Summer Pt. 4

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(Narrator POV)

Izuku got home after an hour, because Naoki's parents kept insisting on having him over for tea. He eventually succeeded in declining their offer, and made his way home. When he got home, Hizashi immediately engulfed him in a hug.

"Oh thank All Might that you're alright! Shoto and I were getting worried!" Hizashi said, pulling away from the hug he had engulfed Izuku in. 

"Sorry for worrying you," Izuku said, "I was helping a kid get home."

"Oh.. Are they okay? Were they hurt?"

"No, they were just unsupervised at the beach so I took them home."

"Okay.. Well, you might want to have some lunch. Shoto is waiting for you upstairs."

Izuku walked upstairs to find Shoto anxiously pacing around the room. When Shoto noticed Izuku, he rushed over, pulling him into a tight hug.

"Never leave like that again! You scared the living All Might out of me!"

"Sorry Sho!" Izuku managed to squeak out.

Shoto let go of Izuku, "Where were you! I was worried sick!"

"I was at the beach.."

"You went without me..?" Shoto asked, pouting his lips.

Izuku giggled, "Sorry!" He said playfully.  

"I'll let it pass... But- you have to give me cuddles." Shoto smirked proudly.

Izuku smiled.


The summer went by, quicker then it had ever before. Izuku and Shoto's friendship grew with each day they spent with each other. Little did either know, but their feelings for each other were also growing.

Every day they trained, and when they got home, it paid off. Once back in Musutafu, the entrance exams were only a week away. Shoto's and Hitoshi's were even sooner, being the day after they got home, so Shoto had to go back to his house.

 A week later, Izuku had gotten to sleep at a reasonable hour, then woke up in the morning to get ready. He put on his school uniform before heading to breakfast. 

"Good morning Izuku! How did you sleep?" Hizashi asked while pouring coffee, no doubt for  Shota.

"I slept well papa! How about you?"

"I also slept well. Are you excited- I know I'm excited!"

Izuku giggled, "Of course I'm excited! I've been waiting for this moment since I was born!"

"Well, eat up then! We have places to be- and I have to get there early to prepare for the written exam.." 

With that Izuku raced over to a box of cereal and poured some of it into a bowl. They had discussed the night before that Shota and Hizashi would drop Izuku off at a nearby coffee shop before going to UA. Since they were staff there, they had to be early to prepare. Then- about thirty minutes before the exam started, Izuku would get there and make his way to the big hall where the written was taking place. So, just like the plan, Izuku was dropped off at a small cat café with a book and his gym clothes.

 Now would be just about the time to note that he has been able to change the ways of his quirk pretty easily. He no longer has to suffer because his wings wouldn't let him through a door because he had learned to make them disappear. His wings would only come out on command, or if he was startled. His halo also disappears, which had been true for as long as he had the halo. 

When it was finally forty-five minutes until the exam, Izuku headed out of the café and made his way up the hill to UA.

Hello! I just wanted to let you know that the next few chapters might be a little weird because I kinda forgot what happened in the first season.. Y'know what..? I'm actually gonna re-watch it rn.. Bye!! Thanks for reading!

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