22 1 1

'Y/n! Wake up! We're going shopping!'
'Eugh! 10 more minutes lily!'
'No! You lost! Now get up!' Lily slammed my door. I got up and changed clothes + did a quick makeup. You see, me and lily played a game yesterday on the plane on our way to Californian. If lily lost she would follow me to my karate lesson and my workouts for a whole day. (I train pretty much so I was fit) If I lost we were going shopping and I would pay for everything. We played this game to see how we would spend our first day back in California. and I lost so here we are.

We got out and i had to drive, little bitch.
'Ohh can we listen to music?'
'No.' I replied without looking at her.
'Wrong!' She connected her photo to the car and played a terrible song, so cheesy.
'This song sucks! Could you at least choose something I also like?'
Finally, we were here. It was a long time ago I was at this shopping center. It looks the exact same. I looked up at the sun and took a deep breath. I missed California.

Me and Lilly pretty much spend the whole day at the shopping center. When it was lunch time we got to a sushi restaurant in the shopping center. We ordered and now we sat at a table waiting for our food.

'I missed being here' I looked at lily.
She sighed and looked at me.
'Me too' we were always here before. But we moved, we moved because we couldn't stay here. I got important and big competitions and lily got a job in LA. I missed everything about this place, the weather, the people, the city but the thing I missed the most was my friend. Mine and Lily's friend Noah. We have known him as long I can remember.

I still text him everyday, with no answers. I wonder how's he is doing right now? If he still even remembers me? He have got a lot more famous since I saw him. I wonder if he still thinks about me as much I think about him? He's like my brother.

I got interrupted my my own thoughts.
'Y/n?' Someone whispered.
'Y/n' is that you? This time I recognize that voice. I turned around.
I think my jaw hit the floor while I got two arms tight around me.

It was Noah.

Hey! Sorry for this short part, but uhm I hope you guys like the story and the story line so far. I'm not very good at this so if you have any tips I would love to hear them!

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