What Makes a Hero

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(Narrator POV) 

Izuku and Shoto were best friends. Everyone knew that. But what if they were something more? Over the past few months, both boys had been noticing something... Different... Like how their faces lit up red whenever the other laughed, or how it became awkward when they hugged for too long. Others seemed to be noticing it too, as they would always chuckle when one of the boy's faces turned the shade of a ripe tomato. 

One day Izuku and the rest of the Yamazawa family were having dinner. Shoto wasn't there because his dad had insisted that he come home immediately after school. 

"Hey Izu?"

"Yeah Toshi? What is it?"

"Are you dating Shoto by any chance..?"

Izuku's face turned bright red in an instant.

"N-no..! Sho and I are j-just friends!" He exclaimed with his hands over his face.

"Izuku.." Shota said.

"Yes Dad..?" 

"Just don't lock the door."

That made everyone in the family laugh. Except for Izuku. He was currently on the floor turning even redder by the second. 

By the next day Izuku had slightly recovered and made his way to school with no issues. He was fairly excited for the day because he was supposed to be picking out his hero name. He had been working on it for a while and had finally figured out what he wanted it to be. His hero name was going to be,


"Oh! I get it!" Midnight exclaimed, "Angel! Cuz, your quirk- Lovely hero name! I'm excited to work with you more Tenshi!"

Izuku smiled as he sat down at his spot. It was Shoto's turn next,

"My hero name is Hitokori. The reason I made it such is because my quirk is fire and ice, and those are how the symbols added together sound. I may change it in the future, but this is fine for now."

"Wonderful! Sato-kun! It's your turn!" Midnight chirped. She was very happy with the creativity of these kids. Well.. Bakugou's would have to change, but that happened every year. Maybe she could get him into some anger management therapy with hound dog... Yeah. She'd do that. 

Most years students would pick their hero names just before internships, but the school had decided that the students should have a longer period of time getting used to the hero names then they had before. It made it easier to change your names as well. 

By the time everyone except for Bakugou and Iida had picked their names it was almost the end of class time.

"Alright!" Midnight smiled at the students, "Your first hero class is later today, so make sure you eat a good lunch!"

Almost on que the bell rang and the students scrambled out to the cafeteria so they could eat. Shoto and Izuku decided to sit with the 1B students again, as they had made room at the table for them.

"Hi guys! How were your morning classes?" Izuku chirped as he sat down.

"They were great!" Itsuka smiled, "We got to choose our hero names!"

"Ooh! So did we! Let's go around and share them!"

"Cool! I'm Battle Fist!" Itsuka motioned towards Neito.

"Phantom Theif"

Shinso sighed, "Monotone"

"I'm Hitokori" Shoto said before picking up a bite of cold soba with his chopsticks.

Izuku smiled, "Tenshi!"

"Cool! Are you guys also having your first hero class after lunch?" Itsuka asked.

"Yeah! It's just after English! How about you guys?"

"Ours is right after lunch." Hitoshi grumbled.

"I won't lie," Shoto said, "that sucks."

Hitoshi groaned again, this time letting his head hit the table in defeat. 

The next class went by rather smoothly as Izuku was only reading a book in English, but then it was finally time for the class everyone had been waiting for.

"I AM HERE!!! Coming through the door like a normal person!"

"Oh my god! It's him! Sho! It's him!" Izuku whisper screamed.

Shoto chuckled while Izuku fanboyed over his idol. 

"Sho! It's fricken ALL MIGHT!!!" Izuku whisper screamed at him, "How are you not losing your head!?"

"Oh my god Izu- you're too cute." Shoto mumbled, still laughing.

Izuku turned bright red before turning away from Shoto and pouting. 

"Today we will be conducting mock battles! As some of you probably know, one of the things that makes a hero is their costume! So, get your costumes on and meet me at training ground beta!"

"Yes sir!" The class cheered.

Panels slid out of the wall and students went to the ones with their seat number on it. Izuku grabbed his and headed towards the changing room. 

"I'm so excited to start our training!" Ejiro exclaimed, clutching his box against his chest. "I spent a super long time on my costume!"

Izuku smiled. When he was told to complete a sketch of his costume along with measurements, colors, and description he was super stressed out. He had spent at least three hours on the sketch! He hoped that it would come out as planned. Izuku had been super specific about the material it needed to be made out of as he didn't want the costume to burn or slow him down too much. 

Izuku took his box into a shower area to change. He didn't think he needed his gay ass to see other men with abs. That was something he wasn't prepared for. Putting on his costume, Izuku made sure that the wings could easily go through the slits on his back. 

The costume was a dark blue-green color with black highlights. It had a neck going up to halfway up his own and a upside-down triangle cut just below his neck. His sleeves went down to his elbow before getting replaced with white gloves. The costume also had a belt with a small pouch on it, perfect for hiding small objects or food. He put on his eye piece which looked just like a thing you would see in spy movies. 

The fabric of the costume was a special material made out of recycled plastic, paper, and cotton. It was mostly fire proof, but would burn if given too much heat. It was also water repelling. The costume was skin tight, making it so it wouldn't hinder any movements. 

Walking out with the rest of the class, Izuku felt a kind of power he had never felt before. He felt good. Looking around, he could tell his classmates felt the same. 

"Hey Midoriya!" A nasally voice called out from somewhere below him.

Izuku looked down, "Oh.. Hi Mineta..?"

"I just wanted to say- Are you sure you're not a girl? You look really hot in that costume! I like your butt!"

Izuku wanted to throw up. By the looks of it, so did some of the other people in his class. 

"Literally what the hell Mineta!?" Mina exclaimed.

"Yeah man! That wasn't manly at all!" Ejiro crossed his arms and shook his head.

"I hope you burn in hell." Shoto deadpanned.

Most eyes were on Shoto at this point. He was showing so much more emotion then they had ever seen him express. He was definitely angry. 

Izuku started laughing.

"Sho- you- oh god..! Burn- hell!" He wheezed. 

Now everyone was looking at Izuku. What was funny about this?! Shoto had literally told their classmate to burn in hell! A terrible classmate at that- but it still wasn't nice..!

"Midoriya! Todoroki! Mineta! This is un-hero-like behavior! You should be ashame-"

"Ahem..!" A voice sounded from the front. "Shall we begin?"

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