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Finn's pov:

When I walk into mine and y/n's room I can see her laying in the bed, she's sleeping. I hope she doesn't give a fuck about what Noah said. I'm glad she will try, that means she's willing to do something for her own mental health and status.  That warms my heart. I lay beside her and raps my arms around her. I snuggle into her. Best time of the day.

Y/n's pov:
I took my sleeping meds. I wouldn't let Noah stop me. I will do anything to not get trapped into that place. Yeah, it's nice being there and seeing everyone. But being forcibly admitted there was a nightmare. I couldn't see people, times when I could go out and not. More meetings, medicines, weird lists on stuff you had to follow. I hated it in there. I will do everything to success. Then I fall asleep.

Next morning I woke up and feel finn hugging me. Cute. I turn around to his face and kisses his nose.
'Morning princess' finn says and yawn.
'Morning handsome' I yawn.
'Wanna go do something today?' I ask
'Wouldn't you supposed to not be stressed?' Finn giggles.
'Oh sorry wait *clears throat* do you wanna do something not stressed with me today?' I giggle
'Sure princess' finn kisses me
'Then let's get up and eat breakfast' I say
'5 more minutes?' He hugs me harder.
'Sure wolfhard' I giggle.

Me and finn got downstairs and ate breakfast.
'Hey guys me and y/n leaving for a while!' Finn yells
'Sure!! Just stay safe and not stressed!' Sades says.
'I will!' I giggle and me and finn left.
'Where are we going love?' Finn asks
'Helene's island' I look at him
'Ohhh I liked that place!' Finn says excited.
'Yeah i know, that's why were going there!' I giggle.

Me and finn got to the parking lot and parked. We got out and walked to the boat that leaves in 30 minutes. I see Anthony standing there as always collecting tickets as always. Me and finn goes and buy two tickets. Then we walk up to Anthony.
'Hey welcome- oh hey y/n!!' He hugs me
'Hey Anth!' I hug him back
'So you and your 'friend' are back here?' He smiles at me
'Yeah pretty much!' I giggle
'Well sorry- boy-friend' Anth giggle and smiles at finn.
'You two are cute together! Anyways have a nice trip goals couple!' Anth laughs and me and finn walk on the boat.
'That guy is funny' Finn's says as we sit down.
'Yeah he is' I giggle.
Soon the boat left and we was soon at the island. Me and finn got to the same place no one knew about.
'Are you actually gonna get in the water this time?' Finn giggles.
'Sure thing.' I giggle
Me and finn take off our normal clothes we had over and I started walking towards the water. I turn around and see finn just staring at me.
'Something wrong?' I ask him
'No nothing. I just have a fucking gorgeous girl' he smiles and we walk to the water.

Me and finn was there for a while alone and then finn dragged me over to the place we're everyone was

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Me and finn was there for a while alone and then finn dragged me over to the place we're everyone was.
I freak out. Why did I follow him here? But we got into the water and had a really good time. Then of fucking course i hear that bitch.

'So fatty y/n is now in bikini? I could never with that shape!' Sara giggles. And her disgusting friends too.
I turn around and start walking the other way but finn grabs my arm
'Stay here please' he says
'What are you gonna do if she leave? Lift her over here? Nah she's too heavy for that!' She giggles again.
Finn looked at me and saw those tears in my eyes. He knew they fucked up for moths for me.
' you'll regret that' finn says looking her dead in the eyes.
'What will you do? Slap a girl? A boy can't do that!' Her and her friends giggles.
' I can't, but y/n can' ye says looking at me.
I look at him shocked. Does he really mean I should slap her. I mean I kinda did if before but I could not right now, not right now.
'And you think fatty y/n would slap me-' he giggles end. Finn grabs my arm again and he uses my arm and slaps her across the face with all energy he has.
(He was like controlling my hand)
Her face turn red, then I saw tears in her eyes. I made Sara cry? This was the best moment I'm my life. Now she wasn't giggling, smirking at me. She was crying because of me. She swims off with her friends and me and finn got back to our place.
'That was fantastic finn, thank you' I say laying down.
'I mean you did the job!' Finn giggles
' I'm serious finn! Seeing her crying is the best medicine. And it was because of me she was crying' I said excited.
'Oh god y/n that girl have made to much damage on you' finn says giggling and snuggling me into his grip and we lay there for a while. It was to relaxing, exactly what I needed.

Okayyy it's been a stressed day, I've been gone since really early in the morning. Anyways here , have a chapter <3

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