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'Noah' I said hugging him back.
I felt my tears in my eyes.
'I missed you so much' he burrows he's face into my chest' I can feel this tears.
'I missed you more' I picked up his face and looked at him.
'Why didn't you answer my texts?' He looked sad at me.
'Hey! You were the one not answering my texts!' I was a bit angry.
We both looked at each other and giggled.

Noah went over and hugged lily too. They said a few words. Then he went over to me again and hugged me.
' I missed your hugs Noah' I whispered.
'I missed your hugs to deepshit" he looked at me and giggled.
'Hey! Watch your mouth! I laughed
'Okay mom!' He rolled his eyes and giggled.
'I got much to learn you son' I laid my hand on my chest and looked worried to make it more dramatic.
We all three laughed.
Then I noticed two boys staring at us. I haven't notice it before now cause I was so interrupted by Noah.

Noah saw me looking at the boys confused.
'Oh yeah right, I forgot' he stood up and made the two boys walk over to us.
One of the boys were short and had brown curly hair and a big smile on his lips. The other one was much taller also brown hair and beautiful brown shiny eyes.

'This is Gaten!' Noah pointed at the shorter guy.
'And this is finn!' He pointed at the taller one with the beautiful eyes.
'Hey!' The boy named Gaten said.
'Hello!' The taller one named finn said.

I didn't know what to say or how to act. I hate new people, there always so judging and mean. They make my anxiety go sky high.
'O-oh uhm hi- hi I'm y/n' I tried to give them a weak smile. It didn't work very well but it was the best I could do.
I saw Gaten looking confused at Noah.
'Yeah, she gets really nervous around new people' Noah laughed a bit.
But the other boy named finn just looked at me. His face looked so kind, i could see that he understood me.
'Yeah' I said kinda embarrassed.
'It's okay I know how it is.' finn smiled warmly at me.
Noah just looked confused at him.

'Wanna go to my house?' Noah asked.
'I mean sure! Why not!' I said standing up
'But we weren't done shopping!' Lily said standing up.
' 1. I'm pretty tired of being in here. 2. I wanna be my son now after a long time 3. I don't think we got much money left to spend" I said walking over to Noah
' that won't be a problem if we steal' lily smiled
'Ha.ha very funny come on now!' I dragged her with me.

As we were walking to Noah's house ( he lived very close to the mall) I walked as near him as I could.
'You don't need to be nervous, there kind I promise!' Noah smiled at me.
'You know I hate it! And I can't control it!' I whispers but yelling at the same time (hope you get what I mean) and we pretty much walked the way home in comfy silence.

When opened the door to the house I meet a strong wind of people talking and having fun. I started to panic a bit. And to the door came 4 other people I didn't know. I looked at Noah with a 'fuck you' face
I got a 'I'm sorry' face back.
'Finn, Gaten and Noah hugged the other weird people while me and lily stood there awkward. One of the girls with brown pretty short hair saw us.
'Ooo hello! Who are these girls?' She came to us and wanted to hug me but I took a step back and slowly took out my hand. I hate psychical touch, from people I'm not comfortable with.
The girl looked at me confused but shaked my hand.
'Okey everyone quite!' Noah yelled.
It goes quite.
'This is y/n and lily! They're are my best friends from how long I can remember, I haven't seen them in a while so we wanted to hang out!' Every nods.
' I'm Sadie!' a red headed girl say.
'I'm millie' he girl with the brown short hair says.
'And I'm Caleb!' Says a tall man with pretty cool hair.
'And I'm jack!' A boy with very short curly hair says'

' h- hi everyone, it's nice to meet y-you all' I give them the same weak smile I gave the boys in the shopping center.
Lily just runs and hug all of them. Shes not scared at all. Sometimes i wish I was more like lily. Not scared for anything, loves people and attention and not insecure about anything. I'm not either, when I'm with Noah or lily. Because I know they wouldn't hurt or judge me. I don't get attached to people easy. Far in my body, far in my heart, i do. I just ignore the feeling cause I know when there gone it will hurt. Hurt like a bitch.

Okay, this one way longer' I hope you like the story line!

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