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Y/nofficial: me and finn wanted to tell the world but I guess the paparazzis already did

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Y/nofficial: me and finn wanted to tell the world but I guess the paparazzis already did. Yeah, me and finn are dating. We have been a thing for a couple of moths now and I love that boy <3

Milliebobbybrown: ugh the paparazzis really had too?!
^ i know SO annoying
Jaedenweasly: ohh bestie got a boyfriend!! <3
Jackdylangrazer: mom got a boyfriend!! <3
Sadiesink: cuteee <3
Finnwolfhard: my princess <3
Fan1: omg cuteeee
Fan2: kys
Sara.Sara: kys

Sara: kys Fan3: OMG HOW CUTE?!

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Finnwolfhard: as y/n said. We wanted to tell the world first but the paparazzis was faster. We have been dating for a while and I love that girl <3

Calebmclaughin: congrats bro!
(I Donna have to spell that last name)
Gatenmatarazzo: eyyy!
Noahschanpp: treat her well bro!! :)
Y/nofficial: my man <3
Jaedenweasly: congrats brooo!!!

The next morning was the worst, I had to go to my MHS. I like it there cause everyone understands me and they really help talking too. But this time, she was mad. This would be a nightmare. I tried to get out of the bed realizing I couldn't move cause finn was wrapped around me.
'Finn I-'
'No' he says half sleeping
'I need to get up finn!' I giggle and tries to get out of his grip.
'I don't want you tooooo' finn says.
' but I can't be late!!' I say
'Fine.' Finn let me go.
'Thank you handsome' I giggle and kisses his forehead and then leave. I got dressed and then went to the car. I was about to pass about on my way to my therapists 'office'. What would she say? I came in and she sat there
'Hello y/n.' She says seriously
'Hi' I answer and look at her.
' so we'll start by taking a couple of blood tests and stuff like that' she says.
'Mkay sure' I nodded.
She came with a doctor and he took blood tests and a couple of other scans.
' we will get the results in 20 minutes you can stay here I'll be back soon with the results' she says walking out.

I'm shitting myself soon. That tests show my stress. It shows by brain data ( like how it's going inside there) and it sees sleeping routines and just like sees if your and healthy person to yourself. And I've not been that. That's my I'm shitting myself soon. After a while she came back looking serious.
'We've got the tests' she sits down.
'And it shows?' I ask
' I think you'll have to forcibly admitted you here for a while' she says.

My heart shattered.  I was being forcibly admitted here before and it was the worst part of my life. I would rather live with my dad.
'What-?' I say
' y/n you are not healthy person to yourself. Your overstressed, exhausted and undersleept. You could have an heart attack any second.' She's serious.
'How long?' I say looking at her.
'6 months like last time' she says
'No I say with tears in my eyes'
'It's for your best'
'It's not. It's not.' I say as tears are streaming down my cheek.
' it is y/n, it is.'
' is there anything I could do?' I say sobbing
'I don't think you can'
' please, there has to be something'
'Well- we are planning on patienting you in 3 weeks. If you could get all the work done we'll be going here for 6 months it could work' she says.
'But I don't think that's possi-'
'I can do it. I will do it.'
' I don't think it will-'
'I wanna try at least'
'Okey, okay. I will sent you a mail with rules and if you come back after 3 weeks with the same test results you had after those 6 months last time you don't have too'
'Okay thank you' I leave the room wiping my tears.

I need some alone time right now. I wanna go to a beautiful place, somewhere relaxing. To let my feeling burst out. Without anyone I ate about being my therapist. I walked into a forest, I always used to go here when my dad was flipped. So I was here often. I could the way to it. It was so beautiful cause the trees made like a circle with a hole out where the sun shines inside the darkness. It was so relaxing beautiful. I love it here, I've always loved it here.

Y/nofficial: well fuck, I got 6 moths again

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Y/nofficial: well fuck, I got 6 moths again.

Lilydisher: Holy fuck y/n.
Noahschanpp: Fucking sake y/n

( Noah and lily was the only ones knowing what it was cause they was with you last time it happens duhhh)

Jaedenweasly: 6 months of what?!
Milliebobbybrown: 6 moths what?!
Sadiesink: why fuck? What 6 months? WHAT IS GOING ON?!
Jackdylangrazer: 6 moths of?!!?
finnwolfhard: 6 moths y/n? What is going on love?
Fan1: holy shit y/n
Fan2: slut
Sara.Sara: hah fuck you
Fan3: WHAT?! how is that possible?!

I could here my phone explode. But I couldn't care less about that right now. I needed to get 6 moths word down to 3 weeks.
What have I done?

Finn's pov:
'Hey guys!!!'
'What the fuck does 6 moths mean?!'
'Yeah Noah and lily?!' Jack yells
Noah and lily look at each other.
I don't know if y/n want you guys too know-'
'Okay then. Sit down' lily says.

We all sit down and lily and Noah starts explaining.
' well, we all here know y/n has a therapist she goes too right?' They all nod.
'Well 2 years ago y/n got forcibly admitted there for 6 months.'
'Why?' Sades ask.
'Cause she was dangerous for herself. She was stressed out, her brain didn't work as it should, her body was completely exhausted. She couldn't handle herself.'
'And I think she's getting forcibly admitted again, for 6 months' Noah ends it.
'But how could she be-'
'Wait, the model show. She's never been home always been busy and being working all. The.time.' Gaten says.
'Did she even get sleep on that?' Jack asks and everyone looks at finn.
( Cause ya sleep together ya know)
' she didn't, she would just keep following her rules even on night. I say looking down.
They looked shocked.
'How often can you visit?' Mills asked.
'We don't really know. Last time it was ones a week.' Lily says.
'That mean we will see her 24 times in 6 months. That's fucking insane' I say looking terrified.
'That's like seeing her a month straight and then she'll be gone for 5 moths' jack adds.

Y/n's pov:

I walked into the house. Everyone stared at me.
'What is going on?' I said
'They know now' Noah says
'Know?' I ask
'About the forcibly admitting' lily says
' oh mkay' I say don't minding it.
'You not sad' mills ask.
' not really, I won't get in' I say
'But your forced???' Jack adds.
'But there is a change I can stop that from happening' I say.
'And that is?' Finn says
'I've have to do all the work I did in 6 moths in 3 weeks. If I have the same results then like I had when I got out last time I don't have to' I say.
'Y/n that's impossible! Don't you remember it? It was soooo close you had to stay 2 more months?!' Noah says.
'Well thanks for believing in me I hope you will be having fun without me for 6 months' I say and I walk upstairs.
' well that was not very smart Noah' finn says.
' you need to start believing in that girl' lily says.
'Lily it's impossible! She couldn't handle herself for almost a year, and now she's trying to fix it in 3 weeks?!' Noah says
'Well. Your a shitty friend' Gaten says.

Finn got upstairs into our room.

Mkay!!! I won't update tomorrow (just maybe) cause I'm gone the whole day!! I'm sorry for that. And school starts again soon so it will take a lot of my time. But on weekends I'll try upload those 8 episodes per day!!! <3

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