Nice to Meet You!

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(Narrator POV)

By the time hero class was over, everyone was tired. Well- except for a certain purple-haired.. Hair..? Purple.. Well- he had purple on his head. Not the point.. Anyway! Minoru Mineta seemed to bound back to the locker room as hero class finished up. The rest of the class walked back with a little less purpose, but they were moving. 

Minoru had already gotten dressed by the time everyone else had made it to the locker room, and it was anyone's guess why.

"Look what I found guys! A blessing sent from our senpais!" He said while peeling back a poster.

There seemed to be a hole going straight through the wall leading to- oh shit.. That little pervert!

"Hey man- that's not very cool of you!" Denki exclaimed while crossing his arms.

Now, obviously Izuku had had enough. 

"Listen here you little pervert!" He fumed, "I don't know how you got into the hero course, especially with that attitude. I will be reporting you to Aizawa sensei, so it'll be his choice whether you stay or not. If I had it my way you would've been out of the door the second you started  your horrible attempts at flirting!"

With that, Izuku walked out of the locker room. Was he still in his hero costume? Yes. Did he care? No. He would get changed later. 

"Dad?" Izuku knocked on the door to the teacher's lounge, "Can I come in?"

The door opened to reveal Midnight, "Oh! Tenshi! Are you looking for Aizawa? Come on in!"

Izuku walked in and stepped over to his dad, who was currently in his bright yellow sleeping bag. 

"Dad. I need to talk to you about Mineta."

"What happened..?" Shota grumbled, sitting himself upright.

"He's been flirting with all the girls. There was also a hole in the locker rooms under a poster that lead to the girls locker room. He tried to look through it, but the rest of the boys stopped him. I think."

Shota sighed. God he hated perverts. "I'll deal with him. I'll put him in therapy with Hound Dog."

Midnight chimed in, "Ooh! Since we're talking about therapy, we need to get that Bakugou kid in anger management! He lashed out at least three times during class!"

"Yeah- Kacchan can be a bit crazy sometimes.."

"Izuku- you need to head to your elective. They start in three minutes."

"Oh shoot! Thanks dad! See you later! Bye!" Izuku exclaimed while racing out the door. He quickly through his uniform on over his costume as he didn't have time to change. Izuku hurried to Recovery Girl's office for his elective. He wanted to join the first aid and medical elective because he thought that it would make him a much better hero if he knew how to do first aid. 

When he entered the room he was greeted by Recovery Girl and a few other students. None of the students were from his class, as most of the students in his class had decided to do a super fun elective. 

"Good afternoon everyone." Recovery Girl smiled, "Let's all introduce ourselves with names, classes, and pronouns. We won't be needing to know anyone's quirk for this elective, so you don't need to share it. My name is Chiyo Shuuzenji but you can call me Recovery Girl. I use she/her pronouns and I'm the nurse here at UA."

"Ah hello!" A girl with blond hair said, "I'm Ayame Niwa! She/her pronouns, and I'm in class 1F!"

Oh look! It was the quiet kid from before. I guess Izuku wasn't the only one from class A in here. 

"I-I'm Koji Ko-da.. I use he/him and I-I'm in class 1A.." He said at barely a whisper.

"Shiki Yamagata, they/them, class 1F!" Someone with purple and blue hair smiled.

"Izuku Midoriya! I use he/him pronouns and I'm in class 1A! I'm glad to meet you!" Izuku said, slightly bowing.

"I'm Takeshi Yokota. I use I/my pronouns but you can use he/him pronouns when referring to me! I'm in class 1G!"

Izuku laughed a bit at the joke Takeshi had made. The others looked at the two with bank confusion while they laughed at the joke. Recovery Girl got it after a few seconds and smiled.

"Wonderful! Now that we all know each other, let's begin!" She grabbed a stack of notebooks, "Everyone, take one of these. You'll be taking notes in them for the next few weeks, so make sure you treat them nicely!" 

It seemed like only a minute later when the class had ended. Izuku walked out into the hall to find Shoto waiting for him.

"How was art class Sho?" Izuku smiled as they walked to their lockers.

"Fun.. We drew flowers." Shoto smiled, "How was First Aid?"

Izuku beamed, "It was amazing! Recovery Girl explained how her quirk worked and we got to learn all about..." 

Izuku started mumbling about how amazing the class was as Shoto looked at him with a soft smile on his face. God he was perfect.

"Shoto!" A voice rang out from down the hall. 

Shoto and Izuku turned around to see a white and red haired girl running toward them.

"Fuyumi? What are you doing here?"

"Sorry to bother you, but mom wanted to see you! It's something about you getting into UA. She wants to congratulate you!" Looking towards Izuku, "Oh- sorry! I'm Fuyumi Todoroki, Shoto's older sister!"

"It's lovely to meet you! I'm Izuku Midoriya!" Izuku smiled.

Fuyumi's smile grew wider, "You're the famous Izuku we've heard about?! Shoto talks about you all the time!"

Izuku noted that Shoto had a light tint of pink on his face and laughed, "I guess that's me! Sho talks about you quite a bit as well!" 

"Oh! You should come with us! Mom would love to meet you! Say, do you think Aizawa-kun and Yamada-kun would let you..?"

"I would love to join you! Let me just text them really quick.." Izuku explained as he pulled out his phone.

A few seconds of happy conversation later and Izuku had gotten his answer. 

"Alright! I can go! Sho and I just need to get our backpacks and we'll be ready!"

"Wonderful! I'll go wait in the car!"

The three separated as Izuku and Shoto walked to the lockers to grab their bags. When they went out to the car Izuku and Shoto got into the back seat while Fuyumi drove. They made their way to the hospital Rei was living in. 

As they walked up the stairs Izuku chuckled.

"What's so funny?" Shoto asked.

"Oh nothing." Izuku answered, "I just think it's funny that I've known you all these years and yet I'm only meeting your family today."

They all smiled at that comment as they reached the door to Rei's room. When they walked in, Rei took one look at the three and smiled,

"So you're the famous Izuku I always hear about when Shoto comes to visit."

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