The Arrival

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(Izuku POV)

The next day I was released from the hospital. I got picked up by Mr. Shota, who drove me to his house. I was greeted by a boy with purple hair who looked to be my age.

"Hey.. I'm Hitoshi Shinso. I also live here, we'll be sharing a room. If you want, I can show it to you?"

I nodded my head and followed him up the stairs to hi-our room. When we arrived in the room, my eyes widened. It had a bunk bed and beautiful light blue walls. He must have seen my gaping mouth and wide eyes, because he started chuckling. 

"What's so funny!?" I pouted.

"Oh nothing, I just loved your reaction to my-our room. Normally my friends are disappointed with the simplicity of it." He responded with a grin. He paused before asking, "Hey.. How old are you?" 

"I'm ten years old. How about you?"

"I'm also ten!"

"Really!? That's so cool!"

After a while we became very close. As it was the summer neither of us were going to school, so we got to spend every minute with each other! Mr. Shota and Mr. Hizashi were really nice too! In their house they had 4 cats. Puddle, Storm, Luna, and Sky. Sky always hung around Hitoshi and Mr. Shota. All of the cats really loved Mr. Shota. I wonder if he has a cat quirk...


A few months later

(Narrator POV)

Izuku walked into the house with Shota, and saw that there was a box on the table. Hitoshi and Hizashi were already sitting at the table, both looking really excited.

"What's that?" Izuku asked, walking into the kitchen.

"Well, it's for you.. Want to open it?" Shota said, joining the others at the table.

"Ehh? Sure?" Izuku walked over to the table and opened the box. Inside the box 5 words stared back at him.

Welcome to the family Izuku!

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