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I got home at 4pm. I was ready for people screaming and yelling at me. Like losing there fucking minds. But when I walked inside everyone just ran to me and hugged me. Everyone except Sara.
'Are you okay y/n?'
'Are you hurt?'
'Where have you been?'
'Why didn't you answer?'
We have been worried?'
I pushed them away and didn't look at anyone.
'The the fuck out of my face. I said and walked upstairs.

The others didn't say anything, I guess there shocked. I slammed the door and sat on my bed. I rang Jae.
'Hey wassup y/n!' He said
' hey jae...' I said
'What's wrong?' He said sounding worried.
' can you meet me at the skatepark at 1am?' I ignored the question.
'She! Why tho?' He asked
'I just need to have some fun. See you there?' I said
'Yeah see ya!' He hung up.
I go sit "sleep" I just do that so finn can fall asleep so I can go then.

Finn comes in. He sits in the bed.
'I want to talk to you'
I don't answer
'I know you can hear me y/n'
I don't answer
' I will sit here until you answer'
I don't answer but I sit up.
' what' I look at him annoyed.
'Why did you do that?' Finn looks at me.
I don't answer.
'She is her.' I didn't look at finn
'She is who?' He said.
'Sara is her finn. They are the same person'
' I don't follow!? Explain!'
'Sara is her. Sara is the girl that have been torturing me my whole life!' I yelled.
Finn doesn't say anything.
'The girl that made me try kill myself.
That girl that made me move here.
That girl that made me get online school.
That girl that made me have if nightmares.
The girl that commented my weight.
That girl what cut my clothes.
The girl that made me cry at the mall.
The girl that made me insecure.
That girl don't want anything more then for me to kill myself, that girl that want me dead by myself.
Finn's jaw hit the floor. I check the clock. I stand up take my skateboard and go to the window, I don't wanna walk thru everyone downstairs. I don't wanna see her face.
'Where are you going?' He asked
'Out. With Jae, where going skating.' I said.
'He's the only one that wants to be with me.'
'Wait y/n-'
'Save it finn' I blown down and skate away.

Finn's pov:
I sit there for a while.
What have I done?
I messed up really fucking bad. Wait- that bitch is still in our house. I rush down, no one in this house talks like that to my love.
' ohh hey finnie boy!' I cut Sara off
'Get out of the house.' I look her dead in the eyes.
'What do you mean finnie boy?'
She stand up and faked cry while running out.

'Millie, Sadie, lily and Noah WTF' I yelled at them.
' finn what is wrong with you finn?!!' Noah and Millie yells.
Noah's face froze.
'W-was that Sara like Sara?'
'It was.' I looked at him
'SOMEONE EXPLAIN?!' Millie shouts.
'. OHH I WILL.' I yell

'You know that y/n is being homeschooled right?'
'She got homeschooled because Sara bullied her so bad that y/n tried to take her own life and doctors and therapists saw school as an risky place for y/n to be in because of Sara. Sara mostly bullied her for being fat. All the time. Called her stuff, throw stuff at her. Sara is torturing her mentally and psychically.
Y/n likes to swim, she just isn't want to be in bikini. Y/n likes dresses, just not how she looks in them. Y/n loves fast food, she didn't want to gain weight.'
They all looked at me in shock.

Y/s'a pov:
I saw Jae skating and I joined him.
'Hey!' I said
'Wassup!' He said
he walked over to the bench and sat down. I did the same.
'What wrong?' He asked
'Oh- I don't wanna talk about it I just needed someone to make me happy' I said
'But the others?' He asked
'They don't like me for the moment' I said
'Arguing?' He looked at me.
'Yeah' I whispered
Jae hugged me and then looked at me.
'Very good that you called me cause I'm really good making people happy y/n!' He dragged be up and we skated. Not only at the skating part. We skated around the whole town. It was awesome!

Finn's pov:
'Where is she now?' Lily asked
'She's out with Jae' I said
'JAE?!' Noah said
'Yeah they were going skating!' I said
'When y/n comes home we got as apologize cause I want my friend back!' Millie said
'And I want my mom back!' Jack said
'And I want my girlfriend back!' I said

We all laughed. Now we just had to wait. So we did what we always do. Watch TV, play video games, just talking, Millie and Noah was baking? Yeah it was like a little kids house.

I sat in the sofa waiting for that damn door to open. I wanna se y/n's face again. I wanted to hug her again. I miss her.

Okeyyy the worst drama is over, but y/n still hasn't forgiven them yet. We'll how this ends! <3

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