Sports Festival Pt. 5

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(Narrator POV)

"I would like to withdraw."

Nemuri was shocked. Bakugo, the Katsuki Bakugo wanted to withdraw from the sports festival!?

"A-are you sure Bakugo!? That would mean that you couldn-" 

"I'm sure." Katsuki inturrupted, "I just learned something that I wasn't supposed to and I need to re-think my life choices."

"O-okay..." Nemuri stammered.

As Katsuki turned and walked away, Nemuri turned on her mic.

"Bakugo Katsuki has withdrawn from the competition, making Todoroki Shoto the automatic winner of the match. The next match will begin in a few minutes." 

Over where Shoto and Izuku were, the two were shocked. Izuku groaned in relief and frustration. He had just told Shoto his plan for him to win. Well, on the bright side, now Shoto didn't have to face Katsuki at all. 

"Oh. Well, should we go up to watch the next match..?" Shoto asked hesitantly.

Izuku smiled and replied with a cheerful, "Yep!"

The two made their way up to the 1A box and sat down. Katsuki was nowhere to be seen. The next match was between Ibara and Tenya, so Tenya was also not in the booth. Izuku and Shoto sat next to Ochako, who was talking to Tsuyu about who knows what.

"Hey Uraraka-san?" Izuku asked.

Ochako looked at him, "Yes Midoriya-kun?"

Izuku took a deep breath, "Do you know where Kacchan went or why he decided to withdraw from the festival? It's not like him to do something like that so... mumble....mumble.."

Ochako and Tsuyu looked at Izuku in pure confusion. What was he-

"Izu- you're mumbling again." Shoto explained, placing a hand on Izuku's shoulder. 

"I am!? Sorry!" He apologized, bowing in his seat to Ochako and Tsuyu who were still dumbfounded.

Ochako snapped back to reality, "And to answer your question, I haven't seen Bakugou-kun. He was down in the arena and private rooms the whole time, so aside from fighting him in the first round I haven't seen him."

"Oh.." Izuku paused, "I'll have to ask him later." 

"And now, please welcome Iida Tenya and Shiozaki Ibara to the arena!" Hizashi cheered as Tenya and Ibara stepped on to the fighting area. They shook hands, went to apposing corners, and begun.

The fight was pretty boring, but at least Tenya respected his woman juice. It was over in seconds, but Izuku was content. He was a little bit worried for his next match however because he knew that Mina was really good with close combat. There was one more match before his, which was Fumikage versus Ejiro. Izuku was curious how it would turn out, as both of them had great quirks. 

Izuku would learn how that would go soon enough. After a short break Fumikage and Ejiro walked on to the fighting ground. They shook hands and took their places like the people before them. 

"You may start!" Midnight cheered.

The fight had started. First Fumikage swooped in with Dark Shadow, then Ejiro punched Fumikage in the gut. It went on like that until Dark Shadow picked Ejiro up and set him outside the line. As the fight ended, Izuku went down to the room he was assigned to and started planning. Mina had an acid quirk, so he should keep his wings out of the fight. He wanted to challenge himself and do what Mina had done in her first round. Quirkless combat. It would be interesting for the viewers and fun for both of them. Besides, neither of them had support items they could use so no one would get too hurt. After he had come up with a semi-detailed plan there was a knock on the door.

"Midoriya? You have two more minutes." A voice said. 

Izuku heard footsteps as the person walked away. Great. Two minutes to perfect the aspects of his plan. He had to take into account any injuries he noticed Mina had, such as the fact that she sprained her ankle in training a month ago and Recovery Girl hadn't been able to heal it due to an explosion in the support course classroom. He was pretty sure he could figure out who made that explosion after meeting Mei. She seemed energetic. A little too energetic..

Well- Izuku just had to focus his attacks on Mina's right ankle and he would be all good. He was called out to the arena a few seconds later so he rushed out the door. When he got to the arena he saw an excited looking Mina waiting for him. They shook hands and went to their respective areas.


Izuku made the first move, walking to the middle and bowing. He stood up and smirked.

Mina got the idea and walked to the middle as well before curtsying and standing back up. They looked at each other for a good minute before Izuku said,

"Let's dance.."


(Mina POV)

Aw heck yeah! Those were words I needed to hear. I stuck out my hands and Midoriya-kun grabbed them. We started waltzing, getting dangerously close to the edge of the area. So this was his plan.. I guess we'll have to come up with something on the fly. We danced for a while before he spun me out- I would just like to point out that I nailed that spin. When I landed, I got into a fighting stance. He did as well.

Midoriya sighed, "I was hoping we could have had that go for longer.. I was having fun.."

I chuckled and threw a punch. He grabbed my wrist and spun me again, this time to the other side. 

"Well- you've seen me dance.. How 'bout you show me what you've got?" I prompted.

Midoriya-kun spun and swiped my legs from under me. I jumped at that time, just dodging the kick. He then leaped toward me and grabbed my hands again. We waltzed back to the edge where he dipped me. He dropped me at the end, making me go out of bounds. Well, I would have liked to win, but man! That was a great way to go!

"The winner is Midoriya Izuku!" Midnight cheered.

Hello! I just wanted to let you all know that I will be aiming to finish this before August! I know that's a while away, but I've been working on this fic for over a year at this point and I really wanna finish it. Okay- thanks for reading! Bye bye!


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