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' First thing first I'm not gonna get out second of all your the asshole here finn' jack say sitting down on his bed.
'I'm the asshole? Really?' Finn looks up annoyed.
'Yeah, I mean you blamed the girl that loves you more then anything to like go on a date with someone else when it wasn't a date!' Jack giggles
' huh?'
' yah and she was only on my back cause I was running after her and she tripped on a big rock and got a big ass wound on her knee so she couldn't walk!' Jack giggles again.
'FUCK I messed up!' Finn smashes his head into the wall.
' you didn't, or you did But that girl still loves you as much like before' jack says
' you serious?' Finn looks at him happy.
'Yeah, I said to her that you are crazy about her and she-'
' YOU SAID WHAT?!' finn yells
'CLAM DOWN! she said this!' Jack take out his phone an okay a video from tonight when we were talking.
Jack: yeah his crazy about you! *jack laughs*
Y/n: yeah I'm kinda crazy about him too *y/n laughs*

Jack stops the video. He sees Finn's face go red.
'Someone is blushing!!' Jack laughs as hell.
'Oh shut up-' jack phone rings.

'Jack you gotta get down here I can't walk without your help and the others don't wanna help me!!' Y/n says
' what if I don't wanna help you?!' Jack laughs
' oh fuck off son and come and help me!!' Y/n hangs up.

' I gotta get down help her' Jack laugh
'but then you gotta talk to her!' Jack laughs again and leave him there.

Y/n's pov:
Jack comes downstairs.
'Hey son now help me to my room please' I laugh
'Sure MOoOm' jack helps me to my room.
' thank you Jack' I smile at him
'Anything for my MoOOm!! Jack laughs and I give him the middle finger and laughs. He leaves and I'm sitting reading my book.

It takes a while until my door knocks.
'Come in!'
Finn opens the door and walks in. I just smile at him and he sits down with me.
'I'm sorry' he says.
' it's okay I'm sorry too' I say
'I shouldn't just have left without leaving a note and I can understand what it looked like me being on his back while we're both laughing asf, I get it and I'm sorry' I feel a bit guilty.
' I'm sorry too. I should've listened to what you had to say and not just freak out. But it was kind of hard when I see the girl I love the most in the world with my best fiends back behind gone all night' he giggles
' you got nothing to be sorry for, I wouldn't either be very happy you coming in with like Millie or Sadie on your back laughing and having fun after a whole night' I giggle
'Im sorry' I say.
'Now tell me. What happened this night?' I pull him into a pig hug and we both lay down.
'What?' He says confused
'The panic attack?' I look at him.
'Oh yeah-' he takes a deep breath.

' I had a nightmare' he says
'About?' I ask
'Paparazzis' finn giggles

And I start laughing so hard. Then we both stops and looks in each other's eyes. He's eyes are so pretty, to shiny.
'You are fucking adorable y/n/l'
And then he kisses me on the lips. Soft and I can feel him smiling thru it. I pull away slowly and look at him.
'And you are fucking handsome wolfhard' I smile and kiss him again.

We both pull away and smile at each other.
'Let's go down finn says and stand up'
'I think you forgot I can't walk you idiot' I laugh
'Oh come on princess you love me' finn helps me walk.
'Oh you know I do' I kiss him on the cheek and we go downstairs to everyone else.

We all play video games and watch movies and just having fun in the living room. I see jack sitting in the sofa so I kiss finn on the cheek and on some way walk on my own over to jack.
'Hey jack' I say sitting down
'Hey y/n! You guys good?' He smiles
'Yes! And do you know what he did' I say happy?
'I swear if you say he kissed you-' he looks disgusted at me.
'WE DID' I say happy
'Ewuu MOoOm!' Jack says pretending to throw up!
I push him in the face
' oh come on son be happy for me' I play dramatic too
Jack laughs and look at me
'Ofc I am! I'm happy your happy mom!' Jack hugs me and I walk over to finn again.

This is also a bit short but I liked this anyway!!! Drama over !!  for now ;)

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