Summer Pt. 2

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(Narrator POV)

After a while of riding in the van, they pulled up to a large house. When they stepped outside, they could smell the ocean. They pulled their stuff into the house, exhausted from a day full of travel. Just after they closed the door, all of them felt much more relaxed. Something about a big buff dude watching your every move is a bit intimidating. 

Shota grabbed his and Hizashi's suitcases and pulled them across the room. "Your rooms are upstairs. Mine and Hizashi's is down here." With that, Shota had disappeared behind a wall, which the others could only assume was the kitchen. 

Hizashi hurried along behind his husband as the three teens mentally prepared themselves to walk up the stairs. They grabbed their suitcases, and slowly started their way up the stairs. Hitoshi was first up the stairs, and therefor the first to realize there were only two rooms.

"Hey guys?" Hitoshi asked, looking back down at Izuku and Shoto, "You two are okay with sharing a room, right?"

Izuku looked at Shoto, who gave a nod before finally answering, "Yeah? Why?"

"There's only two bedrooms."

"Ah.. Well, I don't think that should be too much of a problem.. I mean- Shoto and I have sleepovers all the time!"

The group separated, and they went off to their rooms. They were the same room, just in different places in the house, so there was no bickering between the three. 

(Izuku POV)

I walked with Shoto into our room. It had a nice beach-y feel to it, with lots of white, tan, and blue. There was a queen sized bed pushed up against the back wall of the room with nightstands on either side of it. There were two other doors in the room, one of them leading to a bathroom and closet which we shared with Hitoshi, and one leading to a deck that looked over the beach. 

A dresser was pushed up on the wall next to the door leading to the closet, so we started unpacking. Shoto got the right side of the dresser while I got the left. We finished unpacking, and decided to check on Hitoshi, only to find him sleeping with his suitcase laying open on the ground. 

That reminded me how tired I was. I stifled a yawn, but Shoto could apparently tell I was tired because he said, "Izu, how about we go sleep as well?"

I, of course, couldn't say no. So we got into our pajamas and fell asleep.

(Narrator POV)

While the two were still asleep, Shota and Hizashi were making a plan for what the kids would do while they were there. 

"Well, they're almost going into high school.. They could handle themselves if they needed to.." Shota pondered. 

"I guess that's true. We should still give them a few ideas."

"Hmmm.. Training? They could train their quirks out on the beach."

"Shota- we're pro heroes! You and I both know that's illegal."

"Yeah yeah... Whatever..! They need to train!"


"What? They're about to have the exams- they can't slack off now!"

A sigh was heard from the other hero, "Fine- you win.."

"Hah! Of course I did you big cockatoo."

"Cockatoo? That's a new one."

Shota rolled his eyes, "It's not my fault it fits you."

"You're so mean!"

"Whatever Zashi."

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