The Hospital

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(Izuku POV)

I gasped for air as I realized what had just happened.

"Holy Salmonella! I thought I lost you there!" The nurse said while holding her chest. "You just about gave me a heart attack! It looked like you had gotten possessed or something!" 

I chuckled at that. "I'll try not to get possessed next time" I said with a smile.

The nurse smiled as she sat down in the chair next to my bed. "The person who hurt you and your mom was arrested and going to prison. He was charged for murder and attempted murder. He'll be staying in there for the next 6 years."

My throat felt dry. "D-did you say.. M-murder?" I asked, lowering my head. The nurse was silent for a second before saying.

"I'm sorry young one.. Your mother passed away in the ambulance. There was nothing we could do." There was empathy in her voice as she told me the news. Hot tears welled up in my eyes before falling on to my hospital gown.

"S-so she's r-really gone..?" I sobbed, hoping it was all a joke.

"I-" A sigh. "I'm afraid so.."

After a few minutes I had calmed down enough to look up. The nurse handed me a cup of water which I drank almost immediately.  After a shaky breath, I asked, "Where will I go? If my mom is really-" I looked down again. "If she's really dead.."

"Awh.. Honey.." The nurse said, rubbing the top of my head. "The police said you had no close relatives. Is that right?"

I nodded my head, I couldn't even speak. The fact that my mom was really dead was seeping in.

The nurse sighed. "We're going to find you a place you can stay, okay?" I nodded my head again, trying not to cry. I felt as two warm arms embraced me, "You're going to be okay."

I fell asleep that night hoping that I would wake up the next morning and have all of this just be a dream. But when the morning had come, I knew it was no dream. I had seen an angel in my sleep who had helped me learn things about my new found powers, just like the other angel had said. I sat up in bed as there was a knock on the door. "Come in..?"

The nurse from the day before walked in with a tray of food saying, "Good morning sleepyhead! Did you have a good sleep?"

I nodded. "How about you? How did you sleep?"

The nurse smiled as she placed the tray on my lap. "I slept very well, thanks for asking! The police informed some pros about your situation, and they found someone who you can live with for now!"

I grabbed my fork and started cutting up the pancakes that were on the tray. "Do you know who?"

"Yes, in fact I believe they are coming to visit you today. Around 3pm.." She said with a smile.

I started eating, thinking about who it could possibly be.

At 3pm there were voices outside of my hospital room. I sat up excitedly wondering if it was the people the nurse was talking about. The door opened and in came the nurse and two men.

"Izuku, these are the people I was talking about. Their names are Shota Aizawa and Hizashi Yamada."

I attempted to bow, which failed miserably but got the point across. "Hello.. I-I'm Izuku Midoriya.."

The black haired man said, "I'm Shota Aizawa, and this idiot next to me is Yamada. We were hoping we could give you a place to stay for the time being. Would that be okay with you?"

I nodded eagerly. "Thank you sir!"

"Please, just call me Shota."

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