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Finn's pov:
'Goodnight finnie' y/n said while passing me
'Goodnight princess' I answered with a smile.

That girl is so cute.

I got down to drink some water. And then I got up to my room again. I changed my clothes and get in my bed.

But every time I closed my eyes I could only see the paparazzis from earlier. The flashes, people swammling, microphones, phones flashing. I will never get used to that. 'Shit' I can't sleep. My phone says it's 1am. This is not really me, I had an easy time sleeping now for months. I didn't even notice how close I was having a panic attack. My bad was shaking, I was sweating, I breathed really fast and my vision was kinda blurry.

I just wanted to be in those warm, calming arms, I wanted to be in y/n's arms. She made me calm. But she's probably sleeping.
Wait-the balcony!
I got up and got to the balcony, but today. She wasn't there. I walked over to her room. What if she just like says 'no' and I have to go embarrassed out again? Or what if lily wakes up? I started to panic more. I'm just gonna do it now!
I walk in. Soundless I get over to what I think it's y/n's bed. She's sleeping. She looks adorable with the hair on her face.
'Y/n?' I wished
She sits up.
'Oh hey what's up?' She says looking at me tired.
'Can I sleep with you?' I say kinda anxious.
'Of course finn, what happened?' She moves aside so I can lay down.
'No it's just-' I feel embarrassed. I should be used to all the paparazzis and they shouldn't freak me out like that.'
'It's okay, talk to me' she smiles.
'Every time when I close my eyes all I can see is those paparazzis, the flashes freaks the fuck out of me! But I feel like you shouldn't have to be a part of my problems-' she cuts me off.
'Hey!hey it's okay, come here' she hugged me. God I love her hugs. I laid my head on her chest and she stroke my back until I fell sleep. Piece full sleep.

When I woke up y/n was not there, but she left a note.

Hey it's y/n
I'm going for a run.
Coming back soon!<3

I smiled. That girl is everywhere. I got up and got to my room to get some clothes. When I go downstairs it's empty. Then I see one more note.

'Everyone left to get food,
Call if you need anything finn'

They left me, too?! God now I was alone. But then the door opened. It was y/n. A smile spread on my face.
'Oh hey finn! You awake now?' She giggled
'Oh hey and yeah' I giggled back.
'Thanks for yesterday, I don't know what I would do without you there.' I look at her
'Probably not sleeping for sure' she giggled and headed upstairs. I love her giggle, it's so adorable and the little smile it's so cute. Shit I'm in love with that girl. She probably don't like me tho, who would like to be with a celebrity that literally can't handle paparazzis?! I mean like she's used to them and I've been famous my whole life. Y/n got famous a couple of years ago on a modeling and karate competition. Finn you are fucking embarrassing.
After I a while everyone came back with food. Mc Donald's! Fuck yeah! Jack knew what I wanted so I got what I always take. When everyone got food I see y/n. She's not eating, she's sitting in the sofa scrolling on her phone. I walk over to her.
'Did they forget to bring you food?' I giggle.
'No they didn't, Noah bought the food I always takes but I'm not going to eat that' she giggled too.
'Why not? You changed your favorite food?, you can have some of mine!' I give her my fries.
'It's not about that finn, I'm not aloud to eat any kind of fast food' she giggles again.
'Says who?!' I giggle too
' my modeling coach' she giggles
'Fuck your modeling coach! Everyone needs to have fast food!' I handle her my fries again.
'No finn I can't take that risk' now she's serious.
'Come on y/n. A bit of fast food doesn't do anything!' I hand the fries closer.
'Nope! Not today dad!' She stand up, pokes my nose and go upstairs.
That little kid.
I go back to the others and eat the rest of my food. I go to y/n's room, I wanna hang out.
I knock and then go inside.
'Hey y/n what's up?' I sit by her side in the bed.
'Not much, reading a book' she answers without taking attention to me.
'Cool' I say and leave.

I just want her to like me back.

Y/n's pov:
I got upstairs, I had too. Or otherwise I would have eating that fast food. My coach would been hell if she find out that. She could fire me! I sit down and read a book. Finn comes in my room.
'Hey y/n what's up?' He says sitting down.
'Not much, reading a book' i answers.
'Cool' and just like that he leaves.

I just want him to like me back.
He seems so chill and attention less. I don't think he will understand that either. He could have any girl he want, they are practically running after him. Why would he want me? God y/n. You fucked up, you fucked up bad. "Don't get attached" great fucking job y/n. And now, he doesn't like you it will hurt like a bitch because you got attached!

I write all that in my diary. I just need to get it off me. Then I go downstairs to drink some water and get up again. It's pretty late by now. I hope with my whole heart I can sleep. Like yesterday. It was adorable when finn came and wanted to sleep with me. I could feel his anxiety tho. But after a while of comforting him it seemed to be better. Then he fell asleep, he rapped his arms around me, co cute.

I don't think that will happened today, I mean everything's been fine. But I did it, I fell asleep. And this time, it was a sleeping that I think it's for everyone else. I was so relaxing, my brain felt calm. Just like when I'm laying on the balcony and hear the cars, people swammling and the birds quittring. So satisfying.

This was a bit longer than the other! I promise it will get more interesting but this is the parts I also have to do!! <3

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