The Aftermath

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(Narrator POV)

"So, as you know the UA sports festival is coming up." Ms. Ishihara, the substitute said, "Against belief of some people, we will still be holding the festival as to prove that one attack will not bring us down! Plus Ultra!" She cheered.

It had been a week since the incident. Shota was still in the hospital. It was still uncertain if he would survive or not. He hadn't regained consciousness. The Yamazawas' (minus Shota) were all having trouble sleeping as they were so worried for their family member. Well, I guess the cats weren't too worried. They definitely knew something was wrong, but they couldn't quite place their paw on it.

Class was about to be over, and spirits were high. Everyone was excited for the sports festival. Well, almost everyone. Izuku however was not. If he was going to be brutally honest about things, he was dreading it. The stress from home along with thousands of people with their eyes on him would not make things very easy. Now was the kind of time he really wanted a hug from his mom. Well- obviously he couldn't get one from her. In case you forgot, she's dead.

The bell rang as Izuku sighed and grabbed his bag so he could drop it off in his locker for lunch. As he slid open the door to the hallway he was met with faces.


(Izuku POV)

Eyes. So many eyes. All looking at me. Glaring. It was like they were all silently blaming me. 

"So this is the esteemed class 1A!" A voice shouted from near the front of the mob, "Looks pretty weak to me! I wonder how they even survived the villain attack!"

Some people laughed. I could feel my breathing quicken.

"You know," someone began, "if one of us ranks in the top we could be transferred into the hero course. That just means that someone has to be transferred out."

Eyes. Glaring. Blaming. Laughing. 

All. At. Me.

Everything was getting fuzzy. Why..? Why!? Why were they all looking at me!?

Whispering. Laughing. Blaming.


All I could see was black.


(Narrator POV)

Izuku's eyes filled with tears. He looked down at the ground trying to avoid the sharp gaze of his peers. He shook as his mind began to cloud. The next thing anyone knew was that he was on the floor, covering his ears with the palms of his hands. 

"Izu..?" Shoto said, kneeling down next to him.

Izuku didn't respond. He couldn't. The panic had taken control.

"Izuku! Calm down.." Shoto said placing his hand on Izuku's shoulder.

Izuku flinched away at the touch and began to shake harder.

Someone from 1B pushed their way through the crowd and knelt down next to Izuku.

"Midoriya-kun.." Kinoko Kumori whispered, "Breath.."

Now students were starting to notice. Some were backing away, while the dumb ones were getting closer.

"Can everyone please head to lunch?" A strong voice rang out. That voice belonged to Itsuka Kendo. 

"Thanks Kendo-san." Shoto smiled at the red-head.

People started creeping away and Izuku still doesn't calm down. 

"Should we have Shinsou-kun come here?" Kinoko asked in a small voice, using all her power to not scare the panic-filled boy. 

Shoto nodded and Itsuka ran off to find him. Minutes later Hitoshi came rushing to the scene. Most of class 1A was gone by now, but a few of them were still staying behind to make sure Izuku was okay.

"What happened!?" Hitoshi yelled as he dashed toward the small cluster of people.

Izuku flinched at the sound, so Hitoshi frowned.

"A mob was waiting outside our classroom to basically challenge us. Izu's already in a more... fragile state because of the USJ." Shoto explained.

Hitoshi's face went dark.

"Oh those sick bastards.." He said, cracking his knuckles.

"Shinsou-kun..! Please don't get violent!" Kinoko pleaded, "It won't make anything better here or there!"

Hitoshi sighed at the mushroom girl. 

"Fine. But only because I care about Izuku."

Kinoko smiled gratefully at him before asking, "Is there a parent you can call to let them know what's going on?"

The rest of the 1A kids had left when Shoto was explaining what had happened. Hitoshi looked around. Only one person. Two if Kendo got back in the next minute.

"Yeah.." Hitoshi looked up, "But only if you promise not to tell anyone!"

Kinoko looked confused. Why would she tell anyone who Shinsou-kun's parent was? Why was it that important?

"I promise..?"

Hitoshi smiled at her before typing in Hizashi's number on his phone.

A moment later a voice picked up.

"Hey kiddo! What's going on?"

"Hi Papa- Izuku's having a panic attack in front of 1A. Could you come..? It's gonna be hard without dad but.."

"Yeah! I'm on my way! I'm texting Chiyo so we can bring him to her!"

"Thanks Papa. See you soon."

Hitoshi put his phone down. Seconds later they heard running from down the hall.

Kinoko's jaw dropped, "Present Mic is your dad!?" She whisper screamed.

At this point, Hitoshi would have laughed, but seeing as his brother was in the midst of a panic attack he couldn't really bring himself to do it. 

"What happened!?" Hizashi whisper shouted.

"There was a mob of sick bastards outside of 1A trying to challenge them in the sports festival." Hitoshi grumbled.

Hizashi glared at the wall, cursing under his breath.

"Let's get him to Chiyo.. She can help. I'll also see if I can get Hound Dog in there." He explained while texting for Hound Dog to go to the medical office. 

Shoto carried Izuku in his arms as Kinoko bowed and left for lunch. She wouldn't tell a soul about what had happened that day. 

They reached the medical office and set Izuku down on one of the beds. Chiyo checked him over for any self inflicted harm such as scratches or marks for digging nails into the skin. When she found nothing she let Hound Dog take over in helping Izuku calm down. Shoto, Hitoshi, and Hizashi made sure to pay close attention as they wanted to be able to help calm him down in the future.

After about five minutes, Izuku had calmed down and fallen asleep. He was going to be excused from his next class so he could take the time to rest. Shoto was going to be collecting the work that Izuku needed so that he could catch up with whatever the class did that day. When the bell rang, Shoto, Hitoshi, and Hizashi left Izuku with Chiyo so they could go to their next classes.

When Izuku went home that day, he and Hitoshi were alone. Hizashi had gotten a call and dashed out the door immediately with no explanation. Well, there goes him making dinner.. 

Hi there! I'm super happy to say that writers block has left me once again! Also, my friend brought up this little dilemma. How do you spell Uraraka's name? On the website it's spelled both Ochako and Ochaco. Bro. HOW!? I personally use the spelling with the K in it because that's how I've always written it, but like whatever. I'm rambling. Have a good day!

- Author-chan

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