took a look around me. There were at least two people with mutation quirks, and the girl from before. Did that count as a mutation? I suppose.. Three people with mutation quirks and other quirks unidentifiable from looking at the person. Hmm. Maybe that person with green hair has some sort of plant based quirk? Her hair looks like it's made of vines- can she manipulate them or do they just lay limp like regular hair all the time. Maybe she has to have her quirk activated to move-


I snapped from my trance, "Huh!? Sorry! What's going on?"

"Nothing Midoriya-kun! We were just going to start by telling everyone our names so we know who's who!" Kendo-san smiled.

"O-oh. Thanks Kendo-san!"

"Alright, I'll go first!" Kendo-san began, "I'm Itsuka Kendo! Let's go this way." She said pointing towards  the girl with vines in her hair.

"Hello. My name is Ibara Siozaki. I am pleased to meet your acquaintance." She said, bowing in her seat. 

Next the a boy with black hair tied into a braid went, "Hiryu Rin! Great to meet you guys!"

After a few more people went it was my turn.

"Hi there! I'm Izuku Midoriya from class A. Toshi's my brother, so that's why I'm here!" I smiled, hoping I made a good first impression. 

"Shoto Todoroki." 

When Sho told everyone his name, that did spring up some whispers but the next person went so it wasn't all that bad.  When everyone had gone, Kendo-san said that she would start the game. 

"Tokage-san! Truth or dare?" She cheered.

"Hell yeah! Dare!" Tokage-san replied with a smirk.

"Hmm.." Kendo-san thought for a moment, "I dare you to refer to yourself in the third person for the rest of the game."

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