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Y/n's pov:
It seem like no one read it, phew! I sit and read my book again for a while. For about 1 hour.

Hmm? I think I wanna go to a place I call 'Helene's island' it's an island and it takes about 20 minutes with boat to get there. I think it was 4 times in a day. It goes a boat out to the island, with tourists. I've found a place on the island we're no one is, I don't think they know about it. I love it there. I close my book and change my clothes to a bikini with normal clothes over. That's is the only place I wanna swim, cause I'm all alone. I back my pack pack with some different food and a big bottle of water cause its hot outside today.
I take on my sunglasses and goes downstairs.

'Hey y/n I need to talk-' Millie get cuts off when she sees me with sunglasses on my head and a pack pack on my back.
'Where are you going?' She says.
'Oh mm- I'm just going for a trip' I answer her.
' a trip?'finn comes out the kitchen.
'Yeah I'll talk to you later!' I go to the hall
'Wow wow wow slow down young lady where do you think your going? I'm following' finn says.
'Ur not. I wanna go by myself.' I answer and putting on my shoes.
'Funny joke now what do I need with me?' Finn listens.
I sigh and tell him, much water and a bath suit.

'Alright let's go.' I say while dragging finn with me.
We walk for about 10 minutes before we are at the pay place to get on the boat.
'It will be 20$ please' the man says.
'Yeah here-' finn pushes my hand away and give him his money instead.
'Seriously?!' I say annoyed at finn
'So what?' Finn giggles
'I could've paid!' I'm still annoyed
'Well not when I'm around' finn laughs.

I drag him to the boat. The man that check our tickets recognized me, I'm not surprised cause me and my mom went her every weekend. It didn't go a week until we were back.
'Hey y/n!' Anthony says and hugs me!
'Hey Antony!' I hug him back.
'It was a long time ago you were here! I missed you and your mom!' He giggles.
'Yeah I missed begin here too.' I smile at him.
'Oh- yeah I forgot about that I'm sorry.' He gives me a guilty look but still smiles.
'No it's okay, I miss her too.' I smile at him and lucky for me I had my sunglasses on so he couldn't se the tears in my eyes.
'And who's this?-' he looks at finn
'Oh yeah right! This is finn, a friend!' I smile at him.
'Nice to meet you finn' Antony snakes his hand.
'You lucky having this girl as your friend she is really nice and kind!' Antony smiles at me.
'Thank you, and I hope I will see you more after! Bye Anthony!' I wave at him and me and finn walks on the boat.

Me and finn take a place and sit down and look out over the ocean.
'Who was that?' Finn says.
'It's an friend of me and my mom. When we lived here we used to go here every week. On Saturdays!' I smile at him with tears in my eyes he can't see cause of my sunglasses.
'You used to live here?' Finn looks at me.
'Yeah I grew up here. I moved to LA for about 1,5 year ago. Now I'm back' I smile at finn
'Oh cool' finn says
'But why don't you get with your mom here?' Finn asks confused.
My heart dropped. I know he don't know but why did he have to ask? I can't handle talking about this right now. Right in that moment we finally were there. Thank you boat for saving tears.

We get off and I lead finn to the place. It's like an whole in the island and there is like a little light blue pool in the middle. Around its stones. Some of the stones around are white. Me and my mom painted them. Our goal was panting all of them.

Me and finn lay our towels a couple of meters away from the water. We laid down on them. It was an comfortable silence.
'It's beautiful here' finn says.
'Yeah it is. I found this the first time I was here and from then, I go here when I wanna be alone.' I look at him
'Oh- I'm sorry' finn says.
'Finn it's okay, I like that you followed.' I smile at him.
He smiles back.
It goes quite again. For a while.
I take a deep breath and sigh.
'She died' I say not looking at finn.
'Wha- who?' Finn looked at me.
'My mom, she is dead' I just continued looking out the ocean.
'Oh-' finn crawls a bit closer to me.
'I'm sorry' he whispers.
'Don't be' i answers.

I'm gonna do it now. I need to get this off.

' you know' I had to take a deep breath.
'I never really had a family.' I need to focus on my breathing.
' my dad was alcoholic and then got to jail. My mom got depressed. And on that my little brother died right in front of my eyes. He shoot himself. Right in front of me, I can still see it. I still remember it. After this my mom also got alcoholic. She abused me, to get her anger on my dad out. A year later my dad got out of jail. Still alcoholic. He also abused me. But also sexually. Not just physically and mental. They used to fight all the time. Until one night. I was locket in my room and they were arguing like always. And my dad got angry at my mom, much more angry then any other time.'
I had to take a deep breath. I was shaking.
'He got a knife, i heard he got one. So I ran out and then right in front of me- he stabbed her. He stabbed her 8 times in her back. I saw it all. And after that I ran, I ran.
'I just fucking ran' I giggled while sobbing.
'Holy' finn just hugged me and I buried my face into his chest and cried my eyes out.
'It's okay, it's okay y/n' he whispered while stroking my hair. I take my breath and continue talking.
' I didn't take anything with me. I just ran. To the police, I told them everything. I lived by my own for a while but I just stopped going to school cause-' I stopped talking.
'Anyways I rang Noah and I could live with him here for a while. I also got online school there. Then me and lily moved to LA.'

Finn just looked at me and hugged me again. A long tight hug.

Okay, this ones also kinda long but I like it anyways. I hope it doesn't seem like a mess. See ya later! <3

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